Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1312 An unexpected surprise

At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the midday sun has lost its original intensity, and is like a girl in love, gentle and gentle. Every ray of sunshine that shines on people has a comfortable temperature.

Under the sun, Jingnan was full of joy and peace, and the faces of people on the streets were filled with luck and joy.

The news has already spread throughout the world. What a clever and cunning plan by the county magistrate. What about the brave and fearless magistrate who single-handedly entered the Miao camp and made Wuxi Miao kneel down and ask for help with his sharp tongue? Surrender, wait, wait, etc., the common people add fuel to the fire, add details, and spread it to be so magical, but each one of them talks about it vividly, as if they have witnessed it on the spot, and the people who listen are also convinced, saying that this is us County Honor

At this time, Zhu Ping'an had returned to the backyard of the Jingnan County Yamen with Liu Dadao and others as well as the demon girl Ruonan.

"Uncle, are you back?! Uncle, why is your hand injured?"

When Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, saw Zhu Pingan for the first time, she was as surprised as a husky that hadn't seen its owner for several days. She ran over bumpily. Halfway through, she saw Zhu Pingan's palms were wrapped in white cloth, and there were The blood seeped through, and tears the size of peas flowed down uncontrollably.

"Brother Dadao, how did you protect my uncle?! And you, Ruonan, didn't you promise me to protect my uncle?! Why are you all fine, but my uncle is injured?!"

Seeing that Zhu Ping'an was injured, Hua'er couldn't help but look angrily at Liu Dadao, the demon Ruonan and others.

Liu Dadao and the others looked embarrassed, while the demon girl Ruonan rolled her eyes.

"Hua'er, don't worry. I'm not injured. They also protected me very well with Da Dao."

Zhu Pingan waved his hand and explained with a smile.

"It's all bleeding." Hua'er couldn't stop crying, "They must have failed to protect my uncle properly."

"This is left behind by the Wuxi Miao who made a blood alliance." Zhu Pingan explained with a wry smile, "Oh, it's terrible to be uneducated. It's obvious that the blood alliance is made by smearing the blood of livestock or chickens and ducks on the lips to make an oath. The Wuxi seedlings had to cut their palms and drip the blood into the wine, then drink it."

This is also true. Zhu Ping'an said that after the Wuxi seedlings were sent down, Mrs. Yilan asked for a blood alliance.

Shame on blood, shame on blood, Zhu Pingan naturally has no objection. The ancients paid attention to this and abided by this. "Historical Records" has recorded many allusions of blood alliances. Mao Sui asked the King of Chu to make an alliance with Pingyuan King, Gan Mao and the King of Qin made an alliance with blood, etc. Generally, those who participated in making the alliance dipped their fingers in chickens, ducks, cattle, horses and other livestock. Blood, smeared around the mouth, means keeping a promise, which is called "blood-staining".

During the Long March, Liu Bocheng and Xiao Yedan, the leader of the Yi clan, also made a bloody alliance on the banks of the Yi Sea.

The blood oath mentioned by Zhu Ping'an's Lady Yi Lan should also be like this.

However, Zhu Ping'an never expected that Mrs. Yilan was a female hero of her generation. She asked someone to serve a bowl of wine, then cut her palms and poured drop by drop of blood into the wine. Her movements were smooth and smooth, without even blinking. After blinking, he handed the dagger to Zhu Pingan.


What can Zhu Pingan do? !

Zhu Ping'an could only take the dagger, gritted his teeth and gave it to his palm. He coughed all of a sudden. He closed his eyes and failed to control the strength. He used too much force and the wound was slightly deeper. The blood flow was higher than that of Yilan. The lady's size grew several times. However, Zhu Pingan's move unexpectedly won the trust of Mrs. Yilan and other Wuxi seedlings. They felt that Zhu Pingan's oath was sincere, so they were moved and swore on the spot, "There is a God in heaven." , there is land below, as long as you keep your word, we, the Wuxi Miao clan, will keep our promise forever in all our lives. If we repeat it, we will be destroyed by heaven and earth!"

Zhu Ping'an's mistake can be regarded as a mistake.

"These barbarians are so barbaric and uncivilized! How can anyone cut their hands to swear an oath? Why not use the blood of chickens and ducks instead? It's nothing to make my uncle suffer such a big crime." After hearing this, Hua'er bit her lip and cursed.

"Don't worry, it's just that the bandage looks scary, but it's not serious at all. Don't tell me, Wuxi Miao's secret knife wound medicine is really good. It's much easier to use than the knife wound medicine on the market. It's even better than Yunnan Baiyao. It’s not inferior at all. It’s only been a long time since I applied it, and the wound has already scabbed over. If you don’t believe it, take a look. You can ask them for the recipe in the future, or buy it with a lot of money. Such a healing medicine cannot be buried.”

Zhu Ping'an smiled, showed the scabbed wound to Hua'er, and then said to himself. Wuxi Miao's secret method of creating medicine with a knife is an unexpected joy of this trip. In the next ten years or so, the Japanese invasion in the southeast has become increasingly serious. Wuxi Miao's secret method of creating medicine with a knife is very promising and can save countless people.

The reason why Zhu Ping'an showed Hua'er the scabbed wound was because he wanted to comfort Hua'er, but unexpectedly it made Hua'er shed more tears.

"The wound is so long, but it's not serious." Hua'er burst into tears when she saw the scar on Zhu Pingan's palm.


Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an quickly wrapped his palms. Seeing that Hua'er couldn't stop crying, he had to use his ultimate move. He coughed and said, "Ahem, Hua'er, is there anything to eat at home? I'm hungry."

When Hua'er heard Zhu Ping'an say she was hungry, she immediately forgot to shed tears and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, they are all hot in the pot. They are my uncle's favorite food. I will go and bring them to my uncle." "

With that said, Hua'er went to prepare the meal.

"Dadao, you guys also go down and take a hot bath to relieve your fatigue. I'll ask Ruonan to send you wine and food later."

Zhu Pingan said to Liu Dada and others.

"Thank you, sir." Liu Dadao and others thanked him with clasped fists and went to find a place to take a bath in the outer office.

"I know Dao Chuang Yao, what is Yunnan Baiyao?"

After entering the house, the enchantress Ruonan reached out and poked Zhu Pingan's waist, and asked with a confused and curious expression.

"Yunnan Baiyao, according to legend, in the arena of swords and shadows, it is a must-have for knights to eliminate violence; on the battlefield of gold and iron horses, it is the life-saving elixir that brings soldiers back to life." Zhu Ping'an casually said the modern concept of Yunnan The legendary introduction of Baiyao was repeated.

"So awesome?! Why have I never heard of it?" The demon girl Ruonan said with a suspicious look on her face.

Because it will not be born until hundreds of years later, of course you have not heard of it.

However, despite the fact, you cannot say this to the demon Ruoronan, so Zhu Pingan glanced at her and said lightly, "Why are you so curious? Curiosity kills the cat, do you understand?!"

"At first glance, you are making up nonsense!" The demon girl Ruonan glared at Zhu Pingan, and then suddenly said thoughtfully, "Okay, Zhu Pingan, you have thought about the name. Do you like Wuxi Miao?" The secret knife has created a medicine, do you want to trick it and name it Lao Shizi Yunnan Baiyao?! Then offer it to the emperor as your entrance to the world?! Or sell it in large quantities as a way for you to make money."

"You have too much imagination, don't you?!" Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly when he heard this.

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