Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1314 Win-win

The next day, Zhu Pingan ordered people to purchase 10,000 stones of grain and grass, ten cattle, one hundred piglets and five hundred chickens from the market. He called Liu Dadao and others, and brought Liu Dianli and fifty Yu Mingyamen, pulling him with a carriage, rushed to Wuxi Mountain area again.

"County Lord, aren't there a few of us? Yesterday, Wuxi Miao didn't know what we were and what we were not. Today, I'm afraid they have already realized it. If Wuxi Miao turns against us, how can we protect the County Lord?"

Liu Dianli reminded Zhu Ping'an more than once on the road that he was always worried about Wuxi Miao.

People who are not from my race must have different minds. Liu Dianli has always been worried about this.

"Liu Dianli, please be at ease. Yesterday they didn't dare, and today they certainly don't dare. What they are afraid of is not me or the 50,000-strong army, but the court behind us. Besides, we fought with them 30,000 shi yesterday. With grain and grass, Wuxi seedlings have no reason to rebel anymore." Zhu Pingan explained to Liu Dianli.

"Your Majesty, we already gave them 30,000 shi of food and grass yesterday, why do we still need to give them 10,000 shi of food and so many piglets and chickens today? Isn't it a bit too much to give them a favor?"

Liu Dianli asked puzzledly.

"Yesterday I gave them food and grass to quell the rebellion. Today I want to save their entire clan and win a hundred years of peace. The Wuxi Miao people live together in Wuxi Mountain. There are more than ten tribes of different sizes, with about 70,000 to 80,000 members. Such a large population , if it can be merged into our Jingnan, the population of our Jingnan will nearly double out of thin air. The taxes collected every year will far exceed the gifts today." Zhu Pingan looked into the distance and said leisurely.

"How to protect their entire clan?" Liu Dianli asked again.

"Yesterday I communicated with the chieftains of Wuxi Miao and learned that they are quite envious of the farming life of the Han people. Because they live in the deep mountains, make a living by hunting and gathering, and rely on the sky for food, their lives are in embarrassment. I, the Han people, watch the fields, and the male Farmers and weavers live a prosperous life, which is countless times better than theirs. Yesterday, I shared thousands of acres of wasteland with them. It was a favor, but it was also a test. When they heard that I gave them thousands of acres of wasteland, their excitement was beyond words. . Today I am bringing them grain, grass, cattle, piglets, and chickens to speed up their move out of the Wuxi Mountains."

"Not only that, I also allocated five miles of land for them next to thousands of acres of wasteland. I specially set up Wuxi Town and allowed them to settle there. As the mayor of Wuxi Town, I allowed them to choose Wuxi seedlings and report to the county government. appointment."

Zhu Pingan told Liu Dianli his plans and plans while walking on the road.

Zhu Ping'an had a premonition that he would soon go to Zhejiang to be appointed as the criminal prosecutor, Si Qian, so he explained the whole story to Liu Dianli. After the new county magistrate took office, Liu Dianli and others would relay the matter.

"Your Majesty, will this make the Wuxi seedlings grow bigger?" Liu Dianli asked worriedly.

"Haha, the reason why the Wuxi Miao are difficult to deal with and become one of the five major dangers in Jingnan is because they live in the mountains and occupy a favorable geographical location. Once they rebel, it is inconvenient for the government to conquer them. If they can defeat them, they will attack them. If they cannot defeat them, they will go deep into the mountains. .If they move out of the mountainous area and live in the town, they will no longer have the geographical advantage. Even if they rebel, it will not be possible. Which town have you seen that dares to rebel?! Moreover, the Wuxi Miaohe tribe only has 50,000 people, and There are tens of millions of Han people in our country. When the Wuxi Miao people moved to Wuxi Town, they were bound to interact with the Han people. Intermarriage was inevitable. After a few years, the Wuxi Miao people were sinicized by us Han people. From then on, there were no more Wuxi Miao people. It’s no longer a problem. With just ten thousand stones of grain, ten cattle, one hundred piglets, and five hundred chickens, you can get 70,000 taxpayers and hundreds of years of peace. Liu Dianli, you still think you are too generous? ?!"

