Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1456 The news is shocking

At noon, Taohua gathered in the school field, and Zhu Pingan's first assessment of the Zhejiang Army also came to an end.

The last battalion is undergoing assessment. According to the organization of the Zhejiang Army, Wu will be assessed first, followed by sentry, general and battalion.

This is the first formal assessment accepted by the Zhejiang Army after more than half a month of training. This time the assessment not only assessed the training of the soldiers, but also assessed whether each corporal commander, post commander, commander, and battalion commander was competent.

Although the overall level of the Zhejiang Army is only three to five points better than the performance report performed by college students after the military training, it generally meets Zhu Pingan's tone. Because after more than half a month of high-intensity training, the Zhejiang Army, who was born as a bandit and bandit, lost its bandit spirit and initially took the shape of a soldier.

The corps commanders, post commanders, commanders, and battalion commanders all passed the assessment and became regulars smoothly. Zhu Ping'an didn't have high demands on them, he was only familiar with the names, strengths, and laziness of the soldiers under their respective jurisdiction. After more than half a month of eating, living and training together, the corps commanders, post commanders, commanders, and battalion commanders all met the requirements.

"Zhu Daniu, Lin Ergou, and He Bridegroom come out!"

After the assessment was completed, Zhu Pingan named the names of the three corporal leaders, who performed the best in the assessment.


Zhu Daniu, Lin Ergou, and He Bridegroom came out in response.

"Your Third Corps performed outstandingly in this assessment, and your results are obvious to all. I award you the title of Third Corps. Zhu Daniu, your Corps will be named the 'Jian Dao Corps' from today on; Lin Ergou, your Corps will be named 'Fei' from today on." Dying Wu'; Congratulations to the bridegroom, your team will be called the 'Po Jia Wu' from now on; in addition, all three of you teams will receive a monthly salary increase of 20%! I hope you will cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, and achieve greater success. The other teams will all pay tribute to They study, train hard, and perform well, and I will not be stingy with rewards!"

Zhu Pingan announced in public the commendation of the three of them, not only honorary commendation, but also substantive commendation.

"Thank you for your name! Thank you for your reward!"

Zhu Daniu, Lin Ergou, and He Bridegroom were overjoyed and very excited. They knelt down to thank each other, especially Zhu Daniu's mouth was almost grinning to the ear. Of course, the soldiers in their third corps were all similar to Zhu Daniu. They were all very excited. They knelt on the ground and expressed their thanks with their chests high, and their whole bodies exuded the aura of "I'm so awesome."

The three of them are the only three in the entire Zhejiang Army to have a title, and this honor is the only three.

Not only that, the military pay for each of them has increased by 20%, 20% more every month. Calculated in this way, they can get more than two months more military pay than others in a year, which is real.

So, how can they not be excited.

The other members of the Zhejiang Army looked at Zhu Daniu and the others with envy, and their envy was revealed. They made up their minds to train well, and next time they must surpass Zhu Daniu and the others, and also get rewards from the adults.

After the assessment was successfully completed, Zhu Pingan ordered the Huotou Army Camp to kill a pig, add five large barrels of crucian carp and melon seeds caught in a net in the river in front of the camp, and give extra meals to the entire army as a reward.

"Thank you, sir!"

The whole Zhejiang army cheered like a wave.

Soon, a smell of meat wafted from the Zhejun barracks, and the children in the nearby villages were all crying...

Zhu Pingan was the last one to cook every time, and this time was no exception. After all the soldiers had finished cooking, Zhu Pingan was the last to cook, scraped a basin of leftovers from the pot, and took three steamed buns. , just find a Wu, sit on the ground like them

Sit down and eat together. Zhu Pingan had no airs at all. He laughed and chatted with them while eating and mingling with them.

Zhu Ping'an admitted that what he did was part of a show, but once or twice it was a "show", but if it happens like this every time, then it is no longer a show, and it becomes reality. Throughout the ages, generals and soldiers eat and live together, which has always been a great weapon to win over the morale of the military. Zhu Ping'an followed the example of his sages and achieved good results.

