Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1481 No worries despite defeat

There is no airtight wall in the world. The contents of the two newspapers spread quickly, first in Yingtian official circles, and then quickly spread to the people, causing people to talk and make a fuss.

"The imperial envoy of the Wuhu capital, Shua Shanzao, Qianhu Zengji, joined forces with three thousand troops including Miao Yin, the Jianyang guard, to surround and attack the Japanese pirates in Shangyu. Because Jianyang guard Miao Yin and others were defeated first, their morale was greatly reduced. Together with the Japanese pirates, They were defeated in the battle. The Japanese pirates drove the defeated army to attack Zeng Ji's troops, which caused Zeng's headquarters to be in chaos. Under the cover of the Japanese pirates, the coalition army collapsed thousands of miles away. Only the troops of Chen Yiyi, the county magistrate of Wuhu County, did not flee. However, Chen Yiyi died on the spot. , most of Chen Yiyi's troops were killed or injured. Fifty-seven Japanese pirates entered Wuhu with their victorious pursuit, and set fire to the south bank of Wuhu. A strong wind blew by the lake, and the wind helped the fire. The fire suddenly became extremely huge, with flames reaching into the sky and black smoke billowing. Covering the sky and the sun, it was like a demon was born, sweeping across several miles of land.

Amid the flames and black smoke, the Japanese pirates suddenly crossed the north bank of Wuhu and headed straight for Wuhu County. Fortunately, Wuhu County was already full of soldiers and discovered the whereabouts of the Japanese pirates in time. At the critical moment, before the Japanese pirates entered the city, they cut off the moat bridge and closed the city gate for defense. The Japanese pirates failed in their success and wandered around outside the city for a long time. They had no choice but to retreat. After burning, killing and looting outside the city, they retreated without trace."

In a restaurant facing the street, a storyteller was surrounded by people. In front of him was a fruit and vegetable platter, tea and snacks. Holding a folding fan, he told the onlookers the contents of the two pond newspapers with great emotion and emotion.

The content of the newspaper shocked everyone.

"What?! Defeated?! Or a big defeat!!"

"Three thousand coalition forces, not three thousand pigs. They will be defeated anyway. Even if they are three thousand pigs, it won't be like this."

"Are these dozens of Japanese pirates all invulnerable and invulnerable?! Why are they so fierce?!"

"If Wuhu County hadn't closed the city gate urgently, the people in the city might have been in bad luck."

Everyone never expected that the three thousand coalition forces deliberately defeated and lured the Japanese pirates into encirclement, encircled the north and south, and attacked the Japanese pirates from the front and rear. They were as fierce as tigers in one operation, but in the end they ended up with this result.

Defeated so quickly!

Still a big defeat! The army was defeated like a mountain, and the army was completely routed! The only one who was not defeated, the Prime Minister of Dangtu County, Chen Yiyi, was killed on the spot, and the rest were defeated thousands of miles away! Being chased by Japanese pirates together, I don’t know how many soldiers and horses died!

"Ahem, at this moment, why do I think of the urgent military information from Master Zhu Ping'an of 'Contemporary Zhao Kuo'? Do you think this Japanese pirate will really come back to attack our Yingtian City as he said?"

A diner in the restaurant couldn't help but voiced worry.

Hearing that dozens of Japanese pirates had defeated the three thousand allied troops and defeated them, he couldn't help but think of Zhu Ping'an's urgent military situation.

The diner's voice was not loud, but it was clear enough. His voice lagged behind, and it seemed that the entire restaurant had been pressed on the pause button. People stopped eating and drinking, and the entire restaurant became quiet.

It took a full second or two before a voice sounded.

"Are you kidding? How is it possible? Our Yingtian City is not one of those small counties. How dare the Japanese pirates do this?"

