Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1118 The common people are weak, but the family is strong

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro took advantage of the fact that the people in the city were frightened by the murderous sacrificial flag. He waved his Japanese sword and ordered the Japanese pirates to attack the city.


"Tear them apart!"

More than 3,000 ferocious Japanese pirates set up siege ladders, screaming to kill, like a group of evil ghosts from hell, stepping on the corpses of the people who had been sacrificed, and rushed towards Jingnan County with murderous intent.

The people in the city had not recovered from the fear just now when the Japanese pirates brutally killed people to sacrifice the flag. Now the Japanese pirates came to kill ferociously, and the people were even more frightened. Their faces were pale, their legs were trembling, and their hands were shaking so much that they could hardly hold their weapons. .

"Cheer up, what are you afraid of? I have a scar as big as the mouth of a bowl on my head, but after eighteen years I will be a good man again."

"What's there to be afraid of from Japanese pirates? They're all made of meat."

"Kill these inhuman beasts!"

The government officials and soldiers who had already participated in the defense of the city, as well as the brave common people, shouted loudly to encourage everyone.

However, it was of no use.

Most of the people in the city should be afraid, but they are still afraid. They huddle like quails behind the city wall, shivering.

Everyone in the city is so frightened, how can they defend the city? What's the difference between this and abandoning the city and surrendering?

Seeing this scene, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but frowned. Of course, Zhu Ping'an knew in his heart that he couldn't blame everyone for this. After all, we are civilians and not professional soldiers. When Jingnan's life and death were at stake, they could stand up and help defend Jingnan. The city has shown great courage. The Japanese pirates were ferocious, and they deliberately killed so many people in front of the battle line to sacrifice the flag, to establish their power and intimidate everyone. It is normal for everyone to be afraid. Just now, when the government officials and soldiers faced the first wave of Japanese pirates attacking the city, their performance was not much better than everyone else.


Changes must be made to inspire everyone's morale and courage, otherwise the city will no longer need to be defended.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ping'an stood up without hesitation, raised his shield to protect himself, and braved the arrow rain from the Japanese pirates to cover the attack. He hit the shield with the hilt of his knife, ran back and forth on the city wall, and shouted to the shivering people. road:

"Brothers, the Japanese pirates are cruel. If I could, I would like to escape, but I can't. Behind me are our parents, wives and children. We have no way to retreat. If we escape and give up, who will protect them?! The Japanese pirates will While mocking us as cowards, he did not hesitate to kill our parents and ravage our wives and children! For the sake of our parents, wives and children, we must be strong! Defeat the Japanese pirates! Protect our parents, wives and children! If you are a man, give me a hero Get up! People are in the city! My parents, wives and children are here! I swear to live and die with Jingnan!"

To make people fearless, we must make people have faith! Let the people know who they are fighting for! Let everyone know that they are not fighting for Ming Dynasty, nor for me, Zhu Pingan, but for their parents, wives and children, and for themselves!

Behind us are our parents, wives and children, and we have no way out!

Defeat the Japanese pirates! Protect your parents, wives and children!

If you are a man, please give me a lift! People are in the city! My parents, wife and children are here! I vow to live and die with Jingnan!

Zhu Pingan's words echoed on the city wall. The trembling people listened to Zhu Pingan's words and thought of their parents, wives and children below the city. The Japanese pirates are so cruel. If I am not strong, then who will protect them? !

The grassroots people are weak, but the family is strong!

After listening to Zhu Pingan's words, people couldn't help but take a deep breath, straighten their backs, and tighten their grip on the weapons in their hands.

"Very good. Everyone is cheering up. They are all good people. No one is weak. Haha, what is there to be afraid of when fighting with Japanese pirates?! In a war, there are only two results, injured or not injured. Not injured. What is there to be afraid of?! You can still receive ten taels of silver reward; if you are injured, there are only two results, slight injury or serious injury. What is there to be afraid of for minor injuries?! You can also receive an extra ten taels of silver; and if you are seriously injured, There are only two results, those that can be cured and those that cannot be cured. But what's so scary about being cured?! You can get an extra ten taels of silver; it's even less scary if you can't be cured, because you're already dead, so what's the point? Afraid of eggs! Your family can also receive an extra fifty taels of pension, so they can live a worry-free life."

Zhu Pingan saw everyone cheering up, and immediately praised and affirmed everyone's courage. In order to further reduce everyone's pressure and inspire everyone's will to fight, Zhu Pingan used a classic recruitment advertisement from a modern country and joked.

This makes use of psychology. When people are mentally prepared to accept the worst-case scenario, there is nothing unacceptable. Because, compared to the worst-case scenario, any other scenario can be said to be good news.

After hearing Zhu Ping'an's joking and wise words, everyone felt as if they had been hit in both Ren and Du's veins, and suddenly enlightened.

"Hahaha, what the county magistrate said is that there is nothing to be afraid of fighting with Japanese pirates. It's not scary if you don't get hurt, it's not scary if you get slightly injured, and it's not scary if you get seriously injured. If you die, everyone will be gone, so why are you afraid of an egg!"

"Hahaha, that's right."

The atmosphere of fear on the city wall was swept away. Courage and passion grew wildly in everyone's hearts, and they were filled with strength.

"Brothers, the Japanese pirates are about to attack, stand up your chests, pick up your weapons, pay attention to the arrows, throw stones at the Japanese pirates' heads, pour gold juice on the Japanese pirates' heads, and chop off the Japanese pirates' heads with your broadsword. ! Stab the Japanese pirate in the chest with a spear! Many years later, when you are sitting under the tree and basking in the sun, your son or grandson curiously asks you what you did when you were young. You don’t have to blush and hesitate and say, "Your grandfather, I Back then, we were shoveling shit in the ground. You can look them in the eyes, tell your children and grandchildren loudly and proudly, and say: Son, your grandfather and I were on the wall of Jingnan County, talking to the magistrate Zhu Ping'an like a dog. Let’s fight side by side to fight against the Japanese pirates! Kill thousands of ferocious Japanese pirates, one person will stand on his back, drive off the city wall, and save Jingnan!”

Seeing that the Japanese pirates were approaching the city wall and setting up the siege ladder on the city wall, Zhu Pingan loudly reminded everyone to make the final mobilization before the war.

After everyone listened to Zhu Pingan's words, a picture emerged in their minds: They were old and gray-haired sitting under the tree to warm themselves. The little grandson looked up innocently and asked, Grandpa, what did you do when you were young? They can Stroking his beard, he said to his grandson coaxingly, "Little bastard, listen up. Your grandfather and I fought side by side on the city wall with the magistrate of Gouyue, and killed three thousand Japanese pirates who were vicious and full of evil." He fell on his back and became the patron saint of Jingnan!

Just thinking about it makes me excited!

This guy can brag for a lifetime!

Damn the Japanese pirates!


Everyone's blood couldn't help but boil. They no longer had any fear. They clenched their weapons tightly and were full of fighting spirit.

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