Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1377 The Protagonist Appears

When choosing a campsite in Jinshan County, you must avoid the four major taboos: Tianzao, Longtou, Backwater, and Slope. Zhu Pingan scanned the map and blacklisted all the places on the map that met the four taboos.

Theoretically, other places can be used as bases for militia groups. However, although all can be used as a base in theory, it is still necessary to select the best of the best and choose a place that is most suitable for the base of the vigilante group.

Zhu Ping'an studied the ancient and modern art of war as well as five thousand years of war history, and summed up a criterion for selecting a location: facing mountains and rivers.

The ground water of the station can first solve the water source problem of the army. Secondly, the water can also be used as a natural line of defense to prevent the enemy from sneak attacks from the opposite side. The station is backed by mountains. First of all, the mountains can serve as a natural barrier. Secondly, it can occupy the commanding heights of the mountains, whether for reconnaissance or condescending attacks. Enemies all have natural advantages. In addition, they have mountains at their backs. Once the war is unfavorable, they can retreat to the mountains.

According to this standard and combined with the actual situation in Jinshan County, Zhu Pingan found two good locations suitable for camping.

One of them is far away from the village and town, and the other is in a moderate distance from the village and town.

Zhu Pingan thought for a moment, determined the target, pointed to a place moderately located away from the village and town, and said to Lord Zhetai: "Sir Zhetai, I think this place is suitable for group training."

The reason why Zhu Ping'an chose this place as his base was that it was moderately close to the villages and towns. It would not disturb the common people too much, and it would also be convenient for the militia groups to obtain supplies from the villages and towns. Moreover, if Japanese pirates invaded the villages and towns, the militia groups could also provide rescue operations nearby.

"Why did Zihou choose this place as his residence?" Master Nie Tai asked.

Zhu Ping'an gave a simple explanation. After hearing this, Mr. Taitai looked at Zhu Ping'an and nodded, "Okay, then let's use the place chosen by Zihou - Peach Blossom Ji - as our residence. I went to the Dudu Mansion yesterday for business, and by the way I consulted several generals, and the suggestions they gave for the location also included Taohuaji. In addition, according to the records of Jinshan County, during the Puppet Yuan Dynasty, the traitor Wang Baobao also stationed troops at Taohuaji."

It turns out that Mr. Tai went to consult professionals from the Dudu Mansion yesterday. In this way, today is really a test for himself.

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he felt certain.

"Lord Tai, there is no need to delay. Now that the location has been decided, I will leave for Peach Blossom Collection tomorrow."

Zhu Pingan cupped his hands and said.

"No rush, no rush. It won't be too late for Zihou to leave for Peach Blossom Market the day after tomorrow." Mr. Nedai waved his hand.

Not urgent? ! Isn’t it too late to start the journey the day after tomorrow? ! Nowadays, the Japanese invasion in Jiangnan is becoming more and more serious. Isn’t it urgent? !

When Zhu Pingwen heard this, he raised his head and looked at Mr. Nie Tai in confusion. Could it be that there is something important tomorrow? !

Mr. Nie Tai saw Zhu Ping'an's doubts and said softly, "I have been notified that the Zhejiang patrol censor appointed by the Holy One will arrive in Yingtian tomorrow. We are going to greet him, but Zihou is It’s not good to be absent.”

The Zhejiang patrol censor appointed by the Holy Spirit is coming to Yingtian! ! !

Zhu Pingan was shocked when he heard this. Although Mr. Tai did not mention the name of the new Zhejiang patrol censor, how could Zhu Pingan, who was familiar with history, not know that the protagonist of the anti-Japanese history was about to appear!

Hu Zongxian!

Yes, according to historical records, in this year, Emperor Jiajing appointed Hu Zongxian as the censor of Zhejiang!

From this, Hu Zongxian began his career as an anti-Japanese protagonist.

In fact, the position of Zhejiang Inspector and Supervisory Censor is not a big official position. On the contrary, it is a seventh-grade official.

However, although he is a seventh-rank official, he is particularly good at the word "Xunjian". "Xunjian patrols hunting on behalf of the emperor, and the ministers and prefecture and county magistrates inspect the inspections, especially impeachments, which are important events." Make decisions on small matters!"

What's the meaning? ! The inspection censor was responsible for patrolling hunting on behalf of the emperor. Officials of the third rank or lower at the provincial level, such as the Chief Secretary and the Provincial Inspector, had their political achievements and talents assessed by the inspection censor. They also have the right to inspect and recommend officials of the third rank, such as the Chief Envoy and the Inspector-General, and can also influence the Governor-General and the General of the Army. Local affairs and major matters need to be reported to the imperial court and requested to be acted upon. Even if he is a third-rank official, as long as the censor has the evidence, he can be dismissed from office in minutes! If it is a minor matter, the patrol censor can make a prompt decision. As for how to distinguish between big things and small things? ! In the Ming Dynasty, there was no explicit stipulation on the scope of major and minor matters, and the censors could make their own decisions.

This power is not much different from that of the Imperial Envoy.

It can be said that the patrol supervisor is a small but powerful official position.

This is an official position set up by Emperor Hongwu. He deliberately set up a small-level, high-power official position to limit the rank of the patrol censor, but gave him great power to prevent the patrol censor from becoming a powerful minister.

This is the way of balance of Emperor Hongwu.

The arrival of the censor is a big event for Jiangsu and Zhejiang official circles, and it is even more important for the punishment department.

The power of the patrol censor overlaps with that of the punishment department, and according to the Constitution and the development and evolution in recent years, the patrol censor has actually become the immediate superior of the patrol department of the punishment department. Matters concerning the division of patrol roads must be reported directly to the patrol censor in detail and await the approval of the patrol censor.

Although Zhu Ping'an organized the army and did not appoint a patrol officer, he was inevitably under the control of the patrol censor. The political achievements and talents of officials below the third rank are evaluated by the censor. I am only a fifth rank, so I am no exception.

When a new official of the Censor takes office, it is natural for the officials and officials of the Criminal Division to go to greet him, so as not to be judged by others in the future.

"Thank you for reminding me, Mr. Nitai. I will welcome the new inspector to take office tomorrow, and I will go to Peach Blossom Market early the day after tomorrow."

Zhu Pingan cupped his hands and said.

"Zihou, the name of the new Zhejiang Inspector and Supervisory Censor is Hu Zongxian." Mr. Zhetai briefly introduced, "Hu Censor was a Jinshi in the 17th year of Jiajing, and was later appointed as the magistrate of Yidu County, Qingzhou Prefecture, Shandong Province. After completing his term, Later, he was transferred to Yuyao County Magistrate. Later, he patrolled the important towns in the north of Xuanfu and Datong as a censor. He improved military discipline and strengthened border defenses. His achievements were commended by the court. Last year, Hu Yushi patrolled Huguang and put down the local Miao rebellion. His achievements were remarkable, and he went directly to Listen to me. Ten days ago, Your Majesty specially appointed Hu Yushi to patrol Zhejiang."

"According to the notice, Censor Hu will arrive in Yingtian tomorrow morning. Therefore, early tomorrow morning, we and the Criminal Division will go to the pavilion outside Guanyin Gate to meet with the Chief Envoy and other Yamen officials to welcome the new Censor." Mr. Tai said.

Guanyin Gate is the northernmost city gate of Yingtian Waiguo. When Hu Zongxian came from the capital to take office, the first thing he arrived at was Guanyin Gate. Therefore, it is most appropriate to welcome Hu Zongxian from Guanyin Gate.

"I respectfully obey the orders of Nie Tai." Zhu Pingan said with cupped hands.

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