Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1084 Hey, here comes another dog official

In front of the reception pavilion, when the dusty young magistrate opened the curtain of the carriage door and appeared in front of the officials and gentry of Jingnan County who came to greet him with a simple and honest smile, the hearts of the big bosses and local cowards who were born and raised in Jingnan County All with great contempt:

This county magistrate is not very old. He probably doesn’t even have hair on his head. He is not very tall and looks silly. Especially when he smiles, he looks even more silly. He looks like he is stupid because of studying. At first glance, he looks like a stupid person who studies too much. So covered and rubbed. If he's sensible and obedient, that's fine. If he's not, then join forces and send him out! If you don’t want to leave, send him to meet his predecessors! Anyway, it’s not just one or two people who are sending them away together.

They are all natives of Jingnan, and their relationships are complicated. They protect each other and show favoritism to each other. They have long been entangled into a community of interests. To them, they are their own family, and the new county magistrate is an outsider. How normal is it for family members to join forces to deal with outsiders? , brothers fight against each other, and resist their insults from outside. They know this well.

"Haha, Mr. Zhu County, the lower officials have been looking forward to the stars and the moon for your coming. As soon as I got the official document from the city, knowing that the county minister will take office today, all the squires and students in Jingnan volunteered to come to greet you. The arrival of the county magistrate."

As soon as Zhang Changru, the county magistrate of Jingnan County, got off the carriage in Juxian County, he was the first to greet him with a smile, his face full of enthusiasm, and his enthusiasm was hotter than the scorching sun in the sky.

"I've met the county magistrate."

Other officials, students, wealthy businessmen, squires and elders who were present followed Zhang Xiancheng to greet the new magistrate. They stood behind Zhang Xiancheng in a fan shape, like stars over the moon, with Zhang Xiancheng vaguely at the head.

"I'm sorry to disturb you all. It's so bad. The weather is still so hot and I'm tired of waiting for you all. I'm deeply ashamed of Ping An."

The young county magistrate took in everyone's performance and knew it well. He smiled honestly and bowed his hands to Zhang Xian Cheng and all the officials and gentry present.

This young and well-traveled county magistrate is none other than Zhu Ping'an. He reported to the Taizhou government office yesterday and rushed to Jingnan County to take up his post today.

To be honest, Zhu Ping'an doesn't like the tedious arrangements of taking over. He would rather go to the countryside below to learn about the customs and customs before entering the county government in a light vehicle and incognito. However, there is no way. In the feudal era, national laws and etiquette were the most important, and the etiquette titles in the officialdom were extremely Pay attention to it. If you don't pay attention, you will "lose your etiquette". In the light case, you will be fined and demerited, and in the serious case, you will be demoted and lose your official position.

There are established procedures and etiquette for the new magistrate's appointment, appointment, and seal acceptance. When you go to be appointed as magistrate of Jingnan County, you must first report to the Taizhou Prefecture Yamen of Jingnan County. After you report, the Taizhou Prefecture Yamen will report to Jingnan County. The government issued an edict and posted a red notice informing him of his arrival, but he did not have time to go deep into the countryside below. After receiving the notice, the Jingnan County Government prepared various etiquettes for visiting and worshiping. On the day of taking office, the officials of the County Government, together with local wealthy businessmen, squires and elders, etc., left the city in advance to receive the official pavilion. The process of connecting the newly-appointed magistrate to the city, followed by arranging the Yamen and receiving seals, etc., are all established etiquette procedures.

I have just arrived, and I am a guilty person. When I am not yet stable, I still have to be careful and follow the rules. If due to a trivial matter of etiquette, someone deliberately reports a breach of etiquette to the Taizhou government office, it will definitely create an inexplicable disturbance.

Bright and dark, far and near, I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at me now, waiting for me to make a mistake.

So it's better to arrive honestly and follow the established procedures.

"The words of the county magistrate are serious. Haha, it is true that everyone looks forward to the county magistrate as much as they look forward to their parents. When they heard that the county magistrate was coming today, everyone was so enthusiastic that even the lower officials could not stop him." County Prime Minister Zhang Changru smiled and shook his head.

