Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1354 Wei Guogong’s theft

"When it comes to good fortune, it's really not as good as that of your cheap niece and son-in-law. A mere boy from a poor family got the first prize in school, married the richest daughter of your old Li family, and became an official before he was even worthy of the title. It has reached the fifth level." Wei Guogong Xu Peng raised his wine glass, paid respect to Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu, and continued the topic just now.

"Luck? I thought so before, but I don't see it that way now." Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu clinked the wine glasses with Wei Guogong Xu Peng. After drinking the wine in the glass, he shook his head slightly and said slowly.

"Oh, why?" Wei Guogong Xu Pengju asked curiously.

"Let's talk about studying first. You must be lucky to get the number one scholar, but can you get the number one scholar if you are lucky?! In addition to his intelligence, Zihou's diligence is rare in my life. The lights are on at three o'clock and the chickens are on at five o'clock, all of them are studying hard, and even if When I won the first prize, I studied diligently, and I have never heard of the sensual behavior of dogs and horses. If those two brats in my family had a son and worked harder, I would wake up laughing in my sleep. I won’t say much about getting a wife. As a person Elders, it’s not good for you to make irresponsible remarks about the life in the backyard of your juniors. As for being an official, Zihou’s status as a fifth-rank official cannot be explained by the word “luck and luck”. Here are two examples. First, when Zihou was in It is not something ordinary people can do in the capital to inspect the Taicang bank with their bare buttocks; secondly, he relied on his actual military exploits to rise in Jingnan. More than 3,000 Japanese pirates attacked Jingnan County, and Zihou relied on less than 100 government officials and soldiers. , fought against more than 3,000 Japanese pirates, not only successfully defended Jingnan County, but also captured 824 Japanese pirate heads. 824, brother Dapeng, as the Yingtian garrison and in charge of the Chinese Army Commandery, How many Japanese pirate heads have been captured over the years?!"

Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu put down his wine glass and praised Zhu Pingan profusely, emphasizing that Zhu Pingan's success was not due to luck.

In fact, the Marquis of Linhuai really looked down on Zhu Ping'an at first, but later he changed his mind little by little until now.

"Ahem, haven't the Japanese pirates ever come to Yingtian? I don't have a chance. As generals, we have the blood of our ancestors flowing in our bones. When we lead troops to fight, we are no weaker than others. If the Japanese pirates dare to attack us in Yingtian, Come and kill one of us brothers, come and kill a pair of two of us brothers, come and build a thousand of us brothers into a Jingguan."

The Duke of Wei, Xu Pengju, coughed and felt a little embarrassed. After pouring himself a drink, he said proudly again.

"That's true." Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu nodded, but did not deny Wei Guogong's heroic words.

"When he comes to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to punish and punish, which branch is in charge of the inspection?" Wei Guogong Xu Pengju asked again, "Do you want to operate it and stay in Yingtian? Recently, the Japanese pirates seem to be crazy, repeatedly violating the border, and the local prefectures and counties have been harassed repeatedly. , it is quite risky to go on separate patrols in different places. The city of Yingtian is big and deep, and there are many troops stationed there. The Japanese pirate Xiaoxiao does not dare to come to seek death. He stays in Yingtian, where he is safe. In special times, he can take care of him."

"It's too late. As soon as he came, he took over the responsibility of raising punishments and preparing military preparations in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces." The Marquis of Linhuai sighed.

"Military preparation?! This is a position that usually takes the blame and has no results. I took over the military preparation as soon as I came here. You treat me like a brother. It's not me. Whether it's the errand of taking over the military preparation this time or the last time I was there. The capital got involved in Yang Jisheng's impeachment of Mr. Yan Ge. You, the niece-in-law, acted a little too hastily." Duke Wei twitched his lips and commented.

"No one can say otherwise. Zihou is capable, but he does things a little too hastily. However, it is normal for young people to be vigorous. For example, the emperor Zihou came to my house to visit me the other day. He talked about the Japanese pirates and learned about the navy. In view of the current situation, Zihou suggested that I go to Shusheng and ask for the construction of 200 more warships on the grounds that the Japanese pirates have been causing disturbances for many years and the warships are insufficient, so as to restore the old number so as to expel the Japanese pirates and play the role of the navy." Marquis Linhuai said. He informed Wei Guogong of the suggestions made by Zhu Ping'an when he visited him the day before yesterday.

"Huh?! Please build more warships and restore the old ones so that the navy can play its role." Hearing this, Duke Wei's eyes couldn't help but light up, as if he had been enlightened and someone had opened up the two channels of Ren and Governor.

"Yes, it was even mentioned based on the hydrological conditions that sand ships should be modified to facilitate naval operations."

Marquis Linhuai continued.

When Wei Guogong heard this, his eyes brightened even more, just like two bonfires under the dark night.

"Zihou's suggestion is good, but it is too hasty. The Holy Father only approved his predecessor Shi Caojiang's memorial to reduce the number of warships by half. Now I am admonishing him to add more warships and restore the old number. This is not contrary to the Holy Spirit. Is it? Although Zihou also said that the situation is different now and then. The Japanese invasion was controllable years ago, but now it is out of control and becoming increasingly rampant. But it is still a bit too hasty. "

Marquis Linhuai knocked on the table lightly and concluded.

"Well, it is indeed a bit too hasty." Wei Guogong nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's not talk about Zihou. Let's talk about the recent appointment and dismissal of officials." Linhuai Marquis poured a glass of wine for Wei Guogong and brought the topic to the recent appointment and dismissal of officials.

However, Wei Guogong was a little absent-minded next. The Marquis of Linhuai knew that Wei Guogong had been in chaos in his house recently. Wei Guogong's legitimate wife Zhang died early and left no heirs. According to the eldest son inheritance system, if there is no eldest son or legitimate son, then the eldest son of the concubine should inherit the title. However, Wei Guogong did not intend to appoint the eldest son of his concubine to inherit the title. Instead, he intended to appoint the son of his favorite concubine Zheng to inherit the title. Even, in order to achieve his goal, Wei Guogong also planned to make his beloved concubine Zheng the wife of Wei Guogong. For this reason, the back house of Wei Guogong's mansion was in a state of chaos and was in a state of chaos. The Marquis of Linhuai thought that Wei Guogong was thinking about the affairs of the rear house and did not think otherwise.

After having a drink, Duke Wei hurriedly returned to his house. Looking at Duke Wei's hurried back, the Marquis of Linhuai was even more sure that Duke Wei was worried about the affairs of his family.

However, what the Marquis of Linhuai didn't know was that when Wei Guogong returned to the house in a hurry, he did not go back to the back house to put out the fire, but immediately came to the study, put out pens, inks, paper and inkstones, and began to draft a memorial.

"Xu Pengju, who is responsible for the garrison of Tian and is also in charge of the affairs of the Governor's Mansion of the Chinese Army, starts the memorial"

If Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu were here, he would be shocked to find that the memorial written by Wei Guogong almost copied the advice given to him by Zhu Ping'an. From the reasons to the suggestions, it was almost word for word.

"You treat me like a brother, I'm sorry. Since you don't adopt Zhu Zihou's suggestion, then I will be ashamed to use it. You also know that my eldest son is useless, my younger son is decent, and I want my younger son. Xijue, I need this merit. If the Holy Spirit approves my memorial, then it will be easier for me below. In fact, rather than saying that Zhu Zihou acted too hastily, it is better to say that you are too cautious in your treatment of brother."

After Wei Guogong finished writing the memorial, he checked it for any omissions and started talking to himself.

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