Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1090 Getting worse

Have you ever seen Jingnan County at one o'clock in the morning?

I met Zhu Pingan. In the middle of the night when everything was silent and everything was sleeping, Zhu Pingan stayed up late and worked overtime in the study just like last night. There was a mountain of Jingnan information on the table. He was swiping ink on his hand, and the strategies to solve Jingnan's predicament were blurred out on the paper. . There are three chairs pushed together in the corner of the study room, with a thin quilt placed on the chairs.

Officials such as Zhang Xiancheng, Chief Yao, Li Dianshi, and the six-room clerk of the county government also met. However, unlike Zhu Ping'an who stayed up late and worked overtime, they were full of wine and food and caroused all night long. The food and wine on the table had been changed three times. It's our turn, and there are empty wine jars all over the floor.

Finally, the watchman outside played the midnight drum, and Zhang Xiancheng and his party walked out from Hefeng Tower, smelling strongly of alcohol.

"Don't worry, Master Zhang. We will follow your lead and let the little county magistrate get out of here in despair."

Although all the subordinate officials in the six offices of the county government were drunk, they still did not forget to express their loyalty to County Magistrate Zhang.

"Be careful with your words, be careful with your words. We are working slowly and carefully in order to better help the county magistrate to do a good job." Chief Yao burped, waved his hand to everyone, and corrected with a smile. Eliminated everyone's speech problems.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, Master Yao is absolutely right. I will work slowly and carefully."

Everyone looked at each other and laughed in unison, and the laughter scared the crows away.

"You scholars are just nonsense. It takes so much trouble to fix the twists and turns. Jingnan is the Jingnan of us Jingnan people, and he wants to occupy the nest of a foreign little turtledove that doesn't even have full fur. ?! Believe it or not, I can kill ten brats like him with just one slap."

Li Dianshi's whole body exuded the smell of alcohol, like a walking wine jar. Unable to bear the heat of the alcohol, he reached out and tore open his clothes, revealing a bunch of thick black hair on his chest, fluttering in the night wind, waving two bears like The palm of his hand was as domineering as the coming of King Chu and he said to the crowd.

"I drank too much horse urine again and talked nonsense on the street. If someone hears it, it will leave others with a mouth to talk about! It will cause a lot of trouble in the future!" Zhang Xiancheng glared at Li Dianshi and lectured mercilessly.

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong. I listen to you. Shut up. I'll shut up."

After being scolded by Zhang Xiancheng, the young Li Dianshi shrank his neck, called brother-in-law, touched the back of his head, smiled bitterly, admitted his mistake, and stopped talking nonsense.

Well, that's right, Zhang Xiancheng and Li Dianshi are brother-in-law and brother-in-law. Li Dianshi's sister, Zhang Li, was very pretty and was a famous flower in Jingnan. Li Dianshi was originally just a small yamen servant in Jingnan County. Once, Li Dianshi's sister came to the yamen to see Li Dianshi because of trivial matters. She was a pretty person. Her clothes and gait were a bit coquettish, and she was flashing in front of Zhang Xian Cheng's eyes intentionally or unintentionally. She caught Zhang Xian Cheng's eyes all of a sudden. The man was affectionate and the concubine was interested. The two soon hooked up together. Whenever they had time Just do something you love secretly. Later, when Zhang Xian Cheng had an affair with Zhang Li at Zhang Li's house, he was discovered by Zhang Li's husband Zhang Da. He also forced Zhang Da to reconcile with Zhang Li. After that, Zhang Xiancheng took Li Dianshi's sister as his concubine. It was precisely because of this relationship with Zhang Xiancheng and Zhang Xiancheng's operation that Li Dianshi grew from a small yamen servant to a slow official. Slowly, step by step, he was promoted to the official history of Jingnan County.

It can be said that everything Li Dianshi had was given by Zhang Xiancheng, so Li Dianshi was obedient and obedient to Zhang Xiancheng.

After teaching Li Dianshi a lesson, County Magistrate Zhang turned to look at everyone, "I, Mr. Zhang, accept your thoughts. I, Mr. Zhang, will not say much else. I can sum it up in one sentence: From now on, if you want to be rich and honorable, you should not Forget each other.”

"As long as you are rich and noble, don't forget each other!"

After hearing Zhang Xiancheng's promise, all the subordinate officials in the sixth house of Jingnan County were very happy and agreed one after another.

Chen Shelong's words in the past resounded throughout the Jingnan County night tonight.

It was also the late night curfew time. When a team of government officials on duty heard the noise, they rushed over aggressively with their killing sticks, ready to teach the offenders a lesson. However, when they rushed over, they saw that they were all immediate superiors. The aggressive government officials suddenly put on smiles. Not only did they proactively help Zhang Xian Cheng and the others open the curfew fence, they also enthusiastically sent their hands to escort the drunk Zhang Xian Cheng and his entourage back to their homes.

Early the next morning, Zhu Ping'an arrived at the Yamen early, followed closely by Liu Mu and the others.

After waiting for a while, it was soon time for Ying Mao to sign in, and no officials from the Yamen came to Ying Mao to sign in.

After a while, about ten minutes after Ying Mao's check-in time, Zhang Xian Cheng and Yao Yao arrived hand in hand.

"Good morning, Lord County Lord. I stayed up late at home working last night and accidentally overslept this morning. It's really a sin."

Zhang Xiancheng walked in, held his hands in front of the door, smiled and explained apologetically.

"Me too. Alas, compared with the county magistrate, we are really old. Our bodies can't handle staying up all night."

Chief Yao also shook his head and explained with a wry smile.

"Haha, we have to work overtime at night. It's really hard for Zhang County Cheng and Chief Yao. The people of Jingnan are blessed to have hard-working and responsible officials like you." Zhu Pingan squinted his eyes and smiled honestly.

"The county magistrate has given you the reward. It is only a matter of loyalty to the emperor that he can eat the emperor's salary." Zhang Xian Cheng and the two replied humbly with a smile.

After Zhang Xian Cheng and Chief Yao signed in and went to their respective offices, Liu Mu walked to Zhu Pingan and reminded him softly, "Young Master, they are lying. They definitely didn't stay up late to work last night. They definitely didn't stay up late last night. They had been drinking all night, and the smell of alcohol on their bodies has not dissipated yet."

"I know, I also know that they drank together, and they all smell of the same alcohol."

Zhu Ping'an looked up at Liu Mu, showing eight teeth.

"Then why didn't you expose them?" Liu Mu asked puzzledly.

"They tried their best to show it to me, so I have to cooperate." Zhu Pingan raised the corners of his lips slightly.

After a while, the officials and clerks from the sixth floor of the yamen came slowly, but they were all late.

The reasons for being late vary from person to person, such as working overtime all night, having something to do at home, etc.

But the smell of alcohol on his body was the same.

It seemed that they had been drinking together last night. Zhu Pingan twitched his nose and squinted his eyes, understanding clearly.

"Sir, they really went too far! They clearly did it on purpose!"

After Liu Dadao signed in and left with the subordinates in the sixth house, he couldn't help it anymore and defended Zhu Ping'an.

"I know."

Zhu Pingan nodded.

"Sir, why?" Liu Dadao was indignant.

"Don't be impatient, now is not the time."

Zhu Pingan raised the corners of his lips slightly, patted Liu Dadao on the shoulder, and showed a meaningful smile.

Liu Dadao looked confused.

Liu Muruo had some realization.

"Let's go to the prison in the morning and then to the countryside below in the afternoon." Zhu Pingan said to the two of them.

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