Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1494 The Japanese pirates are gone

In front of the cherry orchard, the Ming army raised piles of bonfires and began to cook rice. The Ming army, who had been hungry and cold for most of the day, sat around the blazing bonfire. They stretched out their hands to warm themselves, staring straight at the fire. Looking at the broth gradually boiling in the cauldron, the corners of my eyes couldn't help but become moist.

They had been hungry and cold for most of the day, and finally had a blazing campfire and hot soup. How could they not be excited.

However, the weather is really too cold, and the human body is not an excellent conductor of heat. Especially since the Ming army wore armor that looked like lumps of ice outside, it was difficult for heat to transfer inside. People gathered around the campfire to warm their hands, which meant their hands were warm. That's it, as for the arms, body, etc., they were still very cold, especially the feet in the shoes, which were still cold and numb, which was in sharp contrast to the warm hands.

So, one Ming soldier couldn't bear the cold feet, so he took off his shoes and stretched out his feet to warm himself by the fire.

One person learned the first, and the other learned the second. Seeing this, the rest of the Ming army also followed suit and roasted their feet. .

People's hygiene habits are not very good these days. Washing feet every day is something only wealthy people do. It is normal for poor people to wash their feet once every ten and a half months. Even washing their feet once every month is not uncommon. "

The feet of the Ming army were basically comparable to salted fish and stinky tofu.

Suddenly, each dance fire began to emit a strong smell of salted fish and Wudoufu, covering up the flavor of the broth.

Hu Zongxian, who was surrounded by generals, noticed that many Ming soldiers took off their shoes to warm themselves by the fire. He frowned and turned to look at Master Zhang, the commander of the Zhenwei Battalion. He said dissatisfiedly: "Master Zhang, please hurry up. Serious military discipline, with such an appearance, what kind of decency is it? If Japanese pirates attack, how can you fight with bare feet?"

Hu Zongxian was very disappointed with Zhenwei Camp and other soldiers of the Beijing Camp. The Beijing Camp had become more and more deserted in recent years. They were still elites in the army, but their military discipline was so rotten that it was far worse than the frontier troops in Datong.

Upon hearing this, Master Zhang replied with a wry smile: "Master Hu, the troops must be relaxed and relaxed. The weather is really too cold. After all, the soldiers are made of flesh and blood and cannot bear the cold. Taking off their shoes to warm themselves by the fire is a last resort. And for this reason, if we are too harsh, these illiterate people may be prone to internal strife. Now destroying the Japanese is the first priority. It is better not to be harsh on these details."

Hu Zongxian remained silent, squinting his eyes and slowly looking at the entire army, taking in the expressions of every soldier. When Hu Zongxian glanced at him, some of the soldiers were nervous, some were dissatisfied, some were indignant, and some were noisy.

Hu Zongxian narrowed his eyes slightly. It seems that what Mr. Zhang said is not too exaggerated. If military discipline is forcibly improved, these people who can't even endure cold and hunger may really change.

In addition, morale can be boosted but not deflated. If military discipline is enforced, the morale that was finally built up will probably plummet.

Thinking of relying on them to exterminate the Japanese pirates, Hu Zongxian finally sighed and said quietly: "It's not that I'm demanding the soldiers, but this is an emergency. The Japanese pirates from Shangyu can attack at any time. If you can't be ready for battle at any time, I'm afraid it's easy to be taken advantage of by Japanese pirates! Yingtian has been an imperial capital for hundreds of years, and there is no room for mistakes! The disaster of Japanese pirates cannot appear under Yingtian City, otherwise, a catastrophic disaster will come in an instant! The camp is in such a situation, that's all , then as Mr. Zhang said, there is a certain degree of relaxation. However, although there is a certain degree of relaxation, there is also relaxation and relaxation. Please also ask Mr. Zhang to order his generals to divide the soldiers into two groups, one group to rest and eat, and one group to hold the troops. Be on guard duty to prevent Japanese pirates from raiding. In addition, send three teams of scouts to the east, west and south to explore. They must explore every plant and tree within ten miles without any slack."

"Don't worry, Mr. Hu, this is an extraordinary period. How can we not know the importance of the army after many years of service? We must discipline the soldiers well and not give the Japanese pirates an opportunity. In addition, the scout has already sent three detachments. Counting the time, he will be back soon."

Seeing that Hu Zongxian adopted his suggestion, Mr. Zhang couldn't help but smile and replied confidently.

Finally proved that you are not a loser

Hearing that Master Zhang had sent out three scouts, Hu Zongxian showed a rare smile on his face and praised, "Master Zhang is worthy of a family of generals! This time to wipe out the Japanese pirates in Shangyu, we need to rely more on Master Zhang."

"Master Hu is too polite. To exterminate the Japanese pirates, to serve the saints above and to eliminate harm for the people is a matter of one's duty, and I should do my best. It will be fine if the Japanese pirates don't come this time. If they do, I should give in. They died without a burial!"

When Mr. Zhang heard Hu Zongxian's praise, the smile on his face became even brighter. He patted his bright silver fish scales on his chest vigorously, made a banging sound, and said impassionedly, with a confident look on his face.

"Good!" Hu Zongxian praised again.

Suddenly, the smile on Mr. Zhang's face became brighter. He waved to his four lieutenants and quietly arranged the order. The two lieutenants summoned their generals and conveyed the orders layer by layer.

After a while, the order in the camp improved. The number of soldiers taking off their shoes to warm themselves by the fire was significantly reduced by less than half, and there were many more soldiers holding weapons on guard.

Seeing that the discipline in the camp had improved a lot, Hu Zongxian's complexion improved a lot.

About tea time passed, more than ten scouts rushed over and reported the news to Hu Zongxian, Master Zhang and others, "Sir, there are no traces of Japanese pirates within ten miles to the south!"

"Ten miles ahead, what is the general situation now? Are there any mistakes or abnormalities in the villages within ten miles?"

Hu Zongxian asked a few more questions carefully, and the scouts responded one by one. Hu Zongxian nodded slightly after hearing this.

The scouts answered in detail, and it was obvious that they had done their best to investigate. There was indeed no trace of Japanese pirates ten miles to the south, and no Japanese pirates had been encountered in the villages and towns within ten miles. There was nothing unusual about it.

Soon, the scouts from the east and west directions came back one after another, all reporting that no trace of the Japanese pirates had been found in their respective directions.

Hu Zongxian also asked several questions one by one and confirmed that the scouts in both directions had also carefully investigated. There was indeed no trace of Japanese pirates. There were no Japanese pirates in the villages and towns within ten miles, and there were no abnormalities.

The Japanese pirates are gone! Where did it go?

Hu Zongxian frowned slightly. This situation was a bit strange. Why was there no trace of the Japanese pirates?!

This is very wrong.

He didn't believe that the Japanese pirates had given up their attack on Yingtian. This group of Japanese pirates were so bold that they only succeeded in Jiangning. There was no way they would give up their attack on Yingtian! Could it be that the Japanese pirates attacked from east to west and deliberately captured Jiangning to attract our attention here, but instead they detoured to other directions to harass Yingtian? !

Hu Zongxian fell into deep thought.

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