Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1370 Today is the harvest season

Zhu Ping'an came out of Mr. Zengtai's room with satisfaction, and saw Chu Xiong, Zhang Chufeng, and Zhuo Yan in the corridor outside the door from a distance. From their concerned eyes, Zhu Pingan understood that these three idiots were gambling on their own elegance.

This gambling game has lasted for more than half a month. Should I, as the client, receive some commission?

So, with a smile on his face, Zhu Pingan walked straight towards them and said hello to them.

"Ahem, little brother Zhu"

"Lord Zhu"

After all, they were betting on Zhu Pingan, and they couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when they saw the client coming.

"Haha, congratulations, Brother Chu, you won." Zhu Pingan took out the official document of the imperial court's instructions from his arms.

"Really?! The food payment has come down?!" Chu Xiong couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this. The next second he caught a glimpse of Zhu Ping'an's meaningful smile, Chu Xiong couldn't help being embarrassed. He rubbed his hands again and again, "Ah?! Cough, Zhu. Little brother, do you know that we bet on your troops, food, salary, and elegance?"

"Well, I've known it since your first day." Zhu Pingan smiled and nodded.

As a result, Chu Xiong's face turned even redder. Zhang Chufeng and Zhuo Yan were also a little embarrassed.

"Haha, Brother Chu, Master Zhang, Master Zhuo, what's the point of being embarrassed? It's just a small gamble."

Zhu Pingan smiled nonchalantly.

"Hahaha, little brother Zhu is still sensible. Come, let's take a look. Well, it is true. The imperial court has approved our yamen's application for military preparations and wages three days ago. With this official document, you can go to Yingtian War Department to withdraw five dollars of food and wages. One thousand taels." When Chu Xiong heard Zhu Pingan's words, he let go of the embarrassment in his heart. He couldn't help laughing. He took the official document handed over by Zhu Pingan, unfolded it and read it, and then looked like a victorious big fat man. He read to Zhang Chufeng and Zhuo Yan like a goose.

"Approved so quickly?!" Zhang Chufeng and Zhuo Yan stretched their necks in disbelief.

"Haha, can the white paper with black letters and the red seal still deceive you?! See for yourselves whether it is written like this!" Chu Xiong raised his head and smiled, and handed the official document of the imperial court's approval to Zhang Chufeng and Zhuo Yan for them to watch.

Zhang Chufeng took the official document, read it over, and confirmed it again, and had to accept the fact that the food and salary had been approved.

Zhuo Yan also read the official document and confirmed the fact, with a painful expression on his paralyzed face.

"Haha, finish reading it. After reading it, return the official document to Brother Zhu. Brother Zhu still needs to use the official document to receive his salary." Chu Xiong smiled and took the official document back and gave it back to Zhu Ping'an.

"Hahahaha, I'm willing to admit defeat and take the money. You two have defeated me so many times, and this time it's finally my turn to open the business." Chu Xiong laughed, stretched out his hands to Zhang Chufeng and Zhuo Yan, and teased, "When I lost, I happily took out the money. You guys wouldn't default on your debt, would you?!"

"What are you talking about? Fatty Chu, what are you talking about? It's only a hundred taels of silver! Who would refuse to pay!"

Zhang Chufeng gritted his teeth and took out a 100-tael banknote with body temperature from his arms, and reluctantly threw it to Chu Xiong.

"My little baby!" Chu Xiong, with agility that was incompatible with his size, caught the banknote thrown by Zhang Chufeng, kissed the banknote vigorously, and smiled like a sunflower on his fat face.

Zhuo Yan had a paralyzed face and although he was in a lot of pain, he was just a man who was willing to admit defeat. He reluctantly took out a hundred-tael silver note and handed it to Chu Xiong, "Here, I haven't even warmed up yet. "

"Haha, brother Zhuo is just more cheerful than some people." Chu Xiong took the banknote and grinned to the back of his head, "If you don't have the banknote, don't regret it. I'll help you warm it up, brother."