After living and eating together for more than half a month, Zhu Ping'an knew the names, strengths and weaknesses of every soldier of the Zhejiang Army clearly, and he also won the military morale of the Zhejiang Army's soldiers. Xian, a general of the Zhejiang Army, thought Zhu Ping'an was a good general who loved his soldiers like a son and was considerate of his subordinates, and he sincerely supported him.

"Report! My lord, there is an emergency pond report."

When Zhu Ping'an was about to finish his meal, a gatekeeper held a roll of Tang Bao to report.

"Okay, let me take a look." Zhu Pingan said, putting the remaining half of the steamed bun in the basin, dipping it in oil and water, stuffing it into his mouth, and reaching out to take the pond newspaper from the soldier.

Zhu Ping opened the pond newspaper and watched it carefully.

This newspaper was an emergency newspaper. It had dense fonts, but there was only one title. It should be recording one thing. Zhu Pingan read it carefully from beginning to end.

It was recorded at the beginning of Tang Bao that yesterday a group of about 150 Japanese pirates landed in Shangyu County, Shaoxing Prefecture, Zhejiang Province.

"The one hundred and fifty Japanese pirates...compared to the recent Japanese pirates who frequently numbered over a thousand, the number of this group of Japanese pirates is a bit small." Zhu Pingan read the opening record and felt that the number of this group of Japanese pirates was a bit small.

Looking further down, Tang News recorded that this group of 150 Japanese pirates massacred Funing Town as soon as they landed in Shangyu, killing more than 300 households in the town inhumanely.

Then, the Japanese pirates occupied a courtyard near the river, eating, drinking and resting without anyone.

Then, Shaoxing prefecture prefect Liu Zhifu and guard Xu Qianhu led two thousand troops to block the Japanese pirates in the courtyard.

Two thousand to one hundred and fifty!

Seeing this, Zhu Pingan felt that the Japanese pirates should have been wiped out and it should be over at this point. Why are there so many words below? Is the 150 Japanese pirates wiped out worthy of so much space and praise? !

Going down further, Zhu Pingan's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and he was shocked by the content recorded in the Tang newspaper.

Magistrate Liu and Xu Qianhu led 2,000 troops to suppress the Japanese, and later mobilized 800 reinforcements. Such a large number of troops were used to suppress the Japanese. However, not only did they fail to destroy the Japanese, but they lost more than 600 soldiers and killed more than 600. In the end, the Japanese were allowed to take advantage of them. The raft crossed the river and ran away.

This passage does not record the casualties of the Japanese pirates. According to official practice, even if only one Japanese pirate was killed, it would be a big write-up. Now the lack of records is almost equivalent to the fact that there were no casualties among the Japanese pirates!

After a great battle, more than 600 people died on our side, but the Japanese pirates were unscathed? !

Zhu Pingan didn't believe it. He read this passage three times and finally had to accept this fact.

Looking further down, Zhu Pingan took a deep breath.

After this group of Japanese pirates left on a raft, they met the old censor Qian Jing who had returned home from official service in Hangshao. The old censor died tragically at the hands of the Japanese pirates. All the accompanying wives, concubines, and children were not spared, as were the more than fifty servants and escorts. One hundred soldiers, one hundred and thirty

Almost all the soldiers were killed by the Japanese pirates. Only a dozen of them ran into the woods to hide in the dark, and they were lucky enough to survive.

Looking further down, the Tang Newspaper records that a village on the Qiantang River was brutally wiped out. After identification, it was also at the hands of this group of Japanese pirates.

At this point, the Tong Bao has come to an end, with only one line at the end: "So far, the traces of the Japanese pirates have disappeared. I hope all ministries will pay close attention to them and be on the alert. As soon as there is an order, we will set off immediately without making any mistakes!"

The cell phone codeword, the format may be confusing, please forgive me.

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