Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1099: God’s help is needed to solve the case

"How dare a thief get up and leave!"

After Zhu Ping'an's stern words fell behind, all the suspects stood on the same spot, except for one suspect who knelt on the ground with a thud, like a chicken standing among cranes. He was extremely conspicuous, even if he didn't want to attract attention. .

it goes without saying!

Don't bring it upon yourself!

There is no doubt, there is no doubt that the thief in this serial theft case is the kneeling suspect!

At this moment, Zhang Xiancheng, who had laughed at Zhu Ping'an for the entire class, was stunned. The deep ridicule on his face withered instantly, and his eyes were as big and round as a bull's eye, and his face was filled with tears. He looked like he was in disbelief, as if he was in shock during the day. The corners of his mouth twitched and he murmured in a trembling voice: "No, how can you still try a case like this?!!"

Chief Yao was also completely stunned. He stood there like a piece of wood. His pupils were unfocused as he glanced at the kneeling suspect on the ground. He then glanced at Zhu Ping'an in the lobby, who had never been officially looked at by him. It felt like his IQ had been rubbed on the ground a hundred times. He had always boasted that he was extremely smart and had the highest IQ in Jingnan, but at this moment, his confidence, pride and sense of superiority were all gone.

The subordinates in the six rooms were also stunned. Their mouths were opened wide enough to fit an egg in. Their throats were dry and they made a continuous sound of swallowing saliva.

"Zhang Mazi, what the dog said was stolen by you!"

"It turns out it's Zhang Mazi, you idiot! I asked you why you have so many fish and meat every day..."

The other suspects were also shocked. Looking at the suspect Zhang Mazi kneeling on the ground, they started to curse one by one.

"It's not me, it's not me..."

The suspect kneeling on the ground reacted as soon as he knelt down. His face instantly turned pale, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he shook his head repeatedly, and tried to get up while pressing his knees to the ground. Snapped! The alarm sounded again, and the suspect was so frightened that he hurriedly knelt down again.

"Zhang Mazi! Why don't you recruit me truthfully!" Zhu Ping'an slapped the alarm bell and shouted sternly.

"Go back, go back to the magistrate, the little one, the little one...the little one is not a thief, the little one just had numb legs..."

Zhang Mazi was sweating profusely and his face was pale. He opened his mouth several times before making a weak and weak defense.

"Zhang Mazi, it's obvious that you have lice on your bald head now. You've already come to this point, and you still deny it. Could it be that you're cheating on me that the torture tools are not powerful?! Come on, pull me down. It's a big deal!"

As Zhu Pingan spoke, he pulled out a stick from the bucket and threw it heavily on the ground. The stick bounced twice and landed at Zhang Mazi's feet.

"As you command!"

Two burly government servants came out in response, carrying water and fire sticks. They walked towards Zhang Mazi with ferocious expressions. They stretched out their big hands of cattail leaf fans and pressed Zhang Mazi's shoulders, and lifted him up in one fell swoop, just like lifting a chicken. .

"Don't, don't, don't, don't fight, I'll attack, I'll attack, I'll attack them all..."

Zhang Mazi was so frightened by this battle that he peed his pants, his pants were wet, and he begged for mercy repeatedly. He was timid himself. He had seen executions at the county government from a distance before. He saw the skin and flesh torn and bloody, and heard the screams. Even when he went back to sleep, he was in trouble, and now it sounded like he was in the 40s, so he couldn't resist.

"I dare not hide it from the county magistrate. The cows, sheep, donkeys, pigs and chickens were indeed stolen by the little ones, but, but the little ones...the little ones were also bewitched by Butcher Zhang! It was Butcher Zhang who bewitched me to steal. Yes! He tricked me into stealing chickens and dogs, and even gave me a break. He killed all the stolen livestock and sold them, so he gave me some wine and meat money."

Zhang Mazi was so frightened that he confessed with tears and snot in his nose. Finally, he pulled a supporter and exposed and reported Butcher Zhang among the suspects.

"That's nonsense, you're spitting blood, when did I bewitch you! I think you're tired of living!"

One of the suspects, Butcher Zhang, had been uneasy since the moment Zhang Mazi knelt down. When he heard that Zhang Mazi had indeed reported him, he couldn't help but sweat profusely and became angry. He glared at Zhang Mazi fiercely and raised his bowl. He punched Zhang Mazi hard with his big fist, and he was about to inflict some brutal and inhumane personal injuries on Zhang Mazi.

