Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1471 I have a military emergency, but unfortunately no one believes me (Part 2)

Zhu Ping'an took into account the reactions of Zhang Zhitai and the other three people and knew that they did not believe in his military situation. In fact, this was what he expected. If he had not known history, had the opportunity to predict the future, and paid attention to and carefully studied this group of Japanese pirates, he would not have believed that less than a hundred Japanese pirates dared to harass Pai Yingtian.

But believe it or not, this is what is coming.

"Mr. Naitai, Mr. Bai, Mr. Zhang, Ping'an concluded that this group of Japanese pirates will attack Yingtian is because the official concluded after carefully sorting out and studying this group of Japanese pirates." Zhu Ping'an said with a serious look. .

"Oh, Mr. Zhu, how did you come to such a conclusion through research?" Zhang Zhitai asked curiously.

"Haha, this inference is the conclusion you came to after careful research, Zihou?! Haha, if Zihou hadn't carefully sorted out the research, would you have concluded that this group of less than a hundred Japanese pirates will continue to march northward for tens of thousands of miles? Go and attack the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty." Zhang Chufeng couldn't help laughing and ridiculed Zhu Ping'an.

Attacking the Forbidden City. Deputy Commander Bai couldn't help but be amused after hearing Zhang Chufeng's words.

"Back in Taiwan, I carefully sorted out and studied the group of Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu, and found four characteristics of them that were different from other Japanese pirates. First, the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu were extremely elite and powerful, far more powerful than other Japanese pirates. Although other Japanese pirates were also They are powerful, but I have never seen that group of Japanese pirates as elite and powerful as the Shangyu Japanese pirates. More than a hundred people roamed across our country for thousands of miles in the Ming Dynasty. The number of officers and soldiers in the prefectures and counties they passed ranged from more than two thousand to as few as five or six hundred. No one could resist. . Second, by reading the records such as Tangbao, Xiaguan found that all the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu were real Japanese, and did not see any records of fake Japanese pirates. Third, the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu were not for the purpose of plundering property; The main purpose was to fight. After landing at Shangyu, they robbed Shaoxing, Changhua, Yuqian, Chun'an, Huizhou, Taipingfu and other places. They killed people, set fires, and attacked cities and villages. They rarely robbed property, but they only attacked the government. Most of the treasuries were burned to the ground. On the contrary, they would not go to a county or a government, but they would fight with the local officers and soldiers, even if they could avoid it. The official summed it up and sorted it out. This group of Japanese pirates did not Missing the opportunity to fight with the officers and soldiers of any prefecture or county along the way, there is no exception; fourth, the marching route of the Japanese pirates is completely different from that of other Japanese pirates. Generally, Japanese pirates land on the southeast coast and then commit crimes in coastal counties. County, they quickly set sail and fled to the sea after plundering property; but this was not the case for the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu. After they landed in Shangyu, they did not continue to commit crimes in the coastal areas, but went westward and penetrated more than 800 miles inland, penetrating deep into the interior. The land reached Huizhou Prefecture and Taiping Prefecture, and then headed north again... Since the Japanese invasion in our country, there has never been such a ruthless robbery route by Japanese pirates." Zhu Ping'an turned a blind eye to Zhang Chufeng's ridicule, and calmly handed over his hand to Reported by Zhang Zhentaihui.

"Zihou, what does this mean?" Zhang Chufeng interrupted Zhu Pingan's words and said disapprovingly.

Zhang Zhengtai and Deputy Envoy Bai also looked at Zhu Ping'an, somewhat puzzled. As Zhang Chufeng said, even if the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu have these characteristics that are different from other Japanese pirates, what can it mean?

"Master Naitai, Master Bai, and Master Zhang, I have concluded that the reason why this group of Japanese pirates who came across the ocean are few and capable, and do not aim at plundering property, but repeatedly fight with officers and soldiers from various places, is because they are members of the Japanese nation. They are the elite scout outposts of the Japanese pirates. Currently, the Japanese country is in a state of war, and the daimyo in various places are seriously short of food, grass, and money. They have long been coveting the rich Jiangnan region of the Ming Dynasty. The Japanese Japanese pirates sent them to spy on the strength, combat power, and terrain of the Ming Dynasty. , terrain conditions, so that they can invade in large numbers in the future! Since landing in Shangyu, Zhejiang, this group of Japanese pirates has been traveling all the way to Shaoxing, Changhua, Yuqian, Chun'an, Huizhou, Taipingfu and other places to spy on human resources, material resources, terrain, military strength, and warfare. The strength cannot be understood in the chest, and when the Japanese invaders invade in large numbers in the future, they will see the reality of our Ming Dynasty's terrain, military strength, etc. Sirs, just imagine how we can control them at that time."

Zhu Pingan glanced at Zhang Zhengtai and others, cupped his hands, and slowly explained to them.

"Haha, it's a pity that Mr. Zhu didn't write Zhiguaihua. The Japanese invasion has started since the Yuan Dynasty and has continued intermittently for hundreds of years. They should understand the terrain, military strength and other conditions of the Ming Dynasty. We already know it, so why go through all the trouble to find out again." Zhang Chufeng shook his head.

"Master Zhang, that's not true. Since the Puppet Yuan Dynasty, Japanese invaders have only been limited to a few coastal areas, and they have been minor. The Puppet Yuan Dynasty and our dynasty have strictly controlled maps. At most, the Japanese pirates only know the topography of prefectures and counties close to the coast. They have no way of understanding the shape and terrain of the land. As for the military strength, combat strength, etc., they are even less likely to understand. The deployment of military forces changes every year, and the combat strength varies greatly. The military strength, combat strength, material resources, etc. in the early years have long been It doesn't apply to today." Zhu Pingan said lightly.

"Uh-huh, Mr. Zhu's words make sense, but there are many bandits in our country who have joined the Japanese pirates. They were born in our country, grew up in our country, and are familiar with the topography of our country. If the Japanese pirates have them joining them, why bother to go through all the trouble to spy on them again? ." Zhang Chufeng was startled for a moment, but soon thought of another reason, and continued to shake his head and retort.

"Sir Zhang, the Japanese pirates who joined the bandits of my Ming Dynasty are all rebel Japanese pirates who are the masters of Wang Zhi and Mao Haifeng. These Japanese pirates do not need my Ming Dynasty's terrain, terrain and other arrangements, but the Japanese pirates of the Japanese country do not. I just said that the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu They are all real Japanese, and there are no false ones. In addition, these bandits only know the topography, and they have no way of knowing the strength, combat power, etc. Therefore, the Japanese Japanese pirates carefully selected the elite Japanese pirates and sent them to They are the outposts to spy on the reality of our Ming Dynasty." Zhu Ping'an had already guessed what Zhang Chufeng was going to say, and after he finished speaking, he slowly spoke.

"Uh, haha, this is just your wishful thinking, Mr. Zhu. There are many unreasonable things in it." After Zhang Chufeng was stunned for a few seconds, an idea suddenly flashed, and then he shook his head with a smile and continued to retort, "If according to your speculation, they are outpost scouts of Japanese pirates, then they will not harass Yingtian. I am with the capital in Yingtian, the city is high and the pond is deep, there are many soldiers and generals, and the weapons and food are sufficient, the Japanese pirates have less than a hundred troops. Coming to harass us is tantamount to committing suicide. If they were Japanese pirates scouting outposts, how could they commit suicide? The Japanese Japanese pirates are still waiting for them to send the news back."

Use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son, haha, it depends on how you explain it. Zhang Chufeng looked at Zhu Pingan with confidence, waiting for Zhu Pingan to make a fool of himself.

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