Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1356 Shanyin Commoner

This was Zhu Ping'an's sixteenth day in Yingtianfu. It coincided with a rest day. Zhu Ping'an had breakfast early. Accompanied by Liu Dadao, he left the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Procuratorate's Office and hurried to Yingtianfu Cultural Street. And go.

"What's wrong with your uncle? His butt is on fire?!" The enchantress Ruonan watched Zhu Ping'an hurriedly finish his breakfast and hurriedly walked out. She couldn't help but nuzzle at Hua'er and asked gossipingly.

"Why are you burning your ass? I said you were looking for someone." Hua'er glared at the demon Ruonan and said angrily.

"Who are you looking for? A boy or a girl? Judging from his irritable and anxious manner, he must be a girl."

The witch Ruonan held up her chin, pinched a piece of orange and put it into her red lips, speculating full of bad taste.

"Ruonan! What are you talking about? My uncle is not that kind of person! The person I am looking for is a man! A man!"

When Hua'er heard this, he immediately became angry and took away the fruit in front of the demon Ruonan. Humph, who told you to speak ill of your uncle?

"Giggle. He said a boy is a boy? Which man would tell you the truth when he goes out to fool around?"

The demon girl Ruonan giggled and deliberately teased Hua'er.

"My uncle is not that kind of person!" Hua'er pouted her little mouth and glared at the seductress Ruonan, then said with a blushing face, "If my uncle wants a woman, I can do it wherever I need to go outside."

"Gee, the flowers at home have the fragrance of wild flowers. Haven't you heard that a wife is worse than a concubine? It's better to steal than to be unable to steal."

The witch Ruonan blinked his eyes and said with a strange tone.

"My uncle is not that kind of person." Hua'er was not moved by the demon Ruonan and shook her head firmly.

"Your uncle is not as serious as you think! He is an insidious beast wearing a cassock! He looks like a human on the outside, but in fact he is dirty and a bad ruffian behind the scenes."

The enchantress Ruonan couldn't help but grit her teeth as she thought about what happened that night when Zhu Ping was drunk and asked her to carry him on his back.

"Hmph, you are used to slandering my uncle indiscriminately!" Hua'er turned his head and ignored the demon Ruonan.

"I" the demon Ruonan was never embarrassed to tell Hua'er what happened that night.

While the demon Ruonan and Hua'er were bickering in the courtyard, Zhu Pingan and Liu Dadao had already arrived at their destination, Cultural Street. Cultural Street is close to the east gate of Yingtianfu, about one mile away from Dongshi Street. Most of the streets are shops selling books, pens, inks, paper and inkstones, calligraphy and paintings, and related derivatives. When you walk into Cultural Street, you can smell the strong fragrance of paper and ink.

"This shopkeeper, does he know where the Yichitang private school is?" Zhu Ping'an came to a shop selling pens, inks, paper and inkstones and asked.

"Yijitang Private School? I've never heard of a private school on the street." The shopkeeper thought hard and shook his head.

"Please think again, shopkeeper, the private school master's name is Xu Wei and Xu Wenchang." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and said.

Yes. Zhu Ping'an came here to look for Xu Wei and Xu Wenchang.

In fact, it was a coincidence. Yesterday, Zhu Ping'an went to the toilet in front of the office and found half a calligraphy and painting in the toilet paper slot. At first, Zhu Ping'an didn't take this half of the calligraphy and painting seriously, and they were all used to wipe his butt. The calligraphy and painting must be of little value. It is probably the work of someone from the government office who practiced penmanship and graffiti when he had nothing to do. Otherwise, how could it be taken? Use it as a toilet paper.

But just when Zhu Ping'an solved his personal problem and was about to stand up, he noticed the seal on the half-part of the calligraphy and painting - "Sanyin Buyi" from the corner of his eye. His eyes immediately straightened, as if his whole body had been struck by lightning.

Shanyin Buyi, Shanyin Buyi. This is the name used by the famous Xu Wei and Xu Wenchang.