Liu Dadao had quick eyes and quick hands. He took a step forward and effortlessly grabbed Butcher Zhang's fist. With a backhand lift, he lifted his leg out of Butcher Zhang's leg and easily pushed Butcher Zhang to his knees.

“You must not be arrogant in court!!”

Zhu Pingan was stunned, then pulled out a lotus from the lotus tube and threw it on the ground, "Butcher Zhang despised the court, ignored the law and discipline, interfered with the trial, and pulled down the big ten as a warning to others. Zhang Mazi, you If you can truthfully confess your crime and report your accomplices, if this report is true, I may reduce your punishment at my discretion."

There is a saying in "Sun Tzu's First Plan": "A general is wise, trustworthy, benevolent, courageous and severe." To be a general, you must be both benevolent and strict. Simply put, you must pay equal attention to kindness and power. The same should be true for being a county magistrate. Zhu Ping'an is not a pedantic person, and he fully agrees with this.

Butcher Zhang dared to hurt people in court. If he was not dealt with seriously, what would be the dignity of the court in the future?

Soon, Butcher Zhang was pulled down, and he screamed in pain one after another.

Zhang Mazi trembled all over after hearing this in the court, and he did not dare to have any hidden thoughts in his heart.

After the beating, Butcher Zhang was dragged into the court.

Butcher Zhang was also considered to be in good health. He was beaten ten times and his buttocks were bruised and bruised, but he could still kneel down.

"Master Magistrate, Xiao Xiao is wronged. Xiao Xiao is a dedicated butcher in the village and a well-known honest man. He never lacks money when selling meat. All the villagers in the ten miles and eight villages know that and take good care of the small business. , I lived a happy life when I was young, so how could I steal chickens and dogs? Only people like Zhang Mazi, who have eaten their last meal but never finished their next meal, would steal for their livelihood. I hope the county magistrate is aware of it, but don’t listen to me Zhang Mazi, the thief, told lies, and the mad dog bit people, deliberately slandering the younger ones." Butcher Zhang persisted, refusing to admit his crime, and instead sued Zhang Mazi for the mad dog biting people.

"Mr. Magistrate, I didn't open my mouth to tell lies. I have evidence. Because it is illegal to slaughter cattle, and it is not easy to sell beef openly. Butcher Zhang hasn't found a buyer yet, and he hasn't had time to deal with the cattle yet. Just in Xilipo, there is a cowshed in Zhang Butcher's house. The old scalper from Zhang Erniu's house that I stole is hidden in it. The key to the cowshed is always carried by Butcher Zhang. The county magistrate didn’t believe it, and after a quick search he found out that I wasn’t telling lies.”

Zhang Mazi knelt on the ground anxiously, kowtowing, and exposed Butcher Zhang's background.

"Zhang Mazi, what the hell are you..."

Butcher Zhang gritted his teeth and couldn't help but want to punch Zhang Mazi again, but when he moved and pulled at the wound, he grimaced in pain.


Zhu Ping'an ordered the government officials to search Butcher Zhang's body, and soon found the key tied to Butcher Zhang's waistband.

Next, Zhu Ping'an led a group of county government officials, Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and other more than ten government officials to escort the two suspects Zhang Mazi and Zhang Tufu, and rushed to the scene surrounded by villagers who heard the news. Arrive at Xilipo Caolangzi.

Sure enough, they saw a cowshed inside Caoluzi. There was a big iron rope on the cowshed. Liu Dadao stepped forward and opened the lock of the cowshed with the key he found from Butcher Zhang, and then saw the inside. old scalper.

"It's my cow, it's my cow. There is a finger-long scar on my cow's butt. That was when the cow was still young." Zhang Erniu, who had lost his temper, recognized his old scalper at a glance and showed his evidence.

In this way, the truth came out and the serial theft case was solved.

"The county magistrate solved such a complicated serial theft case in less than a day."

"The county magistrate really is Bao Qingtian alive!"

"If the county magistrate has the help of God to solve the case, he is really the master of Qingtian."

At this moment, Zhu Ping'an's back in the sunset was brilliant in the eyes of the people present, and they were full of praise.

Zhu Pingan blushed when he heard this.

Of course, Zhang Xiancheng and Chief Yao, who were standing by, listened to the tsunami of praise for Zhu Ping'an Mountain from the people, and their faces were as dark as water and as black as the bottom of a pot.

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