Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1046: Watching the Imperial Staff

The sky is clear and the sky is blue. The air quality in ancient times is good, so there is no need to worry about being destroyed by smog.

Zhu Ping'an, Feng Bao and other chamberlains and Jin Yiwei rushed to the Meridian Gate as if taking a walk to receive the imperial staff.

However, it looks like a spring outing. There were no shackles or ropes on Zhu Pingan's body. The chamberlains and guards were also very polite to Zhu Pingan, and he did not feel like he was being escorted to the Meridian Gate.

"It's almost the Meridian Gate. How long will Eunuch Feng continue to bend the law for personal gain and safety?"

When he was approaching the Meridian Gate, Zhu Pingan stopped, pretending to be helpless, and said to Feng Bao with a smile.

As a prisoner who was escorted to the Meridian Gate to receive the imperial staff, he couldn't walk to the Meridian Gate like this.

The people at Meridian Gate talk too much, and if someone with ulterior motives notices them, making a small report or something like that is no big deal to Feng Bao.

Feng Bao treated him favorably and even let him sit in a sedan chair during the journey. He couldn't let Feng Bao embarrass himself.

“It’s not too late to go a little further,” Feng Bao said.

"It's better to say goodbye. The Meridian Gate is full of people and it's very close to the Meridian Gate." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"Okay then, Mr. Xiao Zhu, please forgive me for offending the Za family."

Because it was indeed very close to the Meridian Gate, Feng Bao did not insist anymore, raised his hands and said apologetically to Zhu Pingan.

"Haha, my father-in-law is serious. He has been favoring himself all the way for Ping An." Zhu Pingan returned the gift with a smile.

"You all should be gentle."

Feng Bao gave instructions to the chamberlain and the royal guards who were taking action behind him.

Then, two chamberlains stepped forward and took off Zhu Pingan's official robe, leaving Zhu Pingan with the white gauze underneath. The Jin Yiwei then stepped forward and took out the rope, and skillfully tied Zhu Pingan's hands behind his back.

This is stipulated in the Ming Dynasty's legal system. Once an official angers the emperor and is punished by the emperor with a stick, the official will be stripped of his official uniform, his hands tied behind his back, and taken to the Meridian Gate for a stick.

It was less than a hundred meters away from the Meridian Gate. After tying his hands behind his back, Zhu Pingan and his party arrived at the Meridian Gate quickly.

There were many people at Meridian Gate, and many officials were already waiting to watch.

As soon as Zhu Ping'an arrived at the Meridian Gate, he saw Yuan Wei squeezing in the front. This guy must have come to see the fun on purpose. After seeing himself tied up at the Meridian Gate, this guy couldn't hide the gloating expression on his face.

Hey, who is the person next to Yuan Wei who is smiling more happily?

Zhu Ping'an squinted his eyes, oh, it turned out to be Ouyang Zishi, this guy is well-informed, oh, and the "macho man" Luo Wenlong was also there, when did the three of them go together.

Of course, not all of them are gloating about others' misfortunes, there are also many who look at them with admiration and reverence.

"Zihou, Zihou"

Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen were also in the crowd, shouting from a distance and looking at Zhu Pingan with worried faces.

Zhang Siwei also held medicinal wine and wound medicine in his hand, and Wang Shizhen held a porcelain bottle in his hand like a treasure. He didn't know what kind of treasure it contained.

"It's okay, don't worry, it's just twenty imperial staffs." Zhu Pingan smiled at them.

"You can still laugh. We are almost worried to death. This is the gallbladder of a five-step snake that I asked for. Please drink it and swallow it. Later, when you use the imperial staff, it will relieve the pain and help the wound heal." good."

Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei ran over quickly, twisted the porcelain bottle in their hands, and poured it into Zhu Pingan's mouth.

What? !

Snake gall!

"Wen Sheng, wait a moment"

Zhu Ping'an shivered in fright and shrank his head back. He didn't expect that he would also face this kind of situation.

Isn't this snake gallbladder raw? Do you have common sense? Snake gallbladder cannot be eaten raw. Snake gallbladder itself is very toxic. The toxins of snakes are mainly stored in the snake gallbladder. In addition, snake gallbladder is also full of parasites. It is very dangerous to eat it raw.