Zhu Pingan has studied Xu Wei a lot in modern times and knows him very well. Xu Wei, Han nationality, was born in Shanyin, Shaoxing Prefecture. He was originally named Wenqing and later changed to Wenchang. His nicknames were Qingteng Laoren, Qingteng Taoist, Tianchi Sheng, Tianchi Shanren, Tianchi Yuyin, Jinlei, Jinhuishanren, and Shanyin. Buyi, Baijiu Shanren, Ebishannong, Tiandanshui Shanyin Buyi are exactly the names Xu Wei chose after his hometown Shanyin and combined with his experience of repeated failures to call himself.

There are many people in history who can be called "Eight Dou High Talents", such as Cao Zhi, Li Bai, Su Shi, etc. If you list them down, you can make a long list, but if you call them "Eight Dou High Talents" at the same time, , and can be called "militarist", "calligrapher and painter", "literary", "dramatist", and "educator", I am afraid that only Xu Wei and Xu Wenchang are the only ones in the world who can be remembered on paper.

Needless to say, he is a writer, calligrapher and painter. He is a well-deserved dramatist. He created the drama "Four-Voice Ape", which deeply influenced the creation of later generations of operas. Tang Xianzu once said: ""Four-Voice Ape" is A flying general in the world of poetry, he frequently sang several songs for him, and An De Sheng wrote long essays that made him pull out his own tongue!" "Xu Wei also deserves the title of military strategist. In his middle age, he served as Hu Zongxian's staff, offering suggestions, strategizing, and often making unexpected plans. , assisted Hu Zongxian in luring pirates Wang Zhi, Xu Hai and others to surrender, and made immortal contributions to eradicating Japanese pirates; in his later years, he carefully trained the famous general Li Rusong and made him achieve immortal achievements. In this way, is he worthy of being called a military strategist?

In Stephen Chow's movie "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", there are four great talents from Jiangnan: Tang Bohu, Zhu Zhishan, Wen Zhengming and Xu Zhenqing. In fact, these are just the four great talents in Wuzhong. Throughout the Ming Dynasty and across the entire Ming Dynasty, public commentaries include the "Three Talents of the Ming Dynasty", namely Xie Jin, Yang Shen and Xu Wei. Compared with Xu Wei, Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan are much less talented. One is the national champion and the other is the regional champion. The difference is obvious.

Zhu Ping'an actually had the idea of ​​visiting Xu Wei for a long time. When he was in Jingnan, due to his status as a county official, he was not allowed to leave the country without permission, so Zhu Ping'an had no chance to visit Xu Wei. After arriving at Yingtian Mansion, because he knew the history, he knew that Xu Wei was in his hometown in Shaoxing at this time. Yingtian is about six to seven hundred kilometers away from Shaoxing. In ancient times, this distance was not close. If you want to visit Xu Wei in Shaoxing, you must set aside a few days.

Zhu Ping'an only had one day's sleep, and during this period he was busy urging for food and wages, and preparing for military preparations, so there was not enough time. Zhu Ping'an originally planned to report to Mr. Tai Tai after some time had passed and everything had been arranged. I took a few days off to visit Xu Wei in Shaoxing.

Unexpectedly, I saw Xu Wei's calligraphy and painting in the toilet. The calligraphy and painting were signed a few days ago.

This shows that Xu Wei was in Yingtian Mansion during this time.

Zhu Pingan was so excited that he drew half of the calligraphy on the toilet. After asking around at the government office, he learned from Chu Xiong that the calligraphy and painting was given to him by someone he met on Cultural Street the day before yesterday who claimed to run the "Yizhitang" private school. , the purpose is to promote his private school and let people send their children to study in his private school.

Just like a flyer.

That's why Chu Xiong didn't cherish it so much, casually wiping it on his butt, and hating that the paper was too hard.

You wasteful fat man!

If this calligraphy and painting is passed down to future generations, it will be a priceless treasure. Zhu Ping'an even wants to beat people.

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