Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1450 Everything goes dark

The setting sun was like blood, sinking into the west like drowning. In the blood-red afterglow, a group of crows croaked excitedly and circled over Funing Town.

As scavengers, why are they so excited! Excited! It's because they smell the feast!

Below the crowd of crows is a wooden building courtyard. In the courtyard is a group of Japanese pirates, half of them sleeping on the ground, and the other half of them eating their weapons and keeping watch. The open space in front of the courtyard is filled with blood. More than a thousand Ming troops are about fifty meters away from the courtyard. place, surrounding the courtyard, and in the open space behind the Ming army, there were 378 Ming army corpses.

These are not all the Ming army corpses. There are dozens of Ming army corpses that have not been collected in front of the courtyard gate occupied by the Japanese pirates. However, due to fear of the Japanese pirates' long bows and iron cannons, no living Ming army dared to step forward. Collect the corpses of their comrades in Paoze, lest they come forward to collect the corpses and turn into corpses instead.

Crows hovered over these corpses, chattering and salivating.

When the setting sun sank into the ground, a team of seven to eight hundred people came from a distance and joined the Ming army.

Suddenly, a burst of excited noises came from the Ming army, and the low morale of the Ming army immediately improved significantly.

In the courtyard.

Naoshima Naoshima held the Japanese sword in his arms and stood on the steps. He looked at the excited Ming army outside the courtyard and sneered with disdain, "I don't know! No matter how many sheep come, they are still sheep! It can't change the fate of being eaten!"

"Haha, didn't Ming Dynasty have a book called "Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? There is a sentence in it that suits them very well."

Matsuura Sanbanro also looked at the Ming army outside the courtyard who was excited about receiving reinforcements with a sneer on his face, and sneered.

"Oh, what kind of book is this? Is it a military book like "Thirty-six Strategies"?" Nabeshima asked curiously.

"It's not a book on war, but it's better than a book on war. There are a lot of this book in the Ming Dynasty. You can get it by looting a study one day. When we complete the task and return across the sea, the journey will be long, and the straight male general can just study a few."

Matsuura Sanbanro replied.

"Xingxi, His Highness has repeatedly told me to read more. This time, let's start with the "Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms"." Nabeshima Naoshima nodded, remembering Matsuura Sanbanro's words just now, and asked again He said, "You just said that there is a sentence in this book that is very suitable for them. Which sentence is it?"

"In the section of "The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Three Things to Treat at the Tuntu Mountain Pass to Save the White Horse Cao Cao from the Encirclement", the martial sage Guan Yu glanced at Yan Liang, who had made Cao's army disgraced, and said to Cao Cao, 'I look at Yan Liang as if he were inserting a mark to sell his head!' "Matsuura Sanbanro loved reading "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" so much that he could almost recite it backwards and forwards.

"Hahahaha, Wu Sheng's words are so appropriate. Isn't the Ming army outside just trying to sell their heads?!"

Nabeshima Naoshima burst out laughing when he heard this.

"General Straight Man, when the reinforcements from the Ming Army arrived just now, I counted them silently. There were about 800 reinforcements from the Ming Army this time, and more than half of them carried bows and arrows. If my expectations are correct, the reinforcements from the Ming Army were Tonight we will attack the building with rockets." Matsuura Sanbanro said softly after Naoshima Naoshima's laughter faded.

"Eight hundred reinforcements are just 800 traitors, rockets? Haha, the fire is ten thousand times more dangerous than the Ming army, but before their fire attack, we had already crossed the river, didn't we?!" Naoto Shima smiled disapprovingly.

"Haha, it's true." Matsuura Sanbanro also laughed, "The Ming army's courage has lost after the daytime battle. Even if they attack with fire, they will also choose to attack around the middle of the night while I'm sleeping." ’ time. Unfortunately, what they don’t know is that we will build a raft and break out to cross the river at the second watch.”

Ha ha ha ha

Naoshima Nabeshima and Matsuura Sanbanro looked at each other and laughed.

Finally, night fell, and the sky and the earth were shrouded in darkness. Because of the cloudy sky, there was no star in the sky, and the night was so dark that it was difficult to see even one's fingers.

