Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1297 The Rise of Xu Hai

Thanks to Xu Weixue, Xu Hai changed from nephew to proton!

This day is already the fifteenth day of Xu Hai's proton life, and the resentment towards his uncle Xu Weixue has deepened.

In the early morning, a magpie landed in front of his windy window, and chirped for a long time before flying away.

"There is a bird coming to the window, I expect there will be good news today." Half a month later, Xu Hai smiled for the first time.

At this moment, he heard footsteps coming from outside, and when he looked up, he saw the governor of the Matsuura family walking into the yard.

Why is Governor Matsuura here? !

Xu Hai was startled at first, and then he was overjoyed. The Matsuura family governor came in person. It must be that his uncle paid off the debt in advance! It was originally agreed to repay the loan in two months, but now it’s only been half a month! Otherwise, how could Governor Matsuura have time to see his proton?

But why is Governor Matsuura's face so dark? !

After Xu Hai was overjoyed, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Governor Matsuura's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he also smelled like a mess.

what happened? There is still one and a half months until the repayment time, so why is Governor Matsuura like this? !

Under Xu Hai's doubtful eyes, as soon as the Matsuura family governor came to the door, he waved his hand to Xu Hai and ordered the warrior behind him, "Take down this Ming country monk with me, chop it into pieces, and throw it into the wild to feed the dogs!"


what happened? !

Before Xu Hai could react, he was tied up by two short but majestic Japanese warriors and dragged to the yard like a chicken. Then he was kicked on both knees at the same time, and then Xu Hai knelt on the ground with a thud. A Japanese warrior pulled Xu Hai's head with his hand, exposing Xu Hai's neck. Another warrior raised his katana high.

Just when Xu Hai was about to die, he heard a shout: "Your Majesty Matsuura, save someone under the sword!"

Who is calling for mercy? ! Xu Weixue? ! No, it was Xu Hai himself who shouted "Save someone under the knife".

"Your uncle plundered the land of Baiyue in the Ming Dynasty. Xiao Xian informed the Ming army that both sides set up an ambush on Nan'ao Island. Your uncle was killed in the ambush! Your uncle is dead. He owes the governor 20,000 taels of gold. He can only It’s worth your dog’s life!”

Governor Matsuura waved his hand impatiently and ordered the samurai to kill Xu Hai with swords. He felt so angry!

"Your Highness Matsuura, spare my life. I will serve you and pay off your uncle's debt!" Xu Hai shouted repeatedly.


Governor Matsuura glanced at Xu Hai and sneered disdainfully. Governor Matsuura didn't believe a word of Xu Hai's words. What Xu Weixue said at the beginning was also good, but in the end he lost all his money!

"Your Highness Matsuura, I am a native of the Ming Dynasty. When I was a monk in my early years, I traveled all over the southeast of the Ming Dynasty. The terrain of mountains and rivers in the southeast of the Ming Dynasty, the distribution of troops and horses, the barren and rich areas, easy to attack and difficult to defend, etc. are all in my mind. I will guide your highness. Your Highness will definitely be able to return home with a full load, and the profits will be a hundred times greater than before.”

Seeing that Governor Matsuura did not believe his words, Xu Hai hurriedly kowtowed and begged for mercy while shouting loudly.

Hearing this, Governor Matsuura finally looked at Xu Hai with his eyes, as if looking at a livable rare commodity. Seeing this, Xu Hai quickly seized the opportunity to sell himself, "I am willing to do your best for Your Highness, please also ask Your Highness Give me a chance to prove my worth and I will never disappoint His Highness!"

"It just so happens that my men will go to Ming Dynasty to plunder tomorrow, so I will give you a chance. If you can prove your worth, I will treat you as an honored guest! If you cannot prove your worth, the wild dog will treat you as an honored guest!"

Governor Matsuura looked at Xu Hai with burning eyes and said slowly.

In fact, the Matsuura family governor had long wanted to find a satisfactory Ming traitor. The Matsuura family made their fortune as a Japanese pirate. They robbed North Korea in the early years and later the Ming Dynasty. However, the Ming Dynasty was different from North Korea. Their robbery of the Ming Dynasty did not go smoothly. The reason was that the Ming Dynasty The land is vast, the resources are rich, the people are talented, but they are not familiar with the land, and their harvest is often not ideal. If there is a qualified leader who is familiar with the mountains and terrain of the Ming Dynasty, knows where the Ming Dynasty is rich and where it is barren, where it is suitable for looting, and where it should be avoided to harvest, it will definitely increase greatly.

