Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1458 Wrong direction

Since receiving the Tang newspaper, Zhu Pingan has been paying close attention to the news about the Japanese pirates of yesterday's group of 150 people. However, he has not received news about this group of Japanese pirates for two days in a row. Zhu Pingan even suspected that this group of Japanese pirates followed Qiantang. Jiang Chuhai fled far away. These days, it is common for Japanese pirates to come ashore, grab something and run away.

However, Zhu Ping'an felt that this group of Japanese pirates would not escape so easily to the sea, because this group of Japanese pirates were fierce. Since the landing at Shangyu, they had carried out burning, killing and looting without suffering a single defeat or loss of personnel. They still had The ability to continue committing crimes and plundering. Such powerful Japanese pirates were definitely not satisfied with just landing for half a day and burning, killing, and looting a small town, a censor who returned home from official duties, and a small village! Such powerful Japanese pirates must have a huge appetite and a huge ambition.

Zhu Ping'an judged that they would continue to commit evil acts and would not escape until they had robbed enough or their strength was severely damaged.

However, the strange thing is that after this group of Japanese pirates disappeared by the Qiantang River, they stayed dormant for two full days without showing a trace. What evil intentions did they hide? ! Where is their next destination? !

Zhu Pingan was puzzled!

On the third day, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but handwritten several official letters, and ordered Liu Mu to take them to Yingtian City, where he went to Yingtian Military Department to wait for the department to inquire about the news about this group of Japanese pirates. When Liu Mu was about to set off, another letter came Tang Bao arrived at the Zhejiang Army barracks.

After receiving the Tang Bao, Zhu Pingan had an intuition that the Tang Bao must be related to the group of Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu.

Sure enough, when Zhu Pingan opened the Tang newspaper, he saw the news about this group of Japanese pirates!

However, when he saw the place where this group of Japanese pirates appeared, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but said "Huh?!"


After disappearing by the Qiantang River, this group of Japanese pirates actually appeared in Changhua County yesterday afternoon!

There is something wrong with this direction! Changhua County is in the west, one hundred kilometers west of Hangzhou Fucheng, which is two hundred miles.

This distance is not close!

Theoretically speaking, Japanese pirates usually plundered along the coast, and the place where this group of Japanese pirates disappeared was along the Qiantang River. They disappeared after massacring Wangjiang Village. Wangjiang Village was on the Qiantang River, with the suburbs of Hangzhou Prefecture on the other side.

The Japanese pirates should cross the Qiantang River and head north or east, plundering along the coast so that they can escape into the sea.

Why did this group of Japanese pirates go west and deep inland instead of going to the rich suburbs and coastal areas of Hangzhou on the other side? !

In response, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but let out a questioning "Huh?" and couldn't figure out why this group of Japanese pirates went west.

Zhu Ping'an had two doubts at this time. One was that this group of Japanese pirates had lost their way. They had come a long way across the sea and were not familiar with the place. They wanted to go east, but they turned around or got lost and went in the opposite direction; There is also a suspicion that this group of Japanese pirates massacred Wangjiang Village before disappearing by the Qiantang River. When they massacred the village, they also kidnapped people from Wangjiang Village who were familiar with the nearby terrain and asked them to lead the way. As a result, these people looked like little The hero Wang Erxiao also risked his life to trap the Japanese pirates. He deliberately led the Japanese pirates astray to the west, diverted the Japanese pirates inland, and made the Japanese pirates surrounded by officers and soldiers from all over the inland!

But this is the fact. After this group of Japanese pirates disappeared near Wangjiang Village on the Qiantang River, they appeared in Changhua County on the other side, two hundred miles to the west!

Japanese pirates massacred Yumi Village on the riverside in Changhua County. Changhua Magistrate led 400 soldiers and civilians to suppress the Japanese, but was defeated by the Japanese pirates and was easily defeated. Changhua Magistrate fell off his horse and was rescued by his subordinates desperately.

