Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1379 Yeah, yeah, yeah

"A gentleman is persistent, but a villain is fickle. Mr. Zhu, all scholars of our generation are gentlemen. You just said that Hu Yushi rode a donkey to take office. You will not change your mind midway, right?!"

After the elegant bet was over, Zhang Chufeng once again provoked Zhu Pingan, fearing that Zhu Pingan would change his mind temporarily.

"Of course, I think Hu Yushi may have arrived late because he followed the ancestral rules and rode a donkey."

Zhu Pingan nodded.

Hearing this, Zhang Chufeng beamed. It has been thirty-one years since Jiajing. It has been a hundred years since the imperial censor broke the ancestral system. He is still riding a donkey. I think you were kicked in the head by a donkey while riding a donkey. Come on. Haha, this is the best, Zhu Zihou, Zhu Zihou, I accept your gambling money.

Well, last time Fatty Chu won, all the money he won was cut off by you in the name of "funding military preparations." This time, I have to let you pay some money!

"Okay, a gentleman's words are hard to catch up with! Fatty Chu must have heard that, Mr. Zhu placed a bet on Hu Yushi riding a donkey."

Zhang Chufeng said to Chu Xiong impatiently.

"Okay." Chu Xiong nodded, looked up at Zhu Ping'an and asked, "Brother Zhu, how much do you want to bet?"

"Ahem, if you want to bet, I only have the joy of gambling," Zhu Ping'an coughed and said honestly. As he spoke, he put his hand into his arms, as if he was digging out money.

"Master Zhu, I want to give your militia some more money this time. You bet too small and you can't take it away."

Zhang Chufeng said quickly, taking out the heavy money bag from his sleeve and throwing it up and down.

"I only have the two silver notes that you sponsored me last time and my own fifty-tael silver note." Zhu Pingan continued as he took out two one-hundred-tael silver notes from his arms. And a fifty-tael silver note.

Zhang Chufeng's eyes suddenly straightened, and he was overjoyed. Two hundred and fifty taels. It's so fitting for you. Two hundred and five. Hehe, you are really a two hundred and five. Thank God, today is such a good day. This is a return of all capital and profits. rhythm, and then without hesitation, with lightning speed, he took all three silver notes from Zhu Pingan's hand and gave them to Chu Xiong without any explanation, "Okay, cool, Chu Fatty has taken it, this is Lord Zhu’s bet.”

Chu Xiong was naturally happy to pretend to be confused. He took the money from Zhu Ping'an handed over by Zhang Chufeng, put it into his official hat, and said with a smile, "Okay, little brother Zhu will place a bet of two hundred and fifty taels."

"I mean I only have two hundred and fifty taels, no." Zhu Pingan had a helpless smile on his face.

"Alas, Mr. Zhu, why didn't you tell me earlier? But it's too late." Zhang Chufeng shrugged.

"Ah?! Okay, so be it." Zhu Pingan said with a wry smile.

"Haha, Mr. Zhu has bet two hundred and fifty taels, and I can't lose it. I've bet all my money. Remember Fatty Chu, Mr. Zhu is betting that Hu Yushi will ride on a donkey to take office. I ordered Hu Yushi to come on horseback to take office, there is no need to make a mistake." Zhang Chufeng threw his money bag to Chu Xiong and emphasized again.

Chu Xiong took Zhang Chufeng's money bag and counted it, "Okay, Brother Zhang will bet one hundred and fifteen taels of silver."

"Hey, Brother Zhuo, do you want to participate?!" After Chu Xiong accepted Zhang Chufeng's money, he bumped Zhuo Yan with his shoulder as he approached.

Zhuo Yan nodded with a paralyzed face, took out a fifty-tael silver note from his sleeve, threw it into Chu Xiong's official hat, and said concisely, "This is the only one left. Hu Yushi rode to take office."

"Ahem, why are you riding a horse? Brother Zhuo won't think about it. You have to know that the ancestral system is..."

When Chu Xiong saw that Zhuo Yan had also placed a bet on Hu Zongxian coming to take office on horseback, he couldn't help but blinked his eyes and said deceitfully.

Zhuo Yan rolled his eyes and asked with an expressionless face, "What's your bet?"

"That's right, Fatty Chu, what's your bet?! How much is your bet?!" Zhang Chufeng followed up and asked.

Chu Xiong had a wonderful expression on his fat face. He coughed and said seriously, "Ahem, I didn't think too much about placing bets. I mainly wanted to support little brother Zhu's team training, so I could only place bets on Zhu." The opposite of a little brother. Well, I don’t have enough money, so I’ll just settle for a hundred and fifty taels.”

Hearing this, Zhang Chufeng and Zhuo Yan rolled their eyes at Chu Xiong and cursed, "Shameless!"

Next, Chu Xiong showed off his talent of being good at dancing and went to hang out with some of his familiar yamen friends. He also invited three people to join the game and placed bets ranging from 20 taels, 30 taels, and 50 taels respectively.

In fact, with Chu Xiong's social circle, he could have attracted more people into the game, but it was not enough for him to come back after attracting these three people.

"Fat Chu, why don't you go and get a few more?! Mr. Zhang from the Ministry of Industry, Mr. Wang from the Ministry of Household Affairs, and..." Zhang Chufeng asked in confusion when he saw Chu Xiong came back so quickly.

Zhuo Yan also looked at Chu Xiong in confusion. In the past, how could Chu Xiong have lured eight or nine more people into their elegant bets? Why did he come back after just three of them now? ! This is not Chu Xiong’s style.

"You know what the heck, these people all bet on Hu Yushi coming on horseback, and only little brother Zhu bets on Hu Yushi coming on donkey. There are more monks and less meat, how will we divide the money when the time comes?! We have to close the deal in advance! .”

After hearing Zhang Chufeng's question, Chu Xiong couldn't help but replied with a look of pain on his face.

"Yes, the deal must be sealed."

Zhang Chufeng nodded repeatedly when he heard this. Yes, in this game, only Zhu Pingan bet on Hu Yushi riding a donkey, and everyone else bet on Hu Yushi riding a horse. Zhu Ping'an, who is 250, bet 250 taels. The most they can win is the 250 taels of silver. Naturally, the smaller the number of people, the more they will get. Fatty Chu did this very right and must close the deal.

Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an on the side couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth regretfully, "What kind of plate should I seal? The more people, the better."

After sealing the plate, I waited for about a while for a cup of tea when I saw a probing horse galloping towards me on the official road.

"Report, the new Zhejiang inspector censor is coming soon." Tan Ma stopped in front of the pavilion and reported.

All the officials immediately moved, arranged their clothes, cheered up, and prepared to welcome Hu Zongxian's arrival.

After exploring the horse and reporting the matter, it was time for a cup of tea before I saw a group of people appear on the official road.

Is Hu Yushi and his party a little slow? !

All the officials thought that it was time to give Hu Yushi a good horse. The horse that Hu Yushi was riding was a bit slow.

As Hu Yushi and his entourage slowly approached, people couldn't help but narrow their eyes. The horse Hu Yushi was riding seemed a bit short. !

"Uh-huh-huh-huh. Uh-huh-huh-huh."

At this moment, a penetrating sound of donkey braying reached the ears of the officials waiting in the pavilion.

"Donkey?!" All the officials were stunned.

When Chu Xiong, Zhang Chufeng and others heard the braying of donkeys coming from the official road, their faces suddenly turned pale, as if they were mourning for an heir.

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