He had considered this aspect when he first cooperated with Wang Zhi. After learning the news about Wang Zhi from Ukumori Tada, he invited Wang Zhi to use Hirado Island in Hizen Province off the coast of Kyushu and Matsuura Tsu in Satsuma Province as bases. Wang Zhi built a beautiful house for Wang Zhi to live in for a long time. However, Wang Zhi was too powerful. Not only did the Matsuura family governor fail to achieve his goal, but he also led the wolf into the house. He was restrained by Wang Zhi and had to be careful to please Wang Zhi.

If the traitor named Xu Hai in front of him is what he says, it will be an unexpected gain.

"Thank you, Your Highness! I, Xu Hai, will prove my worth to Your Highness, so that Your Highness will not regret today's decision!"

Xu Hai kowtowed and swore allegiance to the Matsura family governor.

Therefore, Xu Hai was taken aboard the Matsuura family's Japanese pirate ship the next day, as a low-level Japanese pirate handyman and a traitor leader. The Japanese pirates of the Matsuura family are mainly poor farmers, ronin and samurai of the Matsuura family in Hirado. There are less than 30% of the pirates of the Ming Dynasty. Xu Hai's miscellaneous Japanese pirates and the Ming traitor leader party have no status among the Matsuura Japanese pirates. It can be said that their status is He is humble and allowed to be called around and drank by others.

I have to say that Xu Hai is talented at being a pirate and a traitor! Of course, this is a derogatory term!

He is cunning and shameless by nature, rich in leadership skills and outstanding military talents, and has the talent to be a pirate; he betrayed his countrymen without a pang of conscience. He was proactive, familiar with the roads and never tired of leading the waves of Japanese pirates in the Ming Dynasty. He burned, killed and looted the land, and he had the talent of being a traitor.

The first time he went out to sea with the Matsura Japanese pirates to plunder, he guided the Matsura Japanese pirates to the territory of Songjiang Prefecture, and chose Huating County, which was relatively wealthy and easy to acquire in Songjiang Prefecture. He led a group of Matsura Japanese pirates to burn, kill and plunder a village in Huating County. Happy, gold, silver, jewels, women and children are filled with boat after boat.

After the robbery, they were chased and surrounded by the army. Xu Hai guided the Songpu Japanese pirates to escape from the army encirclement from a forest path. He even guided the Songpu Japanese pirates to cross the reed swamp and kill a carbine, killing the surrounding Ming army who was caught off guard. The Ming army lost its troops, and Xu Hai led the Matsuura Japanese pirates away.

Not only that, on the way home, Xu Hai also assisted the leader of the Matsuura Japanese pirates in commanding the fleet, avoiding the pursuit and interception of the navy of the Ming Dynasty.

Xu Hai's debut in the Matsuura pirates was perfect, and he was promoted to the team leader by the leader of the Matsuura pirates on the way home.

After returning to the territory of the Matsuura family, the governor of the Matsuura family was very satisfied with Xu Hai's performance, and further promoted Xu Hai to the captain.

In the second appearance, Xu Hai made suggestions. First, he gave gold, silver, jewelry and shotguns to the Japanese pirate king Mazi in the name of friendship. After gaining Wang Mazi's trust, he led a hundred Matsuura family warriors to attend the king's ceremony in the name of congratulating the Japanese pirate king Mazi on his birthday. During Mazi's birthday party, while the wine was in full swing, Xu Hai suddenly launched an attack, killing Wang Mazi in one fell swoop and annexing more than a thousand Japanese pirate tribesmen and more than a hundred Japanese pirate ships under Wang Mazi's command.

After more than a month like this, Xu Hai won the appreciation and trust of the Matsuura family governor, and became a member of the leadership of the Matsuura Japanese pirates, directly subordinate to more than a thousand Japanese pirates.

Day by day, Xu Hai's status is also constantly improving, and his strength is also constantly expanding

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