Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1212 The autumn air is getting colder, I hope to refresh my mind


Zhu Ping'an opened his mouth, and a "double regulation" that spanned time and space came out. It perfectly filled the loopholes in the cumbersome and time-consuming handling procedures of the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Justice, and made Zhang Xiancheng and others spit out their blood. Call Zhu Pingan a hooligan.

"Zhu Pingan, I will fight with you!"

Li Dianshi felt that his force was worth a lot. When he was being punished by Shuanggui, he still tried to resist. He wanted to catch the thief before Zhu Ping'an. However, he only had a lot of fat and his own fighting ability was like a scumbag. He screamed. As soon as he jumped up, he was suppressed easily and casually by Liu Dadao, who was vigilant with one hand, just like hitting a cub.

"Detain them! Find three empty rooms in the post house and control them separately. You will be under strict supervision in shifts. Before they explain the problem clearly, they are not allowed to step out of the door without my order! Nor are they allowed to do anything. No one comes into contact with them! Their food, drink, toilet, and sleep are all done in the room!"

Zhu Ping'an ordered Zhang Xian Cheng, Chief Yao and Li Dianshi to be detained on the spot in the post house.

"Zhu Pingan, you are abusing lynching!"

"Zhu Pingan, you are acting like a hooligan, you are taking advantage of loopholes."

"Eunuch Qian, have you seen that Zhu Ping'an is lawless, has crossed the official and criminal departments, and abused lynching. You have to make the decision for us."

Zhang Xiancheng and three other people were forcibly taken to Shuanggui Road. They struggled emotionally and shouted loudly.

However, it's of no use.

Their savior, Eunuch Qian, couldn't even protect himself. He was howling like a butchered pig and leaning against the board. How could he care about them? Besides, Eunuch Qian now feels resentment towards Zhang Xiancheng and the others. From Eunuch Qian's point of view, if it weren't for Zhang County Cheng and the others, how could he be in this situation!

"Old man Liu, I will keep this contract as documentary evidence for this case. This is your ancestral pearl, please keep it. These fifty taels of silver will be used as compensation for you to recuperate from your injuries."

After Zhu Ping'an shuangguid Zhang Xian Cheng and others, he returned the original pearl to Old Man Liu, and took out fifty taels of silver from Eunuch Qian's stolen goods and handed them to Old Man Liu as Eunuch Qian's father-in-law. compensation.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Magistrate, and thank you, Mr. Qingtian."

The ancestral pearl was lost and recovered. Old man Liu burst into tears with excitement and kowtowed to Zhu Ping'an gratefully.

"Master Qingtian, the injuries on my body are all superficial injuries. I just need to go back and recuperate for a few days. No compensation is required. No compensation is required."

Old man Liu took the pearl, waved his hand repeatedly, and refused the fifty taels of silver compensation.

"Why don't you need compensation? Uncle Liu, you were so severely beaten by them at your age. How can you not need to compensate for medical expenses, lost work expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, food subsidies, nutrition expenses, rehabilitation expenses, and mental damages?" , adding up seven, seven, eight, and eight, the compensation of fifty taels of silver is really not much."

Zhu Ping'an said with a smile, insisting that the compensation of fifty taels of silver be placed in Old Man Liu's hands.

"Master Qingtian, no need, really no need, how can we use so much compensation." Old man Liu shook his head repeatedly.

"Old man Liu, if the county magistrate asks you to take it, just take it. There is no one who thinks there is too much money, really."

"The county magistrate feels sorry for our people. It's true that the sky is still alive. Old Liu, just accept it."

The onlookers persuaded.

"Thank you, Mr. Qingtian. Thank you, Mr. Qingtian." Under the persuasion of the onlookers and Zhu Pingan's insistence, Old Man Liu accepted fifty taels of silver compensation and kowtowed excitedly to express his gratitude.

Similarly, Zhu Ping'an took another fifty taels of silver from Eunuch Qian's stolen money and gave it to the whipped Liu Dianli as compensation. Liu Dianli refused for a long time, and finally accepted the offer at Zhu Pingan's insistence.