Chu Xiong looked at the two hundred-tael banknotes in his hand, with a plump face and a bright smile, not to mention how happy he was.

Just when he was intoxicated with himself, a hand reached out, accurately grabbed a banknote, and then took the banknote away in a swish.

Who dares to steal my money? !

Chu Xiong was anxious and looked up to see Zhu Pingan, holding a banknote with a bright smile on his face.

"Brother Chu, as your casual bettor, I am equivalent to the banker. I helped you win the bet today. It's not too much to share half of the bet when we meet." Zhu Pingan looked at Chu Xiong with a smile, shook the banknote in his hand, and slowly said.

"Cough, cough, cough, not too much, not too much." Chu Xiong said with a pained face.

"Haha, Brother Chu generously donated money to help prepare food and wages for the Yamen soldiers, but the younger brother is disrespectful."

Under Chu Xiong's painful gaze, Zhu Pingan put away the banknotes with a smile on his face, cupped his fists and thanked him.

Zhu Pingan robbed Chu Xiong without any burden in his heart. Firstly, Chuxiong was rich and the money was earned by him, without any labor bonus. Secondly, as Zhu Pingan said, as the object of his elegant bet, he wrote to Xu Shibang He won the bet, and the one hundred taels of silver was his share.

"Yes, yes, yes, support the troops with food and pay. I am responding to Master Nitai's call to help Zihou." Chu Xiong heard this and nodded repeatedly. I like this statement, then turned to look at Zhang Chufeng and Zhuo Yan, and said with a smile , "Last time at the table, Mr. Naitai called on us to help little brother Zhu. I have carried out Mr. Naitai's will to the end, and funded little brother Zhu's army with one hundred taels of silver, food and pay, haha, Brother Zhang Didn’t Brother He and Zhuo say anything?!”

"Damn fat man, you have won all my personal money. I want to show that you can lend it to me?!" Zhang Chufeng had just lost a huge sum of one hundred taels of silver and was in a bad mood. Hearing that Chu Xiong wanted to ask for it again Asking him to sponsor money, his face suddenly turned darker, and he gritted his teeth and roared at Chu Xiong.

"Okay, as long as you write an IOU, I will lend you as much as you want." Chu Xiong chuckled.

Zhang Chufeng ignored him.

"Your one hundred taels of silver was my contribution." Zhuo Yan said calmly with a paralyzed face.

"Brother Zhuo, if you lose to me, it's mine. That's my contribution." Chu Xiong corrected.

"Huh, you damn fat man, it's not only me and Master Zhuo who have the trouble." Zhang Chufeng snorted and gritted his teeth and said, "You are being generous to me and Master Zhuo, and not only that, you also made a hundred taels of profit yourself. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Chufeng's eyes suddenly lit up, a flash of inspiration flashed, and then he looked at Chu Xiong with a smile.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Chu Xiong got goosebumps when Zhang Chufeng looked at him.

"Hey, damn fat man, if you really respond to Master Nitai's call, you will also sponsor Zhu Zihou with another one hundred taels of silver notes. Anyway, you got it for nothing." Zhang Chufeng chuckled and encouraged him.

"Good!" Zhuo Yan's paralyzed face also had an expression. He nodded in agreement and looked at Chu Xiong.

"I" Chu Xiong clenched the banknote in his hand and subconsciously took a step back.

"Oh, how embarrassing is this." Although Zhu Pingan said this, his eyes were staring at the other one hundred taels of silver note in Chu Xiong's hand without blinking, like a hungry wolf aiming at its prey.

For a moment, three people and six eyes were like spotlights, staring at Chu Xiong without blinking.

"That's what I meant."

God knows how Chu Xiong said these words, and God knows how much his heart bled when he said these words.

"Today is the harvest season." Zhu Pingan returned home with a full load. On the way home, he couldn't help humming a ditty.

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