Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1187 Already prepared

"Your second crime is to be lazy in official duties and diligent in enriching your own pockets." Zhu Ping'an continued, "Whether it is taxes, money, food, security arrests, or official document processing, you have delayed and delayed, pushed and pushed, and a file has been processed all day long. I can't find it, but you are very diligent in setting up names and plundering. I have secretly inspected all the shops in the county. I have opened my eyes to the methods you use to enrich your own pockets. You cannot assist me in handling official affairs, but instead serve as a It’s a disaster for the people, what use do I have for you?!”

After hearing this, all the subordinate officials felt even more guilty. They had joined forces with Zhang Xiancheng and others to create obstacles for Zhu Ping'an when they sabotaged their work. They wanted to drive Zhu Ping'an out of the county government, but unexpectedly they became a ready-made handle. In addition, it is an indisputable fact that they cleverly set up a name to take advantage of small and large shops in the county.

"You are guilty of the third crime. When the Japanese invaders attacked our county, I recruited all public officials to go to the city wall to resist the Japanese invaders. No one of you listened to the order. They all greased their soles and fled. We need you most in Jingnan. At that time, you betrayed Jingnan, and it is already a light thing for me to dismiss you."

Zhu Pingan said disdainfully that if any of these subordinate officials had responded to the call and went up to the city wall to defend against Japanese pirates, Zhu Pingan would have spared them. Unfortunately, none of these subordinate officials cherished the opportunity at that time.

"Sir, we and I did not run away in the face of the battle. When the Japanese pirates attacked the city, we all helped defend the city."

"Yes, yes, we all went. Sir, we didn't run away from the battle. You can't slander us."

"That is, not only did I climb the city wall, I, I also killed a Japanese pirate on the spot. At that time, Zhang Wenshi was next to me. Zhang Wenshi can testify for me, is it Zhang Wenshi?"

"Huh? Well, that's right. I saw Wang Dianli chop down a Japanese pirate on the city wall with my own eyes. The Japanese pirate became very ferocious after being chopped down. In the end, it was my quick eyesight and quick hands that killed him with another blow. .Isn’t it, Zhang Dianli?!”

"Yes, that's right."

All the subordinate officials began to quibble one after another, insisting that they all participated in the defense of the city at that time, and every one of them had their noses and eyes.

"All the people who defended the city have their signatures and paintings recorded in the record. There is no name on it." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth disdainfully. The reason why the signatures and records were recorded at that time was not only to record the merits, but also to prevent similar situations.

"We were participating, but we left early, before signing the record."

Some subordinate officials are so cunning.

"Oh, so you left early? Haha, I issued three beheading orders when I was defending the city. Without my order, anyone who retreats from the battle will be killed without mercy! Come on, let me take a look. Just now Who said to leave early?!"

Zhu Pingan glanced at everyone with burning eyes. Under Zhu Pingan's gaze, all the subordinates lowered their heads. No one dared to quibble anymore, for fear of being named by Zhu Pingan and arrested to execute the beheading order.

"Sir, having said that, but you have dismissed all of us, how will the county government function?! Please think again, sir, and give me another chance. I will definitely change my ways and work as an official again."

A group of subordinate officials changed their tactics. From the perspective of the county government's operation, they made half threats and half requests.

At this moment, a notification came from outside the door.

"The county lords, Zhang Tongsheng of Zhangliu Village, Wang Xiucai of Wangzhuang Village, Old Man Liu of Baqiao Village, and Mrs. Liu of Liujia Village. Come to the county office to report."

A government official came in and reported to Zhu Ping'an.

"Okay, please come soon." A smile appeared on Zhu Pingan's face, and he glanced at the subordinates, "The successor has arrived, don't worry about it. I still have official duties, so I won't accompany you. Broadsword, send guest."

After saying that, Zhu Pingan was too lazy to talk to them anymore, got up and went out to meet Zhang Tongsheng, Wang Xiucai and others.

Zhang Tongsheng and others were the talents who were inspected and secretly inspected by Zhu Pingan when he went to the village to direct the post-disaster reconstruction some time ago. Their character, knowledge and abilities have all been tested in the four villages and towns. After multiple investigations and screenings, Zhu Pingan Fifteen people were selected in a targeted manner and invited individually. In the end, eleven people including Zhang Tongsheng and Wang Xiucai happily accepted the invitation, while the other four did not accept the invitation for various reasons. However, these eleven people are enough to build up the team of Jingnan County Government.

In addition, the young people who are interested in serving in the county government have successively registered during this period, which has greatly enriched the grassroots officials and government officials, which is enough to ensure that the operation of Jingnan County Government will not be affected in any way.


Zhu Ping'an, a foreign thief, has long planned to dismiss us all, and has even found a successor!

When all the subordinate officials saw this, they gritted their teeth one by one, their hearts boiling with hatred, and they were full of resentment towards Zhu Pingan!

"Everyone, please invite me. The county government office is about to start work. Anyone who has no interest in it should leave immediately so as not to affect the county government office." Liu Dadao led eight government officials and sneered to expel these subordinate officials who had been dismissed.

"Huh, let's go. Zhang Xian Cheng, Chief Yao and Li Dianshi will be back tomorrow. We will go out of the city to meet Zhang Xian Cheng and the others, and ask Zhang Xian Cheng and the others to make the decision with us. Huh, when the time comes, Zhu Ping'an will ask Come back with us."

"Hmph, let him be arrogant for a while now. When the time comes, he will surrender. How arrogant he is now will be embarrassing to him then. When he begs me to come back, all of us will have to hold back our arrogance. If he doesn’t bow his head and beg three or four times, none of us will be able to come back.”

"Yes, that's how it should be. When the time comes, when he begs us, we have to settle the score with him."

A group of subordinate officials left angrily and made an appointment to go out of the city together to meet Zhang County Cheng and others and ask them to make the decision. They are very confident about this. In their view, Zhu Ping'an, a foreigner, could not compete with the combined efforts of all the locals.

Huh, even if Zhu Pingan resisted the Japanese pirates, defended Jingnan County, killed more than 800 Japanese pirates, expelled the Japanese pirates who were entrenched in Taiping County, and restored Taiping County, he, Zhu Pingan, still relies on us, the young people of Jingnan County. Common people! ? If Zhu Ping'an was left alone, huh, he would have died a long time ago. He still made meritorious deeds and went to the underworld to dream! Without us Jingnan locals, Zhu Ping'an would be nothing.

A group of subordinate officials left hand in hand angrily, leaving a few harsh words and leaving the city together.

They have been in contact with Zhang Xiancheng and the others for a long time, and know that Zhang Xiancheng and the others will return tomorrow. According to the itinerary, Zhang County Cheng and the others will arrive at Liuhe Town today. A group of subordinate officials left the city and went straight to Liuhe Town to wait. They want to tell Zhang County Cheng the news and ask Zhang County Cheng to make the decision for them.

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