"What's wrong, Zihou?"

Wang Shizhen was very anxious, because the Jinyi guards on the side were urging them to leave to prevent them from interfering with the execution, so time was very urgent.

"Is it raw?" Zhu Pingan asked. If it was steamed snake gall, he wouldn't mind swallowing it.

Wang Shizhen nodded, "It's fresh and warm, so I killed it for the courage."

"Ahem, that Vincent, there's no need for snake gallbladder."

When Zhu Ping'an heard that it was fresh snake bile, he decisively refused. Snake bile is precious and life is even more valuable.

Zhu Pingan's refusal of snake gallbladder was interpreted by the onlookers as Zhu Pingan himself was brave and therefore did not need snake gallbladder. Suddenly, the onlookers' perception of Zhu Pingan was raised to a new level.

Zhu Pingan, a real man!

Zhu Pingan is really a bloody man.

Some of the onlookers admired Zhu Pingan even more. They didn't expect that this young man, who was young, had a bookish air, and seemed powerless, could have such bravery and courage. He was really incomprehensible.

Of course, all this was unknown to Zhu Pingan at the scene and was unexpected.

"Zihou, why are you trying to be so strong at this time?"

Wang Shizhen was angry and helpless, and soon the two of them were taken away from Zhu Pingan by the Jin Yiwei who maintained order.

I'm really not trying to be brave, and Zhu Ping'an is also helpless.

"Brother Zhu"

A familiar cry came from the crowd. Zhu Ping'an looked up and saw Li Shu, Baozi's maid Hua'er, and Qin'er dressed as men. Accompanied by Liu Dadao, Liu Mu, Liu Dachui and others, they hurried over. , Wang Xiaoer, who had rescued him from Langkou, was also there.

Then, their group was stopped five meters away by the Jin Yiwei who maintained order.

All right.

It's obvious at a glance that a woman is pretending to be a man. I really don't know how the plot of the TV series works.

"Why are you here?"

Zhu Ping'an looked at Li Shu and the others' tender skin, red lips and white teeth, and couldn't help but smile. Zhu Ping'an didn't want Li Shu and the others to come. He didn't want them to see him being beaten with a stick, for fear that they would see it. sad.

"You bad guys, what are you doing to stop us? You didn't see my young lady. No, it's my young master. He wants to see Mr. Zhu. Our young master is the young marquis of Linhuai Marquis Mansion. Why don't you get out of the way quickly?"

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid dressed as a man, bulged her cheeks and glared at the Jin Yiwei who was blocking her, like an angry hamster. When she said "Miss", Qin'er stretched out her hand and pinched her. Hua'er then Later, I remembered that the young lady, Qin'er and myself were disguised as men, so I quickly changed my name to the young master.

"The emperor's order is on my side, I'm sorry."

The Jin Yiwei who blocked them also saw that they were women disguised as men and kept a certain distance from them while blocking them.

"You are so brave, we paid you money."

Baozi's little maid's cheeks were bulging with anger, and she almost revealed the matter of getting some money in public.


You stupid girl, how can you say such a thing in public? Li Shu rolled her eyes at Hua'er, and then glared hard at Jin Yiwei who was blocking her. Then she took out a jade box from her sleeve, opened it, took out a piece of ginseng and handed it to Wang Xiao who was standing aside. Two, he gave an instruction in a low voice.

Wang Xiaoer took the ginseng and nodded, then shouted to Zhu Pingan, "Uncle, open your mouth."


Zhu Ping'an was stunned, why did he open his mouth?

Wang Xiaoer took advantage of Zhu Pingan's opening of his mouth, and with quick eyes and quick hands, he held the ginseng piece between his fingers and flicked the ginseng piece into Zhu Pingan's mouth.

The angle and strength were perfectly controlled, and the ginseng slices were delivered into Zhu Pingan's mouth just as if Zhu Pingan was feeding it to himself.

The ginseng slice fell into his mouth, and Zhu Ping'an recognized it immediately, "Well, ginseng slice, you can have this."

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