"Yes, we have all been looking forward to the arrival of the county minister for a long time." Others also echoed, equally enthusiastic.

"Haha, I haven't introduced myself to the county magistrate yet. I will serve Zhang Changru as the county magistrate of this county." The county magistrate Zhang Changru introduced himself to Zhu Ping'an.

The county magistrate is equivalent to the deputy magistrate of the county seat. He is the auxiliary officer of the county magistrate. He is the real second-in-command. He is an official of the eighth rank appointed by the imperial court. His main responsibility is to be in charge of the county's documents, archives, warehouses, and grain stores under the leadership of the magistrate. Horses, taxes, etc.

"County Lord, this person is the chief registrar of this county. His surname is Yao and his given name is Wenyuan." After the county magistrate Zhang Changru introduced himself, he pointed to a gentle middle-aged official next to him and introduced him to Zhu Ping'an.

The chief clerk's rank is the ninth rank, and he is the assistant official of the county magistrate. It is roughly equivalent to the modern secretary of the county magistrate. He can be regarded as the third-in-command in the county. His main responsibility is to manage household registration, document processing and other matters in the county.

"Xiaguan Yao Wenyuan has met the county magistrate. When the county magistrate arrives, Wenyuan has a backbone in his heart." After the chief secretary Yao Wenyuan introduced the county magistrate Zhang Changru, he stepped forward to Zhu Pingan and bowed his hands to greet Zhu Pingan.

"Master Yao said something serious, Ping'an is ashamed. Ping'an is new here and lacks experience. I will have to rely on you all in the future." Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and said politely.

"County Lord, this person is the official historian of this county, and his surname is Li Mingda." After the county magistrate Zhang Changru introduced the master register, he then pointed to a middle-aged official with a beard, broad shoulders and round waist, and introduced him to Zhu Ping'an.

Dianshi was a miscellaneous official of the county magistrate, who was not yet in the mainstream. He was mainly responsible for arrests, inspection of prisoners, public security and other matters. He was equivalent to the current director of the county public security bureau. Although the rank of Dianshi was not high-ranking, he was still an official of the imperial court selected by the Ministry of Personnel.

"Li Da, a humble official, has met the county magistrate." Li Da, the official official, stepped forward to greet Zhu Pingan with an angry voice. He stood in front of Zhu Pingan, half a head taller than Zhu Pingan, but he did not bow, just lowered his head and squinted at Zhu Pingan.

When Liu Dadao and others saw that he was rude to Zhu Pingan, they were immediately displeased. Liu Mu reached out and pulled Liu Dadao's sleeve in time, signaling with his eyes that they should not act rashly, so as not to cause trouble to Zhu Pingan.

"Li Dianshi is really mighty and majestic." Zhu Ping'an squinted at Li Da, with the smile still on his face.

"Haha, the county magistrate really praises him, he is just a rough guy."

The county magistrate Zhang Changru smiled and shook his head, and then introduced the other people behind him to Zhu Ping'an. First, he introduced the officials of the six houses of the county government (officials, households, rituals, soldiers, punishments, and workers). These are also considered to be county government officials. Team member. Then he introduced the students, wealthy businessmen, and elders of the country squires present one by one.

Everyone was enthusiastic and came forward to greet Zhu Pingan one by one. Zhu Pingan smiled and replied in a harmonious manner.

In the distance, the common people watching the excitement under the city wall looked at it from a distance, their eyes became darker and darker, they shook their heads and sighed.

This county magistrate is too young, has no hair on his lips, is not efficient in his work, and looks naive and ineffective. He is not smart and capable at first glance. How can he govern the complex Jingnan? This has to be done The foolish son of a gilded official.

Also, look at him, he is chatting and laughing with the county officials and gentry who are usually superior to the common people. At first glance, they are the same as each other, they are colluding and have the same bad taste... Hey, here comes another dog official!


We, the people of Jingnan, have a really hard life.

I really envy Chun'an County. Look at the magistrate of Hairui County. That was when Bao Qingtian was still alive. Look at our new magistrate...

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