Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1178 There is someone in the court who likes to be an official

More than an hour later, the government office finally inspected more than 800 Japanese pirate heads and determined that 363 of them were real Japanese heads and 461 fake Japanese heads. There was no suspicion of counterfeiting.

After confirming that there was no problem with the head, Taizhou magistrate Tan Lun went to his study with a relaxed look on his face, wrote an official document on the Japanese invasion of Taizhou, and submitted it to the court.

Liu Dadao received the document from the government office that stated the number of heads and verified that they were correct, and urged the government office to honor the silver reward for his first contribution.

Liu Dadao knew very well how much the young master was now short of the silver reward for his first contribution. On the day of the Jingnan defense battle, the young master issued a heavy reward order to boost morale and defend Jingnan. Anyone who bravely defended the city, regardless of soldiers or civilians, would be rewarded with ten taels of silver. Those who died in battle will receive an additional reward of ten taels of silver, and those who died in battle will receive an additional fifty taels of silver. In this way, a total of seven to eighty thousand taels of silver will be distributed as a reward and pension. This is a huge amount of money.

The Jingnan County Government had more than 3,000 taels of silver in its treasury, and the young master cashed all of it as a reward. The more than 10,000 stones of grain in the county government's granary were all converted into silver taels, and the young master even cashed in the 1,000 taels of silver he brought with him when he left the capital. The five hundred taels of silver were all used to redeem the reward. Because of this, girl Hua'er cried for a long time. However, even so, there is still a gap of more than 50,000 silver.

The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is. If the eunuch is in a hurry, it will be of no use.

Liu Dadao finally returned without success. The government ordered Liu Dadao to return to Jingnan to wait for the good news, citing the need to go through the process of receiving silver for his first contribution. After the process is completed, the first merit reward will be sent to the Jingnan County Government from the government office. As for the time, it can be as fast as three to five days, as slow as ten days, it may be more than a month, or it may be longer.

Administrative efficiency has been greatly improved in the 21st century, but the administrative efficiency of ancient bureaucrats was not optimistic.

When Liu Dadao left Taizhou Prefecture and returned to Jingnan, Taizhou Prefect Tan Lun's official document on the Japanese invasion of Taizhou Prefecture had been drafted, stamped with the prefect's official seal, and ordered the post envoys to hurry up and deliver it to the capital.

At dusk, the Taizhou Prefecture post envoy rode a fast horse and set off from the north gate of Taizhou Prefecture.

There was a teahouse next to the post station more than 500 miles ahead of the Taizhou Prefecture Post Office. Liu Mu drank hot tea and ate the dry food he had brought with him, got on his horse, touched the son's autographed letter that he carried with him, and continued to rush to the capital.

Liu Mu rode a horse, and there was an empty horse behind him. The reins were tied to the saddle of the riding horse. This is the horse for him to ride on. One person and two horses are configured to reach the capital as quickly as possible.

As the county magistrate, Zhu Ping'an did not have the right to send official documents directly to the Forbidden City, so he wrote a handwritten letter about the Jingnan Japanese War Report and sent it to his advisor Xu Jie. Because delivering an autographed letter was not official business and could not use the inn to change fast horses, Zhu Ping'an provided Liu Mu with two fast horses for transfer.

Post stations in the Ming Dynasty had their own rules. In fact, post stations in all dynasties had this rule: they were not allowed to use or abuse the inns except when performing official duties. Violators would be severely punished. Because our country has a vast territory and complex landforms, and there was no current network communication method in ancient times, we could only use inns to deliver messages, and inns were limited. There was only one inn for tens of kilometers, and the size of an inn and the number of fast horses were limited. If the inn was abused, , then the delivery of urgent military information and official duties will be affected, and national events will be affected. Therefore, there have been rules in all dynasties that prohibit the use or abuse of post stations except for official duties.

Riding on the red dust concubine smiled, no one knew it was lychee.

The romance of using the inn to send lychees was something only the king of a country, Tang Xuanzong, had the right to do.

During the period of Emperor Hongwu, Tang Shengzong, the founding general of the country, took advantage of his authority to use the inn privately. He was deprived of his status as a marquis by Emperor Hongwu the next day. Although today, the rules of the inns are not as strict as they were in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and are becoming more and more relaxed. However, if someone uses the inn in violation of regulations, it will be a violation of the law once someone reports it.

