Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1061 Jinyi attacks, something bad will happen

After Zhu Ping'an recovered well, he stayed in the Linhuai Marquis Mansion and waited for the wind and waves to calm down. Anyway, he was accompanied by Li Shu, Hua'er and others. The orioles were buzzing, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. The house was so happy that there was no need to think about Shu.

It is expected that in a few days, the turbulent waves caused by Yang Jisheng's impeachment of Yan Song will calm down.

Zhu Pingan was very sure about this.

Three poles in the sun.

In the Linhuai Marquis Mansion, under the trellis of grapes and soaring flowers, a conversation of delicate whispers and lazy enjoyment came out. If you are familiar with the voices, you can recognize the voices of Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, and Zhu Ping'an.

"Is it deep, uncle?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Is this intensity okay, uncle?"

"Well, the intensity is just right, you can go faster."

"Are you comfortable, uncle?"

"Well, it's comfortable. My painting skills have improved, which is good."

"It's all taught well by the young lady."

A butterfly was attracted by the Lingxiao flower, flew gracefully to the pergola, flew up and down around the Lingxiao flower, and danced gracefully.

Under the pergola, there is a beauty's couch with three people on it.

Li Shu was half-lying on the beauty's couch, her back resting on the golden python-patterned pillow. Her slender hands held a hand-bound book titled "Coiling Dragon", and her dark eyes were looking at it with gusto. She has a graceful posture, a pair of slender jade legs spread horizontally, as white as jade, faintly exuding the fragrance of a girl.

Zhu Ping'an was also lying on the beauty couch, but he was lying on Li Shu's thighs as white as jade. One pig's hoof was placed honestly by his side, and the other big pig's hoof was dishonestly wrapped around Li Shu. The back of Shu's buttocks was blocked by Li Shu's body, and the movements of his hooves could not be seen clearly. However, from the white eyes that Li Shu sometimes rolled up, he could guess that the big pig's hoof wrapped around the back of his buttocks was definitely not dry. Good thing.

Zhu Ping'an was like a playboy, lying contentedly on Li Shu's lap, crossing his legs and squinting his eyes, looking extremely comfortable. The little maid Hua'er Duck sitting next to Zhu Pingan, a little fat hand gently pulled Zhu Pingan's ear, and a little fat hand held a silver needle goose feather stick, keeping the depth not shallow but not deep, slowly and slowly Turn the goose feather stick urgently.

Hua Hua~ Hua Hua~

Following the movements of the painting, Zhu Pingan felt incomparable, as if his pores were electrifying and dancing, so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.

I am happy here and don’t miss Shu.


The breeze blows slowly, and sleepiness gradually arises; the eyelids sink slightly and slowly narrow, the world closes at this moment.

At this moment, a burst of rapid and messy footsteps was heard, followed by a trembling cry from a distance.

"Miss, my uncle, something serious has happened. A group of vicious guards in uniforms came outside. They named me by name and said they wanted to arrest my uncle and bring him to justice. They showed no mercy at all. No one in the house dared to stand in the way. Only two of my uncle's followers were there. The front yard tried their best to block it, but the Jinyi Guards were so numerous that they couldn't stop them, their heads were bleeding and they were about to break in."

A little girl ran in panic from a distance, like a frightened bird, crying and reporting incoherently.

It was like a bolt from the blue.

Li Shu's heart palpitated, and the "Coiling Dragon" in her hand suddenly fell to the ground. Her whole heart was raised in her throat by the little girl's words, and she suddenly looked up at the little girl, "What?! Say it again. "

Baozi's little maid Hua'er's face turned pale with fright. Fortunately, her hands were still steady and she pulled the quill out of Zhu Ping'an's ears immediately.

"What's wrong?"

The little girl's trembling cry suddenly woke up Zhu Ping'an from his half-asleep state.

"Miss, uncle, someone is coming from outside." The little girl trembled like chaff, and spoke again with a trembling voice.

However, just after the little girl said a few words, another flurry of noisy footsteps came in, interrupting her words.

"It's not good, it's not good. Miss, uncle, something serious is going to happen."

"Miss, my uncle, there is a group of guards in uniforms who can kill thousands of people outside. They are like barbarians and can't speak human language. They even broke through the hanging flower door. Mrs. Zhang and the others stepped forward to stop her, but they were pushed hard. They also threatened to arrest my uncle and put him in jail. "

"Miss and uncle, Mrs. Zhang and the others can't stop them. They are about to break in. What should we do?"

After a burst of footsteps, five or six girls ran over in a panic. Their faces were red and blue with fright, as if they had opened a paint shop, and their voices were trembling like chaff. Wrong.

There was no need for the little girl to repeat herself. These girls talked about the matter again.

"What should I do?"

"Those royal guards are so fierce and scary."

"Uuuuuuuuah, what should I do?"

The yard became noisy, with cries and an atmosphere full of panic, as if the world was ending.

"Shut up! My husband and I are not dead yet!"

Li Shu casually grabbed the tea cup and threw it on the ground with all her strength. It shattered into pieces and filled the courtyard with panic.

Zhu Ping'an gently patted Li Shu's shoulder, walked down from the beauty couch, and stood in front of the girls. He looked calm and composed, and smiled slightly, "Calm down. Jin Yiwei is here to arrest me, not My captors, why are you more nervous than me?"

Zhu Ping'an's calmness infected everyone, and his words calmed down the frightened girls. Yes, my uncle is right. The Jin Yiwei are here to arrest my uncle, not us.

"Brother Zhu"

Li Shu bit her lip and looked at Zhu Ping'an worriedly. She was trying to stay calm just now, but actually she was very worried and scared in her heart.

"It's okay, don't worry." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and gently rubbed Li Shu's hair.

"Auntie, aren't you afraid?"

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, stood beside Li Shu, trying to cheer herself up, but her calves were still shaking a little.

"I'm not afraid. In fact, I'm more curious than afraid." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and replied softly.

Yes, Zhu Ping'an was very curious, wondering why Jin Yiwei suddenly came to Huaihou Mansion today to arrest him and bring him to justice. You must know that for the past half month, I have been recuperating at home. I never leave the house or take a step forward. I act like a good lady. What kind of crime can I commit?

It was said that he was interceding for Senior Brother Yang, but he had already been punished by the imperial staff.

You can't just settle old scores, right? !

No, no one will be punished. Emperor Jiajing is not such a person.

Besides, the first half of his plea letter made Emperor Jiajing Longyan very happy. Emperor Jiajing had no reason to settle old scores.

Why is that?

Revenge from the Yan Party?

Neither can.

Yan Song was very cunning. Even if he was dissatisfied with his plea for Senior Brother Yang and wanted to take revenge on himself, he still had to be wary of Emperor Jiajing and would not rush to take revenge on him at this time. At least, it will take some time.

Then why?

Zhu Pingan was puzzled.

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