Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1236: Fighting in vain

Kill one person as a warning to others, chop off the heads of a few grain merchants who are driving up prices to deter grain merchants, and curb grain price increases? !

After listening to the suggestions of the subordinates, Zhu Ping'an narrowed his eyes slightly. This method can certainly suppress the increase in food prices, but can it really help survive the flood? ! It is undeniable that there is, there must be some, but in Zhu Pingan's view, the effect is very limited, and in this special period of floods, it can even kill one thousand enemies and damage three thousand.

Needless to say, the reason why grain dealers drive up prices is to make huge profits, but insufficient food supply is also a very important reason. Jiangnan is the granary of the Ming Dynasty. Now most of Jiangnan is flooded. The grain reserves in Jiangnan have basically been wiped out by the flood, and the granary has also become a food shortage. The grain merchants did not have much grain in hand. There was a grain shortage in the entire Ming Dynasty Jiangnan granary, and it was difficult for grain merchants to obtain grain. Transporting grain from the north, Sichuan, Sichuan and other places required long distances and huge costs. With their strength and Due to its size, the food shipped is also limited. Grain dealers subjectively make huge profits, but objectively there is insufficient grain, so they drive up prices and sell in limited quantities. This series of operations is understandable.

Value determines price, and supply and demand affect price. Zhu Pingan knows these principles of modern economics very well.

Although thunderous administrative measures can indeed suppress and control grain prices, grain is unprofitable. Except for the imperial government (the imperial court is now unable to rescue it for a while), who will waste time, effort and money to transport grain from other places? !

Although grain prices are under control, if there is no grain to sell, what is the use of controlling grain prices? !

In this special period, food is the basis for disaster relief. Without food, everything is impossible.

In Jingnan, no one was harmed in this flood, but if there is no food, Jingnan will be devastated. Natural disasters are also likely to become man-made disasters. The destructiveness of man-made disasters is much more terrible than natural disasters.

The Chinese people are very honest, really very honest. As long as they have something to eat and a way to live, they will not be in chaos. But if there is no food, no food, and no way to live, Zhu Pingan cannot imagine it.


This is the most important!

Floods are a special period, and this flood in Jiangnan is very special. The imperial court is unable to rescue it for a while, so special things should be done in special times. Zhu Pingan has a bold idea in his mind that can solve the food shortage in Jingnan, but

In special times, how can there be so many "just"! Although there are thousands of people, I will go! Zhu Ping'an's eyes were firm, he glanced at the subordinate officials, and said slowly, "I have my own opinion on the price of food. In addition, the food supply in our county is currently limited, so our county government should not compete with the people in the city for food, not for the time being. It’s time to purchase food. Wait until the county’s food supply is slightly sufficient before purchasing. Do you have any other ideas?”

In the next half hour, Zhu Ping'an listened to some suggestions from his subordinates about the flood, and adopted many suggestions, such as strengthening the management and control of the flood avoidance area, such as recruiting doctors to station in the flood avoidance area, etc.

"Your Majesty, in view of the limited grain storage in the warehouse, I suggest that the food standards for the victims in the flood shelter area be appropriately lowered. From three meals to two meals, from two nests and a bowl of porridge, to one nest and one bowl of porridge."

The warehouse official Qian Dian suggested.

"It's inappropriate, it's inappropriate. It's reduced from three meals to two meals, from two nests and a bowl of porridge to one nest and a bowl of porridge. Qian Dianli's reduction is too much. How can the victims eat?" Are you full? I’m afraid it will arouse public anger and lead to a lot of scolding.”

Upon hearing this, Mr. Liu from the household immediately stood up to express his objection, and his saliva almost hit Qian Dianli's face.

"Liu Dianli, this is an extraordinary period. If we don't save some money, in twenty days there won't be a bowl of porridge for every nest, not even a grain of rice. Everyone will have to drink from the northwest wind."

Not to be outdone, the warehouse official Qian Dian stood up to refute Liu Dianli.

"We can't lower it. If we lower the food supply like this, the people's saliva will drown us."

"Food is limited. If we don't lower the standard, there will be no food in the warehouse in twenty days. What will we do then?! Still full?! It's good to have some food. Which other counties are like me, Jingnan?" ! In this period of great disaster, if you can have a steamed bun and a bowl of porridge, what else can you be dissatisfied with!"

Soon, other officials present also took sides, some expressed support for Qian Dianli, and some expressed support for Master Liu. The two sides started a heated debate over whether to lower the food standards for the victims.

"Okay. Before the food problem is solved, let's lower the food standards first as Qian Dianli said."

Zhu Ping'an was not a pedantic person. He slapped the table, interrupted the debate among the officials, and accepted Qian's suggestion.

On the one hand, as Qian Dianli and others said, the county government warehouses have limited grain storage, so long-term considerations must be taken. Two meals a day, with each meal providing a bowl of porridge and a nest, are already rare during this period of disaster, and are enough to solve the survival problems of the victims. Other counties and counties cannot even do this.

On the other hand, Zhu Pingan also has other considerations. Zhu Pingan is planning to launch the epoch-making policy of "relief for work" in two or three days, when the floods have receded a little, to combine disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction, and organize the victims Carry out a series of post-disaster reconstruction projects, such as rebuilding villages, digging water conservancy facilities, repairing and repairing city walls, building beacon towers and other anti-Japanese and anti-Japanese projects, etc., to provide them with food and necessary wages, instead of direct relief like now, which is a waste of resources and labor force.

Qian Dianli's proposal can be planned in advance.

What? ! If you feel that two meals a day, a steamed bun and a bowl of rice porridge are not enough, and you want to eat well, then come and participate in the work-for-relief project. By participating in cash-for-work programs, you can not only have enough to eat but also receive wages.

In this way, through work-for-relief, the victims can not only meet the needs of food and clothing and have necessary income, achieving the purpose of relief, but also speed up the post-disaster reconstruction of Jingnan, leaving a series of public projects and infrastructure in Jingnan to help The economic and social development of Jingnan can also vent the excess energy of the disaster victims, saving them from causing trouble, which is conducive to the stability of the flood avoidance area.

The reason why Zhu Ping'an initially recruited refugees from various counties and counties was because of the idea of ​​"relief with work."

"My lord, please think twice. You have to know how to do favors for rice and hatred for rice. Once you lower your standards like this, you will definitely get scolded. We will just pay it back. It is mainly because of you, lord of the county. The good reputation you have accumulated before, I'm afraid it will be destroyed." Master Liu and others from Hufang saw that Zhu Ping'an had adopted Qian Dianli's suggestion and couldn't help but dissuade him again and again.

"Just scold me. I'll bear the blame. Only the people can survive this flood safely. Ping An is willing to spit it out." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, not worried at all that his reputation would be ruined.

As long as the people can survive this flood safely, Ping An is willing to face the consequences

What kind of sentiment and mind is this!

Master Liu and others were instantly shocked. They looked at Zhu Pingan with respect. Ancient scholars’ pursuit and emphasis on honor and integrity far exceeded the imagination of modern people like Zhu Pingan. They stood up one after another and said, "The county magistrate has such a big heart." I can't wait any longer! Yes, in extraordinary times, we should do extraordinary things, but we are pedantic."

Uh. As for that? ! Seeing everyone's respectful eyes, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but be startled.

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