Then another rich man stood up. He was very expressive and raised his hands in all directions. After attracting everyone's attention, he made a long speech in a loud voice: "That's right, don't worry about others. There is a brother-in-law who works as an errand in the Yamen of the Ministry of War. He has known about this report for a long time. He has also heard the discussion by the gentlemen of the Ministry of War, saying that it is impossible to have an emergency military situation like "Zhao Kuo in this world". First, we are in Yingtian City. The Forbidden City, which used to be the capital, is now also the capital, which is comparable to that of a small county. Our Taizu used to 'build high walls, accumulate grain widely, and slowly become king'. We built high walls. Our Yingtian City is high and deep, covering an area of ​​dozens of Here, the wall is tens of meters high! Dozens of Wuhu counties stacked together can’t compare to half of Yingtian City. Didn’t you listen carefully when you listened to Mr. Tong Bao? The Japanese pirates set fire to attack Wuhu County, but Wuhu County destroyed the moat bridge Once the city gate is closed, the little Japanese pirate has no choice but to retreat, let alone our Yingtian City. We Yingtian will close the city gate, and the little Japanese pirate can only stare and have no choice. Secondly Ah, haha, you still didn’t listen carefully to Mr. Tang’s report. Although the three thousand coalition forces were defeated, they did not achieve nothing at all. Although the Japanese pirates in Shangyu won, they did not suffer any losses. The Japanese pirates in Shangyu were at this time They were also at the end of their rope. Before the war, they still had about eighty people. After the war, when they attacked Wuhu County, there were only fifty-seven Japanese pirates left. Haha, fifty-seven Japanese pirates, they came to Yingtian What are you doing? Can you tickle our Yingtian?"

His words trailed behind, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, yes, what can we do with fifty-seven Japanese pirates just now? We are dozens of miles away, and there are thirteen inner gates alone. If the fifty-seven Japanese pirates are scattered, a city gate will be divided into four parts. One and a half Japanese pirates. Four and a half Japanese pirates attack a city gate, hahaha, that’s not even enough to scratch the itch.”

"Let me tell you, the three thousand coalition troops are not three thousand pigs. They still killed twenty or thirty Japanese pirates. Three thousand country coalition troops can achieve this result. We Yingtian has a hundred thousand regular soldiers and horses. Yes, in terms of combat effectiveness, at least there are hundreds of three thousand coalition troops, and these Japanese pirates are really not enough."

"There are few Japanese pirates, so there is nothing to worry about."

"'Zhao Kuo' wants to wash away his shame, but Japanese pirates are not enough. Hahaha, let's not think too much. It's time to drink and drink, and it's time to eat food and eat food. Even if the sky falls, it won't be able to hit us Yingtian."

The restaurant soon became lively again, and people forgot about the news about the Japanese pirates, drinking, eating and laughing as usual.

It is said that the masses have sharp eyes, and in this case, it is indeed true. The arguments among the people are almost the same as those in the official circles.

The argument in the officialdom is generally the same. Although the three thousand allied troops were defeated, they still achieved results. Only fifty-seven of the more than eighty Japanese pirates were left. The remaining Japanese pirates were no longer a concern. Wuhu County A small county town has closed its city gates, and the Japanese pirates can't do anything about it, let alone Yingtian.

Of course, not everyone is like this.

After hearing the two Tang newspapers, Hu Zongxian pondered for a moment, asked people to prepare horses, and rushed to Guo Jingying's "Zhenwei Camp" outside Yingtian.

Zhenwei Camp is the outermost military camp in Yingtian.

As soon as Hu Zongxian arrived at Zhenwei Camp, he ordered the entire Zhenwei Camp to prepare for first-level combat readiness and assemble the army to prepare for war. The entire Zhenwei Battalion did not take it seriously, but Hu Zongxian took on the role of patrol supervisor and censor, showed kindness and power, and personally visited and kept a strict watch. Through Hu Zongxian's efforts, the Zhenwei Battalion assembled personnel, dispatched materials, and gradually entered a state of combat readiness.

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