Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1194: Follow the guidance

Yesterday, Zhang Xiancheng and the others stepped on the beautiful boat, and today it was even more decorated than yesterday. Not only were they decorated with lanterns and festoons, but a red carpet was also laid out. Zhang Xiancheng and others bowed their waists and introduced Eunuch Qian into the painting boat attentively.

"You are interested."

Eunuch Qian held the orchid with his fingers, swaying, walked into the boat, and naturally sat on the main seat. Before sitting down, Eunuch Qian wiped the chair with an embroidered handkerchief. Seeing that there was no trace of dust on it, he nodded with satisfaction.

After receiving Eunuch Qian's affirmation, Zhang Xian Cheng and the others suddenly felt as if they had drunk fine wine. They were so beautiful that they felt that the slaves they had brought a day early had not been in vain, and they became more attentive.

In order to please Eunuch Qian, Zhang County Cheng specially relied on several connections and hired three chefs from Fucheng with a lot of money to cook all kinds of delicacies and delicacies regardless of the cost. Since Eunuch Qian sat down, there were piles of plates of delicacies. The delicacies flowed onto the table like water, and bottles of fine wine that had been stored for more than a hundred years were opened one after another.

On both sides of the river, there are more stray dogs chasing the painted boats.

Zhang Xiancheng and the others spent a lot of effort and carefully prepared the delicacies, but they failed to satisfy Eunuch Qian.

"This Longjing shrimp dish focuses on the white and tender shrimp meat, and the fragrant buds and leaves. Unfortunately, the heat of this dish was not controlled enough. It was three points too shallow and tender. The fragrant buds and leaves failed to penetrate into the shrimp. "

Under the enthusiastic recommendation of Zhang Xiancheng and others, Eunuch Qian tasted a mouthful of Longjing shrimps. After eating only half of the shrimps, he put down his chopsticks, wiped his lips with an embroidered handkerchief, and commented lightly.

Not enough heat?

A group of subordinates took a bite of the shrimp and almost swallowed it with their tongues. How could we eat so delicious! ?

"Ahem, Eunuch Qian, try this West Lake vinegar fish. This dish is the well-deserved 'leader' of Jiangnan cuisine. We specially invited Master Liu from Taizhou Fucheng, who is the best at making West Lake vinegar fish in Taizhou Prefecture. Chef.”

Seeing that Eunuch Qian didn't eat well, Zhang Xian Cheng couldn't help but feel a little anxious. At this time, a dish of West Lake vinegar fish was served.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Eunuch Qian stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish, put it into his mouth, and took a bite.

After taking a mouthful of fish meat, Eunuch Qian chewed it gently for a moment and slowly spit out a few tiny fish bones.

Everyone looked at Eunuch Qian expectantly, waiting for Eunuch Qian's evaluation.

Master Liu is an expert in making West Lake vinegar fish, and he is famous throughout Jiangnan.

Zhang Xiancheng and others are full of confidence, believing that this West Lake vinegar fish will definitely be well received by Eunuch Qian.

However, they were disappointed again.

"The sauce is so-so and the fish is fresh and tender, but the fineness is not enough. The imperial chef in the palace made this West Lake vinegar fish, but couldn't eat a single fish bone. Before cooking , the imperial chef has jumped out every thorn, and put the fish bones on the plate, just to form a fish shape."

Mr. Qian wiped his mouth with an embroidered handkerchief and shook his head slightly. He didn't think highly of this dish.

"Haha, that's right. Eunuch Qian didn't eat all kinds of delicacies in the palace. It's our fault for being so generous."

Chief Yao smiled slightly and said complimentarily.

"Wherever, the Zajia just serve the empress, gain the favor of the empress, and then get some light."

Eunuch Qian half-covered his lips with an embroidered handkerchief and said modestly, his words full of humility and his face full of pride.

Neither a man nor a woman, she is such a hard girl to take care of!

Li Dianshi cursed in his heart, but he did not dare to show it on his face. Zhang Xiancheng specifically told him that he would treat Eunuch Qian as his own ancestor and coax him to Jingnan to deal with Zhu Ping'an.

Although Eunuch Qian is picky about meals, with the deliberate flattery and compliments of Chief Yao, Zhang Xiancheng and others, as well as the endless stream of delicacies from the mountains and seas, regardless of the cost of work, this banquet can be regarded as a good one. The guests and hosts enjoy themselves. Naturally, the conversation at the banquet came about Eunuch Qian's errand to the south of the Yangtze River.

"Eunuch Qian, just come to our Jingnan to buy gold, treasure and pearls. Jiangsu and Zhejiang are the famous pearl hometowns in the Ming Dynasty, and Jingnan is even more famous as the pearl treasure land in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Even the famous Zhuji is not as good as our Jingnan." Zhang Xian Cheng held the wine glass in both hands, respectfully toasted Eunuch Qian, and said after drinking.