Nowadays, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at him. Zhu Pingan will not leave anyone with any excuse.

As for why Zhu Ping'an sent an autographed letter reporting the Japanese war to his advisor Xu Jie, it was naturally because there was someone in the court who wanted to be an official. My own teacher, Xu Jie, is the second assistant in the imperial cabinet. Why not take advantage of this powerful relationship?

Yu Dayou has learned from his mistakes, and Zhu Ping'an doesn't want to make the same mistakes again.

After the Japanese pirates in Taizhou Prefecture retreated, the situation of the Japanese pirates in Taizhou Prefecture was reported to Zhu Pingan through various channels. Zhu Pingan also learned that Yu Dayou, a famous anti-Japanese general in history, took up the post of Ningtai Commander-in-Chief at this time. Yu Dayou, a famous anti-Japanese general, was well known to Zhu Ping'an in modern times. Compared with the equally famous anti-Japanese general Qi Jiguang, Yu Dayou had a troubled life and was not very successful.

Investigating the reason, excluding personality, emotional intelligence, etc., the most important reason is the strict party's suppression.

For example, there is a very famous example. This example is widely spread in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian, and Zhu Pingan knows it very well. Three years ago, Yu Dayou served as the commander of Fujian Beiwadu. This year, Annan invaded, which was the predecessor of a certain little brother who was not very obedient in the south of our country. Previously, the king of Annan, Mo Fuhai, passed away, and his son Mo Hongyi was still young. Minister Ruan Jingjing tried to support his son-in-law Mo Jingdian, and another minister Fan Ziyi wanted to support his partisan Mo Zhengzhong. The two sides hated each other. Mo Zhengzhong was defeated and took more than a hundred people to join the Ming Dynasty. Fan Ziyi led the remaining soldiers to flee to Haidong. It was this year that Fan Ziyi panicked that Mo Hongyi was dead and came to welcome Mo Zhengzhong back to Annan to ascend the throne. He took the opportunity to invade Qinzhou and Lianzhou and disrupt the borders of the Ming Dynasty. Yu Dayou was ordered to lead his troops to attack. When Yu Dayou led the front army to Lianzhou quickly, Fan Ziyi was rushing to attack Lianzhou City, but Yu Dayou's main force, the navy, had not yet arrived. However, Yu Dayou took his time and sent people to Fan Ziyi with great fanfare, claiming that the imperial court had mobilized a large army to persuade Fan Ziyi to surrender. Fan Ziyi was frightened by Yu Dayou, thinking that the imperial army was really coming, and hurriedly led his troops to retreat. But not long after, Yu Dayou's navy arrived. Later, when Fan Ziyi learned the truth, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood and missed the opportunity to kill Yu Dayou. Yu Dayou, who gathered all his troops, ambushed Fan Ziyi's army at Guantou Ridge. Fan Ziyi was defeated and invaded Qinzhou. Yu Dayou, who was more fierce than the land battle at the water station, led the navy to intercept Fan Ziyi's warship, beat Fan Ziyi to pieces, and captured Fan Ziyi alive. His younger brother Fan Ziliu was beheaded at level 1,200. Fan Ziyi fled to Dongyun Tun, and Yu Dayou pursued him. He led a large army to suppress the situation and sent an order to Mo Hongxian to kill Fan Ziyi. Mo Hongxian was ordered to kill Fan Ziyi and present his head to Yu Dayou.

If a great achievement in quelling the rebellion and resisting Annan's invasion was reported to the capital, Yan Song suppressed it and did not report it to the court. After that, Yu Daqiu was only rewarded with fifty taels of silver.

In the eyes of Yan Dang, he is much more dazzling than Yu Dayou. After finally achieving great achievements, Zhu Pingan does not want to make the same mistake as Yu Dayou.

So Zhu Ping'an wrote a handwritten letter reporting the battle and sent it to Master Xu Jie so that Master Xu Jie would know in advance. Xu Jie, the chief minister, was the second assistant to the cabinet. When the chief minister learned the news, the strict party could no longer suppress it.

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