Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1415 Return to Fatty

After returning from the navy camp of Linhuai Marquis, Zhu Ping'an, Liu Mu and Liu Dadao came to Pichai Street again and ordered a total of twenty Shaoxing famous dishes and two large jars of Shaoxing rice wine from Kuaiji Restaurant. I paid a penny for running errands, and asked the hotel clerk to help me put it in a food box and bring it to the greasy fat man's residence.

On the way, Liu Dadao asked with a puzzled look on his face, "Master, why do you praise this fat guy so much? Master is usually reluctant to enjoy so much food and wine. It's too cheap for this fat guy."

"Because he is worth it." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly.

"Is he worth it?" Liu Dadao opened his mouth in disbelief when he heard this. He couldn't help but shook his head, "Don't blame me, sir. Apart from his fat body, I really don't see what makes this fat guy worth it."

In Liu Dadao's eyes, the greasy fat man was simply a salted fish by the river, no, a toad with its belly turned over and basking in the sun in a muddy pond.

"He is the one I want to find Xu Wei and Xu Wenchang." Zhu Pingan didn't beat around the bush and directly revealed the answer to the mystery.

"Huh? He is the Xu Wenchang that the young master has worked so hard to find?!" Liu Dadao opened his mouth even wider, "Isn't the Xu Wenchang that the young master is looking for a unique genius?! Damn Fatty, he is shameless, rogue, and his brain is a little abnormal. , how could it be the Xu Wenchang that the young master has worked so hard to find."

Xu Wenchang was rated as a genius by the young master! No matter what, he is not much different from Zhuge Liang in the play. How can the fat guy match up with the most talented genius in the world? He is almost the most insane.

When Liu Dadao thought of the image of that slovenly, slovenly, scoundrel and shameless fat man who picked his nose casually, he couldn't help but shake his head like it was flying. He couldn't accept the reality that the greasy fat man was Xu Wenchang.

"Haha, Dadao, you can't just look at the appearance of everything." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and said to Liu Dadao, "For example, there was a famous prime minister in the Song Dynasty named Wang Anshi. He was an unkempt man who lived a sloppy life. He was a famous sloppy king in the Song Dynasty, how slovenly he was. Historical records record that Wang Anshi: 'He is not good-looking, he is very frugal, or his clothes are dirty and his face is not washed.' Once, Wang Anshi's family discovered Wang Anshi's Yintang turned black and his face had no color at all. He was worried that Wang Anshi was ill, so he invited a famous local doctor to come to see him. The famous doctor looked at him for a while and said with a smile, Wang Xianggong's black Yintang was not because of illness, but because he had not washed his face for a long time and had accumulated accumulated blood. If there is thick grease, just wash your face with soap beans. When Wang Anshi heard this, he felt insulted and said angrily, I was born with black hair and no soap beans will work. Don't bother. However, his family He still tried to find a way to ask him to wash his face with soap beans, but the water in the basin was completely black. In addition, he once met the emperor, and the emperor found that there were fleas on his beard, and he was very amused. However, although Wang Anshi was unkempt, However, he managed the poor and weak Song Dynasty in an orderly manner, making the country rich and powerful with many soldiers."

"Sir, this Wang Anshi you are talking about is very powerful, but no matter how I look at Fatty, I don't realize how powerful he is. His shameless and rogue appearance is no better than the gangsters on the street."

Liu Dadao still didn't believe that Fatty Fatty was very powerful. He always felt that Fatty Fatty was an incompetent scoundrel.

"Sir, to be honest, I'm just like Da Dao. I don't see what's so great about that fat man."

Liu Mu also followed suit.

"You will know how powerful he is in the future. If we can ask him to help us, he can withstand a hundred thousand troops."

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly.

"He alone has the strength of a hundred thousand soldiers and horses. I don't believe that any soldier can beat him to the point where he cries for his father and mother."

Liu DaDao pursed his lips.

"He is not good at hand-to-hand combat, but he is good at strategizing and winning decisively from thousands of miles away."

Zhu Pingan explained.

Liu Mu and Liu Dadao still didn't believe it. They didn't believe that the greasy fat man could be so powerful.

"You will know in the future." Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly. When Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage to invite Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were not convinced and were very angry, but later Zhuge Liang burned them down in Bowangpo. Facts won. Yu Yanbian, after Xu Wenchang made several moves in the future, Liu Mu and Liu Dadao naturally knew what he was capable of. However, after thinking about it, Zhu Pingan told them again, "Later, you should respect him more. Once I hope to ask him to come out and help me fend off the Japanese."

"Don't worry, Young Master, we won't ruin your business." Liu Mu and Liu Dadao nodded vigorously to express their stance.

Zhu Pingan nodded reassuringly, then stepped forward and gently knocked on the knocker of Fatty Fatty's door.

As usual, he knocked once, but there was no response from the small courtyard. Zhu Pingan knocked again as he was used to it.

Like this, after three dunks, a familiar and magnetic cry like a crane sounded in the yard, "Who is it? Who is it? It's such an afternoon, it's banging, it's disturbing people's dreams, do you still have a sense of public morality?"

The door creaked.

The greasy fat man appeared at the door with his hair disheveled and unkempt as always, surrounded by a thin quilt and with an unfriendly expression on his face. I haven’t seen you for a few days. Fatty’s noodles are full of dishes. I guess the food has not been good these days.

When he opened the door and saw that it was Zhu Pingan and his party who spared his sweet dream, the unkindness on the greasy fat man's face suddenly turned into excitement, especially when he saw the waiter from Kuaiji Restaurant following Zhu Pingan carrying three With the huge double-layered food box and two large jars of Shaoxing old wine, his face couldn't hide his joy, and his mouth was watering.

If it was normal, Liu Dadao would definitely ridicule him, but thinking of the young master's instructions, Liu Dadao held back.

"Haha, it turns out it's you. It's true. You always come when I'm dreaming about a gluttonous feast and interrupt my dreams." The greasy fat man said with a smile while sipping his saliva.

"Yes, so we all took the initiative to bring the compensation." Zhu Ping'an smiled and cupped his hands at the greasy fat man, "Aren't you going to invite us in?"

"Haha, how can it be possible, how can it not be possible, China is a country of etiquette, there is no reason to turn away guests with food, wine, food, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, reason to exclude guests." The greasy fat man said while slobbering, and he said he was bald when he got excited. , told the truth in his heart, and then shamelessly changed it after discovering it.

Liu Dadao lowered his head and couldn't help rolling his eyes twice.

"Come in, please come in, please come in quickly." The greasy fat man waved and greeted, as enthusiastically as if he were meeting close relatives and friends who had been separated for a hundred years.

Zhu Ping'an, Liu Dadao and Liu Mu entered the door first, followed by the waiters from Kuaiji Restaurant.

"Oh, be careful, be careful, be sure to pay attention to your steps. There is a mud puddle here. I just poured a bowl of water in front of it and it is a bit slippery. But be sure to be careful. Don't slip and drop this fine wine and food."

The greasy fat man's true colors were revealed in an instant. His plump body passed over Zhu Ping'an and the others, and he guided the waiters at Kuaiji Restaurant diligently, not to mention how cautious he was.

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