"Oh?" After hearing about Pearl, Eunuch Qian became obviously interested. "Zhuji, Shaoxing, the ancient capital of the Yue Kingdom, and the hometown of Xi Shi, is the famous hometown of pearls in the Ming Dynasty. This miscellaneous family knows that it is said that Fairy Chang'e of the Moon Palace has a huge pearl that is the best in the world. She often plays with it in the palm of her hand, filled with fairy spirit. One day, Fairy Chang'e couldn't bear the loneliness, so she secretly had a private meeting with Wu Gang under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and left the pearl to the golden rooster for protection. As usual, the golden rooster tossed the pearl around and played secretly, but accidentally, the pearl fell to the earth. The golden rooster chased The pearl descended to earth, and fell into the Huansha River in Zhuji. The pearl had spirituality, and saw that the beautiful mountains and rivers of Zhuji were far better than the cold Moon Palace, so it refused to go back. To avoid the pursuit of the golden rooster, the pearl flew from the Huansha River into the Huansha River by the stream. According to the woman's mouth. The woman was pregnant with pearls and gave birth to Xi Shi, so there is an allusion that "she tasted her mother bathing in silk in the stream, and the pearls shot out of her body and she became pregnant." Therefore, Zhuji was also called the hometown of pearls. However, as Zhang Xiancheng said, Zhuji It’s not as good as your precious land, Jingnan, but what do you say?”

Seeing that Eunuch Qian was interested in his words, Zhang Xiancheng expressed his efforts even more, "As we all know, pearls are born from shells. Zhuji is located inland, with only river shells. And I, Jingnan, have the boundless sea at my back. Not only river shells, but also sea shells. Both quantity and quality are far superior to those in Zhuji."


Eunuch Qian said lightly.

Obviously, Zhang Xiancheng's words did not convince Eunuch Qian.

Zhang Xiancheng's face turned red.

"Ahem, Eunuch Qian, does he know if He's Bi is the best?" Chief Yao coughed, took over Zhang Xian Cheng's words, and said to Eunuch Qian.

"He's jade is world-famous, how could the Za family not know about it?" Eunuch Qian narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly,

"Eunuch Qian knows the He's Bi. Does he know that the Sui Marquis' Pearl is as famous as the He's Bi and has been fought over by emperors of all dynasties? It is also the 'treasure passed down by the whole world'?" Master Yao smiled slightly and continued.

"The Pearl of the Marquis of Sui?!" Eunuch Qian was slightly startled, and then nodded slightly, "It seems that this Zajia family has also heard of it, but knows very little about it."

"There is a saying in "Han Feizi": 'The walls of the He family are not decorated with five colors; the pearls of the Sui marquis are not decorated with silver and yellow. Their quality is so beautiful that objects are not enough to decorate it.' "Lu Shi Chun Qiu·Guansheng Chapter" There is also a saying: 'Nowadays, some people use the pearls of the Sui Marquis to play the Thousand-Ren Bird. Why?'. This famous book handed down from generation to generation has a detailed description of the Sui Marquis' pearls." Master Yao said slowly.

"Could it be that the Pearl of the Sui Dynasty is related to your land?" Eunuch Qian asked with interest after listening to Master Yao's words.

"Eunuch Qian is wise, and he will hit the mark with just one guess." Chief Yao complimented, "The Sui Marquis of the Western Zhou Dynasty went out to patrol the fiefdom to Zhishui, and found a giant snake dozens of feet long on the hillside. It was cut in the middle by someone, and it was dying. The Sui Marquis moved Compassion led to treatment. A year later, the Marquis of Sui once again patrolled to Zhishui and took a nap at a mountain post station at noon. In his sleep, a yellow-haired boy knelt down in front of him and said that he was the one who had been rescued last year. The incarnation of a giant snake came to offer beads to the Marquis of Sui in order to thank him for his life-saving grace. The Marquis of Sui suddenly woke up and found a huge pearl on the bedside. It was white, round and dazzling. It looked like a crystal candle when viewed from a distance. Like the bright moon on the sea, it looks like a pearl at a glance. After the news that the Sui princes obtained the pearl came out, it immediately aroused the coveting of princes from all over the world. Like the Heshi Bi, it was scrambled by people all over the world. Finally, the Sui Pearl fell into the hands of King Wu of Chu. Hand. Later, Qin destroyed Chu, and the Sui Zhu was possessed by Qin Shihuang, and was regarded as a national treasure of the Qin State. It is as famous as the Heshi Bi and must be fought over by emperors of all dynasties. This slag water is located in Jingnan, our Jingnan County Chronicle There is a clear record of this, and it will be clear once you look it up.”

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