Zhu Pingan looked at Liu Dianli with a smile and asked meaningfully.

"The county magistrate is far-sighted and far-sighted, and he is ashamed of his humble position." Liu Dianli said with sincerity and admiration.

Zhu Ping'an and his party soon arrived at Wuxi Mountain.

"Greetings, my lord."

When Mrs. Yilan heard about Zhu Ping'an's arrival, she led a group of small and large people from Wuxi Miao to come to greet him from a distance.

"Chieftain, leaders, please get up quickly." Zhu Ping'an stepped forward and offered help with a smile.

"Thank you, sir." Mrs. Yilan stood up.

"Sir, this is..." Mrs. Yilan and others couldn't help but be curious when they saw the carts of grain and grass behind Zhu Pingan, as well as ten strong cattle and countless piglets and chickens.

Could it be for us? !

Mrs. Yilan and other big-headed people took a deep breath in disbelief and excitement.

"Yesterday I worked with you on thousands of acres of wasteland. After I returned home, I thought about how you would be able to farm without cattle. No, today we have distributed ten cattle from the county and given them to you so that you can reclaim the wasteland. Don't miss the farming season. . These ten thousand stones of grain and grass are given to you to store as agricultural seeds. As for these one hundred piglets and five hundred chickens, they are given to you to breed in captivity."

Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is so considerate of our Wuxi Miao people. I, the Wuxi Miao, have nothing to repay. I will remember your great kindness from generation to generation and will go through fire and water for you without any hesitation." Although Mrs. Yilan and others had already guessed it, they heard it with their own ears. Zhu Pingan said it, but he still couldn't help but burst into tears of gratitude and thanked him endlessly.

"Please get up, please get up quickly." Zhu Pingan stepped forward and offered help.

Mrs. Yilan and others enthusiastically invited Zhu Ping'an and others to enter the camp and received them with the highest standards of Wuxi Miao.

"I have considered that you have lived in remote mountains and have difficult conditions, and are far away from the fields assigned to you, making it inconvenient to farm. Therefore, I plan to set aside a five-mile radius of land next to the fields assigned to you and set up Wuxi Town. You have lived here for generations, and the mayor of Wuxi Town will be selected by you Wuxi Miao and then reported to the county government, who will formally appoint him. This will be the case for the mayors of Wuxi Town for generations to come."

Zhu Pingan suggested to Mrs. Yilan at the banquet.

"Is that true?!" Mrs. Yilan and the big and small heads at the banquet were very excited when they heard this.

No one wants to live in the deep mountains and old forests, where the mountain roads are difficult to navigate, transportation is inconvenient, life is difficult for hunting and gathering, snakes, rats, beasts, and mosquitoes bite. Who wants to live such a life?

They have wanted to live on the plains for generations, and many generations of rebellions have this reason.

According to their ancestral legend, Wuxi Miao originated from the plains, where the land was fertile, with seas, rivers and rice fields. There they had no worries about food and drink, and there were no threats from wild beasts. But in the war years, they were defeated and driven away Just entered Wuxi Mountain

They dream of living in the plains.

Now after listening to Zhu Pingan's words, everyone was moved to tears.

Butterfly is so prejudiced against Zhu Pingan, but after listening to Zhu Pingan's words, she took the initiative to pour wine and serve dishes for Zhu Pingan without Mrs. Yilan's instigation.

The man is affectionate and the concubine is interested, so naturally they hit it off! Smooth, extremely smooth!

Zhu Ping'an's trip couldn't be more smooth. Not only did he completely solve the hidden dangers of Wuxi Miao, but he also successfully negotiated the cooperation with Wuxi Miao on the secret knife and medicine. In fact, Mrs. Yilan and the others didn't know anything about the secret knife and medicine. They thought that the secret knife wound medicine was just a local way to treat wounds and was worthless. When they heard Zhu Ping'an mentioned the secret knife wound medicine, they took the initiative to offer the formula and production method. However, Zhu Pingan was well aware of the preciousness of the secret knife-created medicine, so he did not take advantage of them and keep the secret recipe as his own. Instead, he negotiated cooperation with them. A win-win situation was the best option.

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