Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1310: A Sharp Mouth Flattens the Miao Man (Part 2)

After Zhu Pingan analyzed it, Mrs. Yilan calmed down and gave up the idea of ​​capturing the thief first.

All the Wuxi seedlings were also given a basin of cold water by Duotou, and became quiet, fearful of Zhu Ping'an.

"Are you threatening us?! Huh! We Wuxi Miao people are never afraid of death! Everyone has the consciousness to die in battle! Under the Nine Springs, our ancestors have already prepared fragrant fruit wine for us!"

The girl Butterfly snorted and scratched her neck.

"Haha, I'm sorry, don't think about fruit wine or anything like that. If you Wuxi Miao clan is exterminated, your ancestors will also be extinct. Let alone fruit wine, you won't be able to enjoy even a trace of incense, and you will become an orphan without a foundation. A wandering ghost, hungry, cold, and trapped, and in the end I couldn’t even become a wandering ghost.”

Zhu Pingan shrugged, showed a bright smile to Butterfly, and said lightly.

Absolute sacrifice? !

When Butterfly heard this, her face turned pale. In her eyes, Zhu Pingan's smile was much more ferocious than the evil ghost described by Ke Wu.

A group of Wuxi seedlings also look similar.

What the dog official said is true! If our Wuxi Miao clan is exterminated, who will worship our ancestors? ! The ancestors and sects are not all sacrificed! Once the sacrifice is eliminated, the ancestors and ancestors in the underworld will not be wiped out!

no! Wuxi Miao has been passed down for thousands of years, but it cannot be sacrificed in our generation! Otherwise, how could we have the face to face our ancestors! We will become the eternal sinners of Wuxi Miao!

People in the feudal era took sacrifices and underworld very seriously. After hearing Zhu Ping'an's words, all the Wuxi seedlings became even more fearful, with worried faces on their faces, and an atmosphere of fear and uneasiness lingered over the camp.

"Haha, everyone, don't worry. I am the one who said it first. Although the Wuxi Miao clan is about to be annihilated, I am here to save you." Zhu Pingan looked around and laughed loudly.

"How could a dog official like you be so kind?!" Butterfly looked at Zhu Pingan with suspicion, not believing it.

"Butterfly, don't be rude to your guests!" Mrs. Yilan educated Butterfly, and then apologized slightly to Zhu Ping'an, "This girl is usually spoiled by me, but it makes Lord Zhu laugh."

"The chieftain is serious. I, the prime minister, can support a boat. How can I be so fussy with a little girl?"

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly. From Mrs. Yilan's attitude, Zhu Pingan saw the dawn of victory.

"Lord, it's clear that he is the one who clamored to destroy our clan, and now he is pretending to be a good person. He must have bad intentions!" Butterfly pouted his mouth and said angrily, full of distrust of Zhu Ping'an.

"That's right, Butterfly is right. He is different from what he looks like. He definitely doesn't have any good intentions. Lord, please think twice."

Several Wuxi Miao barbarians also agreed.

Mrs. Yilan took advantage of the situation and looked at Zhu Ping'an, and said slowly, "My subordinates are ignorant, please ask Mr. Zhu to explain. Otherwise, even as a chieftain, I cannot ignore the opinions of the whole clan and make decisions without authorization."

Zhu Ping'an stood up, glanced at all the Miao people, and said slowly: "I came with good intentions, and I came specifically to save you Wuxi Miao people. If you accept my goodwill, you will all be happy; if you reject me, If you are determined to seek death, not to mention me, not even the gods can save you."

"Are you so kind?! Regardless of your own safety, come to save us?!" Butterfly said in disbelief.

"Of course. I care about the people. You Wuxi Miao people are also the common people under my rule and my subjects. How can I just watch your Wuxi Miao tribe be exterminated."

Zhu Pingan said calmly.

"What? You love your people like your own children?"

Butterfly rolled his eyes, unable to see that this arrogant and domineering dog official was getting involved with the people who love the people.

"Of course. It's not that I'm bragging about myself, but it's the fact. I have a reputation in Jingnan of loving the people like a son and having a breeze on my sleeves - Zhu Qingtian. Everyone knows this, so I think you should have heard about it."

Zhu Pingan nodded, stretched out his hand to flick his sleeves, and then put his hands behind his back, making a breeze-like shape with his sleeves.

Butterfly expressed doubts about Zhu Ping'an's words.

"Mr. Zhu's reputation is indeed good, but it's hard to know what's going on with his reputation. For example, Mr. Zhu once said that he "loved the people but not women, and he never entered his house three times during the flood," but..."

Mrs. Yilan couldn't agree, and her weather-beaten eyes glanced meaningfully at the witch Ruonan next to Zhu Ping'an.

Although Mrs. Yilan didn't make it clear, her meaning was very clear. You used to have a reputation for not loving women, but as a result, you didn't forget to take your women with you to have fun during marches and wars. Do you think the rumors are credible? !

There is such an example, you say that you love the people like your own children? ! Let us believe how!

"Ahem, of course, in addition to loving the people as my own children, political performance is also a consideration."

Zhu Pingan coughed and said slowly.

"Political achievements?" Butterfly was puzzled.

"Wuxi Miao sent 30,000 troops to break through the southeast flood shelter, plunder food and grass, and plunder the people. There was a big earthquake in Jingnan. However, I was not afraid of risks. I entered the enemy camp alone and convinced the people with virtue. I only had a three-inch indestructible piece of paper. Tongue, Wuxi Miao found his way back and returned to the court with a changed mind. This is a legendary achievement, and it is the icing on the cake for my official career." Zhu Pingan walked slowly with his hands behind his back and said with a smile on his face.

When Mrs. Yilan heard this, there was a sarcastic curve at the corner of her mouth, but her eyes were filled with trust.

"Single-handedly, you convince others with your virtue, haha. You really put gold on your face."

Butterfly rolled his eyes and said with disdain, but he believed in Zhu Pingan's explanation.

"Hey, this is really a society that forces girls into prostitution. They don't listen to the truth, but believe lies."

When Zhu Pingan saw this, he was extremely speechless. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch and he sighed.

After Fang finished sighing, out of the corner of Zhu Ping'an's eyes, he caught a glimpse of the demon Ruo Nan rolling his eyes.

You actually believed it too? !

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but have a black line on his face.

"Butterfly, why are you still standing? Why don't you go and serve tea to Mr. Zhu? Please try our Wuxi Miao's unique Wuxi tea." Mrs. Yilan smiled slightly and asked Butterfly to serve tea to Zhu Ping'an.

Haha, people are already serving tea. Zhu Ping'an knew that this trip was a big deal since his treatment was improved.

"Sir, please have some tea." Butterfly pouted and offered Zhu Ping'an a cup of hot tea reluctantly.

"Haha, thank you, Miss Butterfly." Zhu Ping'an smiled and stretched out his hands. When he was about to touch the tea cup, he paused and sighed softly, "The tea is good tea, but it's a pity."

"What a pity?" Butterfly pouted.

"Tea is human-friendly. If you are good to it, it will be good to you. If you have a bitter face, the tea will also be bitter. As the saying goes, tea is bitter for people, and tea is sweet for people who laugh." Zhu Ping'an said with a look on his face. Said sadly.

"Sir, please drink tea~~" Butterfly gritted his teeth and forced a smile despite the humiliation.

"Well, good tea." Zhu Pingan took the tea cup, pretended to take a sip, and said "good tea."

Butterfly gritted his teeth angrily.

Mrs. Yilan squinted her eyes, and when she saw the scene in front of her, the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes widened.

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