In the temporary camp of the Ming army, under the orders of Magistrate Liu and Xu Qianhu, the Ming army worked overtime in the camp to make rockets, wrap the arrow clusters with cotton, and dip them in grease. The reason why Magistrate Liu and Xu Qianhua ordered the Ming army to make rockets in the camp was to avoid being discovered by the Japanese pirates and leak the plan of tonight's fire attack.

"Sir, all five thousand of our rockets have been made." A general reported to Magistrate Liu and Xu Qianhu.

"Okay! Tonight next year will be the death anniversary of these Japanese pirates who were full of evil!" Liu Zhifu said confidently.

"The high-rise buildings occupied by the Japanese pirates are made of solid wood. If these rockets pass by, they will definitely die without a place to bury them!"

Xu Qianhu is equally confident.

"Sir, the high-rise building is made of solid wood, but there is also a courtyard. There are many open spaces in the courtyard. If the Japanese pirates escape from the high-rise building into the courtyard in time, they may be able to escape with their lives." A general pointed out the loophole.

"Yes." Xu Qianhu frowned when he heard this.

"Haha, didn't I order you to cut down the wood?! During the fire attack, throw all the wood into the courtyard, and you won't have to worry about burning the Japanese pirates to death!"

Magistrate Liu said with a smile on his face that he had already made preparations in advance for the general's concerns.

"Prefect Liu is wise!" Xu Qianhu and the generals all looked at him with admiration and praised him profusely.

"Where." Magistrate Liu said modestly with a smile.

"Xu Qianhu, everyone, at three o'clock tonight it is time to attack the Japanese pirates with fire. Don't miss the opportunity, otherwise military law will be violated!" Finally, Magistrate Liu said to Xu Qianhu and the generals with a serious face.

"As you command!"

Everyone said in unison.

Next, under the orders of Magistrate Liu and Xu Qianhu, the Ming army had an early meal. Except for the 800 Ming troops who were on duty and continued to be on guard, the rest of the Ming army rested early to recharge their batteries and wait for the fire attack in the middle of the night. Japanese pirates.

At this moment, while the Ming army was recharging its strength, in a hidden room in the courtyard occupied by the Japanese pirates, ten rafts had been built by the Japanese pirates. This wooden building is made of solid wood, with wooden doors, tables and chairs, etc., and there are materials for building rafts everywhere. The Japanese pirates easily built ten simple rafts.

At the first watch, it was pitch black, no one could see any fingers, and there was silence.

Second watch, it gets darker! Except for the eight hundred Ming troops who were on guard duty, the rest of the Ming troops fell asleep.

Neither Magistrate Liu nor Xu Qianhu slept, observing the direction of the courtyard and waiting for the third watch.

At this moment, there was no light in the courtyard occupied by the Japanese pirates.

"Haha, Prefect Liu, I think the Japanese pirates have gone to bed." Xu Qianhu looked at the dark courtyard from a distance and said with a smile.

"It should be." Magistrate Liu smiled and nodded.

However, just as they finished speaking, they heard the sound of killing from behind the courtyard, and a burst of screams and cries for fathers and mothers came from the Ming army camp on the east side near the river, and then they saw the flames soaring into the sky, all red!

"what happened?!"

Magistrate Liu and Xu Qianhu's expressions changed drastically at the same time, as if they had been struck by thunder.

Japanese pirates!

The Japanese pirates actually came out of the courtyard! !

damn it!

How did the Japanese pirates emerge so prominently? ! Wouldn't it be nice to wait until midnight and be attacked by our fire? !


Why did the Japanese pirates raid eastward? To the east is the Qishui River, which is wide and deep. Could the Japanese pirates commit suicide by drowning themselves in the river? !

Magistrate Liu and Xu Qianhu were frightened, anxious and confused, and hurriedly mobilized their troops to support the Ming army in the east.

However, when they hastily gathered support forces and before they could set off, they saw a Ming army general covered in blood coming over to report, "Report, the Japanese pirates came out from the east wall, attacked our army, and killed more than 200 of our troops. They have already Take a raft and cross the river to the east."

Crossing the river on a raft? !

When Magistrate Liu heard the report, his vision went dark, he felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

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