Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1247: betrayal and separation

The grain merchants in Jingnan were caught up in the grand carnival. They transported all the grain they had in stock to the grain shops and started selling it to the people of the county at a price of 2,500 yuan per stone of grain.

After a long time, the grain merchant's hands were shaking when receiving the money, and his hands were cramped when counting the money.

In order to make more money, the grain merchants took out all their savings and borrowed a lot of money from relatives and friends. They used it all as capital and mobilized all the people they could to go to Bashu, Shandong and even more. Grains were purchased from far away places and shipped to Jingnan for sale.

Some clever and courageous grain merchants, such as shopkeeper Tai and others, even borrowed thousands of taels of silver from loan sharks and used all of them as capital. The interest rate compounded by usury is only five cents per month. We use usury as capital to purchase grain and resell it, which is several times the profit. Why not take out a loan.

The grain merchants were in a state of carnival, while the people in Jingnan were filled with resentment and scolding!

Oh my God!

The natural disasters and floods haven’t gone away yet, but another man-made disaster has come! Our Jingnan is really in trouble!

At first I thought that Zhu was a good person, but at the end of the day, he was about to be promoted, but his true colors were revealed! Sure enough, he is as black as a crow in the world, no, this dog official is the blackest in the world! Compared with him, the previous magistrates of Gou County pale into insignificance!

Just pity us Jingnan people!

Since the announcement of the official grain price document, no one in Jingnan has criticized Zhu Ping'an.

Because food prices are so expensive, they are more than twice as high as other counties. One stone of grain costs 2,500 Wen, and one pound of grain costs 17 Wen. People in Jingnan were reluctant to eat rice and steamed buns, so they had to drink porridge with their families.

When the people in Jingnan used their savings to buy grain, they all gritted their teeth and cursed Zhu Pingan.

Some people want to save money and go to Taiping County and other neighboring counties to buy grain. However, the price of grain in Taiping County and other counties is much higher than that in Jingnan. However, there is no market at the price. Grain shops either have no grain or sell limited grain, etc. When they arrived, the limited amount of grain in the grain store had long been sold out. They worked hard to travel to several counties and could not buy grain at all, so they had to go back to Jingnan to buy grain. They endured the exploitation of grain dealers and purchased much more than other grain stores. County grain prices.

People's dissatisfaction in Jingnan is boiling! Like fire cooking oil!

When the subordinate officials heard this, they were so angry that they couldn't help themselves! In particular, there are three people including Liu Fuzi, the official of the household house, Zhang Tongsheng, the official of the official house, Han Cheng, the official of the execution room, and Liu Laotou, the official of the ceremonial house.

Not long after Zhu Pingan's official document defining food prices was posted, the three of them came together to resign from Zhu Pingan.

"Ahem, cough, cough, Lord County Lord, I am getting old. My body and bones can no longer bear the stress of the past few days. I can no longer contribute to the County Lord. I came here to bid farewell to the County Lord and return home."

Old man Liu, the official of the ceremonial room, bowed his hand to Zhu Ping'an and said expressionlessly, asking to retire and return to his hometown.

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. Although Old Liu was old, he was still only in his fifties, and he would have reached the age of retiring and returning to his hometown. Moreover, Old Liu was neither blind nor deaf, and his body was stronger than that of a young man. , is well-known in the county government for being old and strong.

After Old Man Liu finished his resignation, Master Liu, the household administrator, also asked for his resignation to Zhu Ping'an, "County Lord, I am also here to ask for your resignation. News came from home that I have contracted a disease, and my child is not yet an adult." , I want to go back and take care of my wife, and I ask for your permission from the county."

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he was speechless.

Old man Liu resigned on the grounds of old age, and Master Liu resigned on the grounds of his wife's illness.

What about you?

Zhu Ping'an turned his attention to Han Cheng, the official in the execution room, and Zhang Tongsheng, the official in the official room.

"Your Majesty, I am here to ask you to resign from my humble position. I would like to thank you for taking care of me during these days in the county government. But there are three types of unfilial piety, and the worst is not having children. I am already over forty years old, and I have no sons, and my family is old. My parents urged me several times, especially my old father who threatened me with death yesterday, so I have no choice but to ask the county to allow me to go home and work hard with my mother-in-law."

Han Cheng, the prison official, held his fists and said to Zhu Ping'an.

Zhu Ping'an was completely speechless. The first two reasons for resigning were more or less reasonable, but your reason was too... Your home is only a few miles away from the county seat. You work in the county government, and you only have tea time when you ride home every day. , and it won’t affect your and your wife’s “efforts”...

Zhu Ping'an looked at the last official, Zhang Tongsheng, and as expected, Zhang Tongsheng simply cupped his hands and said sarcastically, "Your Majesty, I am also here to ask for my resignation. To be honest with you. He said that Zhang has always been a glutton, and his favorite food in his life is wild vegetables from the mountains behind the village. If he doesn't eat for a day, he will feel uncomfortable all over and lose all strength. Recently, the floods have been raging and food prices are high, so the villagers can't afford to eat. , I had no choice but to dig wild vegetables to satisfy my hunger. I heard that the villagers had almost dug up all the wild vegetables in the back mountain. Zhang couldn’t live without the wild vegetables in the back mountain and needed wild vegetables to save his life. He came here to ask for his resignation from the county magistrate and went home to grab wild vegetables in the back mountain. .”

Ahem...your reason is really strong...

I couldn’t live without the wild vegetables in the mountains behind my hometown, so I resigned and went home to dig wild vegetables...

You should learn from Zhang Jiying!

The autumn wind blows and leaves fly, and the water of Wujiang River is full of fat fish. I haven't returned home after traveling three thousand miles, I can't help but look up to the sky with sadness.

Zhu Pingan looked at Zhang Tongsheng speechlessly, and Zhang Tongsheng looked at Zhu Pingan without flinching.

"Okay, everyone, don't rack your brains to find these reasons. I know why you resigned. Isn't it because of the official document I issued defining the grain price in Jingnan at 2,500 yuan per stone."

After Zhu Ping'an heard the reasons for Old Man Liu and his resignation, he said to them with a dumbfounded expression.

"Humph, since the county minister has made it clear, we won't hide it. In addition, there are a steady stream of small and large grain merchants in the county who pay homage to the county minister and offer gifts of thanks to the county minister. The county minister refuses all who come. Don’t accept it! The county magistrate seeks personal gain without caring about the life and death of the people! It’s really disappointing!”

Old Man Liu, Zhang Tongsheng and others snorted and said to Zhu Pingan with indignation.

"When the county magistrate invited us to join the Yamen to help, it was because the magistrate was an honest official, devoted to the people, had a reputation as a virtuous man, and was deeply loved by the people, that we agreed to the magistrate's invitation and came to the Yamen to assist the magistrate in cooking. Official business. The actions of the county office have never let us down. Privately, we are often glad that we agreed to the county invitation. We feel that our original decision was extremely correct! However, we did not expect that the county official Changed, no, or maybe this is the real County Lord. We are blind and have not seen the true face of the County Lord! We have different ways and do not work together! I am not talented, but I also do not want to help the evildoers and harm others. I’m a fellow from Jingnan!”

Old Liu, Zhang Tongsheng and others said with great indignation and insisted on bidding farewell to Zhu Pingan.

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