Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1101 The bandits are divided into Taizhou

"Our target this time is Taizhou Prefecture. Compared with Ningbo Prefecture, Hangzhou Prefecture, and Jiaxing Prefecture, which have been robbed frequently, Taizhou Prefecture has been robbed less often, has looser defenses, and has more goodies. A wolf travels a thousand miles to eat meat, and a dog travels a thousand miles to eat shit. Go back and tell the sons and daughters that this time I have enough meat, enough money, and enough women. Let me go and grab them all. Don't embarrass our Hungry Wolf Alliance! "

After Jiangmen, the leader of the Japanese pirates in the fleet, finished drinking the wine in the bowl, he smashed the bowl in his hand to the ground and said solemnly.

"Master Jiang, don't worry. The little wolves under my command have long been suffering from hunger and howling with hunger. This time they let loose. It is no exaggeration to say that they can chew up Taizhou Prefecture! "

Tiejingang grinned widely, revealing his white teeth, and even his smile smelled of blood.

"Xingxi, Lord Jiang Clan is at ease. Since the last robbery, I have waited for this day for too long. My sons have long been hungry and thirsty, and my Japanese sword has long been hungry and thirsty. I will be a bather." Blood Taizhou.”

Shinwa Heihachiro smiled sinisterly, slowly took out the Japanese sword, and wiped it with a handkerchief as if it were a treasure.

"Very good! Then we divide Taizhou Prefecture into one. Taizhou Prefecture governs seven counties, namely Linhai County, Huangyan County, Tiantai County, Xianju County, Ninghai County, Daping County and Jingnan County. I have the most direct subordinates, Linhai, Huangyan, and Tiantai counties belong to me; Tiejingang, Xianju and Ninghai belong to you; Heibalang, Taiping and Jingnan belong to you. Don’t say I didn’t take care of you. Xianju County is easy to attack and difficult to defend, just like the fireworks in the building. Just like Sister Yao, she can peel everything off with just one hand, and she can go in casually without any defense; while Jingnan County had its first magistrate the month before, and the new magistrate just took office in the past few days. It is said that he is a little brat with no hair even, and he can't even stand on his heels. Stable, let alone deployed, this Jingnan is like a weak little girl, waiting to be ravaged."

The leader of the Japanese pirates, Jiangmen, swept all the wine and meat from several cases to the ground with one hand. He took out a hand-drawn map of Taizhou Prefecture from his arms, spread it out on several cases, pointed with his fingers, and divided up the counties of Taizhou Prefecture. .

Jiangmen is the leader of the Hungry Wolf League. He was originally the general banner of a coastal guard station in Fujian. Due to the robbery of merchants, he led more than 40 people under his banner to become thieves, robbed the armory of the guard station, and became Japanese pirates. Currently, there are more than 4,600 Japanese pirates under his direct command, accounting for nearly half of the members of the Hungry Wolf Alliance, making them the most powerful.

"Jiang Clan Master has taken such good care of the Sa family. What else can the Sa family say? Baoding will not embarrass our Hungry Wolf Alliance this time. Otherwise, there is no need for the Sa family's huge head to hang around their necks."

Tiejingang reached out and touched his bare forehead, shook his neck, and made a crackling sound.

Tiejingang is not his name, but his nickname. Tiejingang is similar to Xu Hai. He was once a monk and became a monk at Longquan Temple in Fujian. His dharma name was "Putan". However, he entered the temple three years ago and was found guilty of seducing female pilgrims. He was expelled from the temple for setting off fireworks. After being expelled from the temple, Tie Jingang wandered around Fujian, cheating and abducting, committing all kinds of evil, and was later wanted by the local government and surrendered to join the Japanese pirates. Because of his bravery, brutality, alertness and cunning, he gradually became a leader among the Japanese pirates, with more than 2,200 Japanese pirates under his command. Later, in order to avoid being annexed by Wang Zhi's tribe, he led his troops to join the Hungry Wolf Alliance.

"Thank you Master Jiang for taking care of me. I have nothing to say about Honda Heihachi. When I leave today, I will lead my son to conquer Taiping and Jingnan counties, dye the family heirloom sword red with blood, and let my name Honda Heihachi spread throughout China!"

Shinwa Heihachiro had no objection to the division of the big leader Jiangmen. He slowly inserted the Japanese sword in his hand into the scabbard, hung it solemnly on his waist, knelt down on the deck, and made a bloody oath.

Heihachiro's original name was Honda Heihachi. He was a wandering samurai from the Japanese country. His ancestor was a samurai canonized by the Kanto Tohoku clan. He had once been wealthy, but he had long since fallen into poverty and had nothing but an ancestral Japanese sword. He also served two family heads, but they were both excluded and expelled. After hearing the story of some wandering warriors plundering the Ming Dynasty, he took a sword and embarked on a canoe towards the Ming Dynasty. Now eight years have passed, and the Japanese pirates under his command There are nearly 3,000 people, including more than 1,000 real Japanese, and their strength ranks second in the Hungry Wolf Alliance. His dream is to restore the glory of his ancestors and carry it forward.

"Okay, that being the case, let's make this decision. We will separate from the front and plunder separately. How much harvest you can get depends on your ability. Remember one thing. In five days, we will meet at the foot of Taizhou City. , attack the capital city of Taizhou together. If any one of you is overdue, don’t blame me, Jiangmen, for turning against me and not recognizing anyone."

Jiangmen Master stood up, pulled out the standard waist knife of the waist guard, and nailed it to several cases, and glanced at the two people from left to right.

"I obey the order of the leader! I'll see you at Taizhou City in five days. If it doesn't arrive by the time limit, I, Tie Jingang, will take off my head and make it a chamber pot for you." Tie Jingang stood up and clasped his fists at Jiangmen, vowing.

"Of course. My name is Honda Heihachi, and I am not a person who breaks his word. I swear in the name of my ancestors and I will keep my promise. In five days, I, Sanada Heihachi, will arrive at the gate of Taizhou Prefecture! If I don't keep my word, I, Sanada Heihachi, will commit suicide by committing seppuku. Blood washes away the disgrace of breach of trust.”

Heihachiro also stood up and vowed the same.

"Okay!" Jiang Men nodded with satisfaction, "Go back and organize your affairs. How much money you can steal, how many women you can steal, how many people you can kill, it all depends on your ability. We'll see you in Taizhou Mansion in five days!"

"See you in Taizhou Mansion!"

"See you in Taizhou Mansion!"

Tie Jingang and Heihachiro nodded vigorously and responded in unison.

After the three people in Jiangmen arranged their oaths, Tie Jingang and Hei Hachilang each returned to their respective armed ships to organize their respective Japanese pirate regiments.

"Kill, kill, kill, Taizhou Prefecture, the grandpas are here!!! Kill, kill, kill to your heart's content, rob to your heart's content, and have fun to your heart's content."

"Kill, kill. Enter れる, enter れる, もうじきだよ"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch"

Soon, the Japanese pirates in the fleet were as if they had been given blood, shouting to kill and rob, and they were filled with murderous intent. One by one, the Japanese pirates couldn't wait to look in the direction of the coast, licking their lips, and ferocious smiles bloomed bloody on their faces.

Then, the fleet of Japanese pirates slowly divided into three after traveling for a long distance. They were divided into three fleets and headed separately in three directions. The boats and the largest group of Japanese pirates headed towards Linhai, Huangyan and Tiantai counties with murderous intent; the boats and the two smaller groups of Japanese pirates headed towards Jingnan and Taiping counties, and the other towards Jingnan and Taiping counties. Go to Xianju and Ninghai.

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