Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1365: It’s hard to find a confidant in a sea of ​​people

Hearing the "feat" of Fatty Fatty's painting on the exam paper, Zhu Ping'an could not calm down for a long time and could not understand Fatty Fatty's magical brain circuit.

"What kind of painting did you draw?" Liu Dadao asked curiously.

"I drew an altar table, lit three pillars of incense, dressed in the imperial examination uniform, worshiped my ancestors at home, and told my ancestors the news that I had won the imperial examination." The greasy fat man stretched out his greasy fingers, removed a few dishes, and simply placed them on the table. After sketching it out, the painting he made at that time was quickly presented on the table in a simple but vivid way.

The fat man's self-portrait is really vivid. With just a few strokes, the fat man's own energy and spirit are imbued into it. He is dressed in a robe, holds three sticks of incense, and is worshiping his ancestors at the altar table in high spirits.

At this point, Zhu Pingan completely understood why Examiner Lin commented that the article was too short and thick-skinned.

You haven't finished the exam yet, and you drew a picture of yourself winning the exam and worshiping your ancestors. No wonder the examiner said you were short-skinned and short-skinned. I guess when Examiner Lin saw your test papers and paintings, what came to his mind was Zhuge Liang scolding Wang Lang. Quote: "I have never seen anyone so shameless!"

You are truly worthy of the name of a genius. The things you do are unbelievable and ordinary people will never understand them.

"This painting has both form and spirit, how wonderful it is. Mr. Lin is extremely pedantic! He doesn't know how to appreciate it!" The greasy fat man gritted his teeth.

Zhu Ping'an didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was about to educate the fat man about the taboos in the imperial examination, when he heard the greasy fat man burst into laughter.

"Brother Hu, why are you laughing?" Zhu Pingan asked.

"Hahaha, what a coincidence. A few years later, at another provincial examination, I met Mr. Lin as the examiner again. Don't you think my article is too short? Who can't write a long article? This time, I will write a long essay for you to see. So, hahaha, I not only filled up the test paper, but also filled up the table and chairs. When I finally handed in the paper, I carried the table and chair together. When I went up, you didn't see that the old scholar's face was green at that time."

The greasy fat man laughed and said, especially when he said that Examiner Daolin's face turned green, he got so high that he took off.

The corner of Zhu Ping'an's mouth twitched. You are such a talented person!

"Brother Hu, do you know the taboos of the imperial examination?" Zhu Pingan looked at the greasy fat man helplessly.

"Of course." The greasy fat man nodded.

"Then why are you?" Zhu Ping'an said speechlessly.

"Whenever you feel excited, there's no need to suppress it. I'm just such a man." The greasy fat man puffed out his chest and said without hesitation.

Zhu Pingan was speechless. How can you win the exam? !

"Of course, I suppressed it later and never did such a thing again." The greasy fat man sighed.

When Zhu Ping'an heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched again, expressing disbelief in the fat man's words. It's easy for a country to change its nature. Fatty, although you are no longer so out-of-the-box in your behavior and no longer draw on the test paper or compose on the table, you are definitely still out-of-the-box in your eight-legged essay answer sheet for the imperial examination and include private information.

The Eight-Part Part Examination takes questions from the Four Books and Five Classics, and the content must also imitate the tone of the ancients and speak for the saints. Free expression is absolutely not allowed, no deviance is allowed, and no views that violate the meaning of the saints' scriptures or are inconsistent with the saints, otherwise losing their reputation is inevitable.

Fatty is a genius, his thoughts are beyond this era, and his temperament is the same. It is too difficult to prevent him from bringing in private goods. However, if this problem is not corrected, it will be difficult to achieve success! Unless all the examiners get through and give you the green light, you will be an insulator.

"Brother Hu, in the imperial examination, the eight-legged essay must follow the words of the sage," Zhu Pingan couldn't help but remind him.

"Are the words of the saint necessarily correct?" The greasy fat man turned his head, looked at Zhu Ping'an, and asked his soul question, "Does the saint's words that Zhu Zi and others annotate must be the meaning of the saint?"

Question the saint, question Zhu Xi!

You really have great ideas, and your ideas are beyond those of most people in this era. It is true that the sage is not necessarily right, and Zhu Xi’s comments are not necessarily what the sage meant. However,

However, if you want to pass the imperial examination, you must acquiesce that he is right and that Zhu Xi's annotations are what the sage meant.

This is the imperial examination correct.

"Brother Hu, not all the words of the saint are correct, and Zhu Xi's comments are not necessarily what the saint meant." Zhu Pingan replied, and then reminded the fat man, "However, if Brother Hu wants to pass the imperial examination, he must It must be assumed that the words of the sage are universally applicable, and Zhu Xi’s annotations are what the sage wanted to express. The writing and viewpoint are the same as Zhu Xi’s and cannot be inconsistent.”

"You have gone one step further than others, but it's a pity that you are still a common person. Alas, gold is easy to get, but a confidant is hard to find."

After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, the greasy fat man's eyes brightened and then darkened. He shook his head in disappointment and sighed.


Am I a layman? !

Do you know capitalism? Do you know Marxism-Leninism? Do you know materialism and dialectics? Do you know philosophy? Do you know the theory of relativity? Do you know physical chemistry? you know

Haha, believe it or not, if I pick one out and tell you about it, it will scare you to death.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch his lips when he heard the fat man say that he was a layman.

"Oh, the world is so big, with mountains and seas of people. My soulmate, where are you?! Life is so lonely as snow. This world is getting more and more unlovable." The greasy fat man touched the oil stains on the corners of his mouth. , sighing sadly, like a lone beast abandoned in a corner,

"I do know one of your confidants." Zhu Pingan couldn't help but said when he saw the fat man's disappointed look.

"Oh, who? What qualifications does he have to be my confidant?" the greasy fat man asked curiously and disbelievingly.

"This person believes in gold, is famous and auspicious, and has the courtesy name Shengtan." Zhu Ping'an replied.

"Jin Shengtan?! Is it the sigh of a saint? This person's name is quite interesting. You didn't make it up, right?!"

The greasy fat man looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes and said suspiciously.

"Jin Shengtan is a real person, I am not making up nonsense." Zhu Pingan looked at the greasy fat man with a calm face, because Jin Shengtan was indeed a real person, but he was born in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty more than a hundred years later.

Seeing the calmness and determination in Zhu Pingan's eyes, the greasy fat man believed that there was indeed Jin Shengtan.

"Even if there is Jin Shengtan, what qualifications does he have to call me my confidant?" The greasy fat man shrugged his shoulders.

The greasy fat man was very suspicious. In his opinion, his soulmate in this world may not have been born yet, because at least so far, he has not met one, let alone one, not even half of them. Therefore, the greasy fat man did not have much expectations for the Jin Shengtan mentioned by Zhu Ping'an.

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