That's all my money. Next to me, Eunuch Qian, who was beaten, shed more tears.

Next, Zhu Pingan took pen, ink, paper and inkstone and wrote a letter to Eunuch Chen Hong and Chen who was far away in Suzhou:

Mr. Chen personally declares: I have discovered a villain in Jingnan who pretended to be the adopted son of Zunjia. The gangster pretended to be Chen Gong's righteous son, and in the name of Chen Gong, he deceived others and cheated others out of thousands of pieces of silver and antiques, calligraphy and paintings. He fled to Jingnan, forced himself to stay in Jingnan Posthouse in violation of regulations, smashed the gate of the posthouse, and whipped the county officials of the posthouse; He used one tael of silver to seize Liu Qi's ancestral pearls worth a thousand taels of silver; he sent people to break into the Jingnan County government office and disrupt the court.

When I was living in the capital, I had heard for a long time that Mr. Chen was law-abiding, never committed any crime, and strictly disciplined his subordinates. If he were Mr. Chen’s righteous son, he would be as upright and loyal as Mr. Chen in running errands. How could he be indulged in running errands and be diligent in cheating and cheating everywhere? Use power to bully others and take advantage of others by force. Therefore, I conclude that this villain is pretending to be Mr. Chen's adopted son. In addition to compensating the victims for the stolen goods deceived by the villains, I will confiscate them in accordance with the law. Among the stolen goods were a thousand taels of Taicang official silver and an altar of pearls. I asked Mr. Chen to deliver them to the Holy One. Because he is guilty of ruining your reputation everywhere, it is really abominable and can be killed! I will escort you to Mr. Chen’s office and ask him to punish you severely!

The autumn air is getting colder, and I hope to nourish my mind.


Zhu Ping'an, magistrate of Jingnan County, was born in the autumn of the 31st year of Jiajing's reign.

After finishing writing, Zhu Ping'an stamped the Jingnan County government seal and handed it to Liu Dadao, asking him to bring the letter, one thousand taels of Taicang official silver, and an altar of pearls, and wait for Eunuch Qian and his gang members to complete their execution. He was escorted to Eunuch Chen's office in Chen Hong, Suzhou.

The reason why Zhu Ping'an handed over one thousand taels of Taicang official silver and a jar of pearls to Chen Hong was because he did not want to cause trouble.

Zhu Ping'an knew the identity of Eunuch Qian in his heart, and also knew that Emperor Jiajing ordered people to buy gold, treasures and pearls.

The thousand taels of Taicang official silver and a jar of pearls included in Eunuch Qian's gift were obviously public funds and official business. If he withholds these, Chen Hong's errand of buying gold, treasures and pearls will definitely be greatly affected. Then he will definitely not let it go and have an excuse to get angry. However, now that he has the evidence of Eunuch Qian's crime and has caught him, he has also sent the Taicang official silver and pearls to Chen Hong, plus his letter, even if Chen Hong is unwilling to give in and is angry, he can only Able to swallow with gritted teeth. Because he has no sense at all. If things break out, it will only embarrass himself.

As for the 8,600 taels of silver notes, 1,580 taels of horseshoe silver ingots, scattered silver, house deeds, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, etc. that Eunuch Qian had worked hard to collect through bribes, Zhu Pingan smiled and accepted them all. Due to the limited financial resources of the county government, and the complicated and long-time process of reporting merits and rewards to the government government, Zhu Ping'an was worried about a shortage of funds. The stolen money from Eunuch Qian was just used to distribute rewards to young and strong people.

After a while, Eunuch Qian and others finished beating the boards. Zhu Pingan ordered the doctor to give them a brief treatment to prevent their wounds from becoming inflamed and die during the escort. Of course, they would not be given more treatment, after all, they deserved it.

After that, Liu Dadao took ten government officials, rented several carriages, and escorted Eunuch Qian and others to Suzhou all the way.

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