After the Japanese pirates defeated the magistrate of Changhua County, they pursued them one after another. They entered Changhua County from the south gate of Changhua County, burned, killed and looted in the county seat, and then exited from the west gate.

After the Japanese pirates left Changhua County, they appeared in Yuqian County next to Changhua County in the evening. They robbed Langyu Town. Yuqian County Dianshi led his troops, officers, and civilians to suppress the Japanese. The group had not yet arrived in Langyu. In Yuzhen, they were ambushed by Japanese pirates on the way. After several people were killed and injured, Yu Qianxian County Dianshi led his troops to retreat strategically (Sayazi ran away). The Japanese pirates then looted and plundered along the way, causing heavy casualties among the people along the way.

Tang Bao finally recorded that Hangzhou Prefecture was shocked by this.


Seeing this record, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh.

This group of Japanese pirates is still the same group of Japanese pirates! Fierce, cruel, cunning, and good at fighting! Good at setting up ambushes!

This is no ordinary Japanese pirate!

This group of Japanese pirates is like a special force that is good at fighting!

Don't want to admit it!

But it’s true!

In comparison, the officers and soldiers along the way looked like a mob!

After sighing for a long time, Zhu Pingan opened the newspaper again and read it carefully, this time focusing on the details.

After reading it again, Zhu Ping'an discovered a problem. This Tang newspaper recorded that the number of Japanese pirates faced by the magistrate of Changhua was more than 130 and less than 140.

More than one hundred and thirty people?

Isn’t this group of Japanese pirates one hundred and fifty strong? How come there are more than 130 people? !

This group of Japanese pirates has reduced its numbers!

Where were the attrition? ! In the two days since they disappeared in Wangjiang Village and appeared in Changhua County, the number of Japanese pirates decreased by ten. The Tang News did not record where this group of Japanese pirates had robbed in the past two days, so either the Japanese pirates were on their way during the past two days, or the Japanese pirates had robbed a remote village in the past two days, and due to the remoteness of the village, they had not yet been discovered. So the reason why the Japanese pirates reduced their numbers may be natural reasons, such as boat capsizing and drowning when crossing a river, or they encountered fierce resistance when plundering remote villages, resulting in attrition.

No matter what the reason is, the number of Japanese pirates has been reduced, which is a good thing. Otherwise, I would have thought that this group of Japanese pirates were invulnerable!

After reading the Tongbao, Zhu Pingan took advantage of the training break to briefly and concisely declare the contents of the Tongbao to the entire army, and urged the Zhejiang Army to strengthen training, "sweat more in peacetime and shed less tears in war."

In this way, another day passed, and Zhu Pingan received another pond newspaper in the evening.

Needless to say, the news recorded in this Tang newspaper must still be about this group of Japanese pirates. Sure enough, when I opened the Tang newspaper, what I saw was exactly this group of Japanese pirates.


Seeing the place where the Japanese pirates appeared, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but make the same confused "hmm" sound as yesterday.

This group of Japanese pirates actually appeared in Huizhou Prefecture!

After the Japanese pirates plundered Chun'an County, they appeared in Huizhou Prefecture!

Huizhou Prefecture is to the west of Yuqian County and Changhua County, and further inland. Huizhou Prefecture is already Anhui Province!

Anhui Province! Are these Japanese pirates crazy? ! Why are you still heading west? ! Zhu Ping'an has ten thousand doubts in his heart!

This group of Japanese pirates must have been so confused when they got lost! This fan got lost in Anhui Province!

Or is it that this group of Japanese pirates turned around? They came from afar and were unfamiliar with the place. They thought they were going east, but ended up going west? ! No, it's been four days. Did it take four full days to turn? !

Moreover, it was too easy for this group of Japanese pirates to enter Huizhou.

Huizhou is known as "eight-and-a-half parts mountains, one part water, and half farmland and manors." Huizhou has mountains one after another, peaks connected to peaks, hills lined up, ridges and valleys staggered, and the terrain is particularly complex.

In particular, Huizhou is the junction of Anhui Province and Zhejiang Province, and this junction has a pass!

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