Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1504 Don’t be afraid of being late for a good meal, and the same is true for a slap in the f

"Sir, the Japanese pirates have begun to use explosives to attack the city. Should we go to rescue Yingtian with great fanfare? If the Japanese pirates use explosives to blow up the city gate and breach the city, then our rescue will be greatly compromised."

Liu Mu lay beside Zhu Pingan and said to Zhu Pingan worriedly when he saw the Japanese pirates trying to blow up the city gate with gunpowder several times.

Zhu Ping'an shook his head with confidence and explained softly, "Don't worry, even if you give the Japanese pirates two trucks of explosives, they won't be able to blow up the city gate. Yingtian's city gate is made of iron birch that was paid tribute from the vassal country of Korea. It is harder than fine wood." It is made of steel and covered with iron, which is very strong; the Japanese pirates used wine jars to hold explosives, but the sealing was not enough, so the blasting power was limited; in addition, there were crossbows, muskets, and cannons on the city, so it was difficult for the Japanese pirates to blast close to the city gate, so there was no need to Worry, the Japanese pirates will not be able to blow open the city gate, so be patient and wait for the opportunity."

Of course Zhu Pingan was confident. Coming from modern times, he knew that although the Japanese pirates attacked Yingtian in this period of history, making Yingtian disgraced and embarrassed, and nailed him to the pillar of shame in history, they did not pose a substantial threat to Yingtian.

"Young Master is wise." Liu Mu suddenly realized what he said and patiently stood aside to observe the battlefield ahead.

Liu Dadao on the other side had been counting ants boredly for a long time. At this time, he couldn't help it anymore and asked Zhu Ping'an in a low voice, "Master, we have been hiding here for a long time. When are we going to go out and give the Japanese pirates some color?" . Just let them show off their power outside Yingtian City?"

"No rush, now is not the time for us to attack." Zhu Pingan shook his head calmly and explained patiently, "The Japanese pirates' attack on Yingtian is destined to be in vain. However, at this moment, the Japanese pirates are counting on the Japanese pirates who have sneaked into the city in advance. We should respond internally, and we still have deeply unrealistic illusions about attacking Yingtian from the inside and outside. If our Zhejiang army were to launch a big fanfare to rescue Yingtian at this moment, it would not be able to rescue Yingtian. On the contrary, the Japanese pirates would definitely change their direction and feint to attack Yingtian. They turned into crazy attacks on our Zhejiang army. Because only after they defeated our Zhejiang army and solved their worries, they could plan their plans with peace of mind. In addition, in front of everyone in the city, if the Japanese pirates defeated our Zhejiang army, they would also be killing chickens and warning monkeys. Destroy the morale of the defenders on the city. Therefore, the Japanese pirates will definitely change their targets and attack our Zhejiang Army with all their strength. In this case, our Zhejiang Army will be in danger and will inevitably suffer unnecessary losses. Therefore, now is not the time for us to appear. "

"Young master, why do you need to increase the prestige of the Japanese pirates? If the Japanese pirates want to attack us, let them come. We are not afraid of the Japanese pirates. If they attack, we will just deal with them. Let those blind and ignorant people in Yingtian City attack us." Take a good look at the city and compare their faces." Liu Dadao was a little disapproving. He was full of confidence in defeating the Japanese pirates. At the same time, he also felt sorry for Zhu Ping'an in his heart. "Young Master warned Ying Tian three days in advance that The senior officials reminded them that Japanese pirates would attack Yingtian, and suggested that they deploy their troops and generals to set up an ambush in the middle of the road to deal with the Japanese pirates. However, all of Yingtian's senior officials were blind-sighted and did not know what was good and what was good. Not only did they not accept the young master's advice, He had true knowledge and insight, but also regarded the young master’s suggestion as a joke, which led to today’s Japanese disaster.”

Liu Mu on the side heard this, glared at Liu Dadao hard, and said angrily, "Didn't you listen to the young master? Now is not the time. If you go out now, you will easily suffer unnecessary losses! What is unnecessary loss? You don’t have to suffer losses! Why should you suffer losses when you obviously don’t have to suffer losses! An Sheng listens to Young Master’s military orders and don’t disrupt Young Master’s deployment!”

"Of course I will listen to Young Master, but when is the time?" Liu Dadao shrank his neck.

Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and said with determination and confidence, "Don't worry, when the Japanese pirates' insiders are discovered in Yingtian City, it is time for us to make a shining debut, expel the Japanese pirates, and save Yingtian."

When the Japanese pirates' internal collaborators were uncovered in Yingtian City, the Japanese pirates' illusions of cooperating with the Japanese pirates in the city to capture Yingtian were shattered. At this time, they knew that they had no hope of capturing Yingtian, and they naturally had Intention of retreat. In history, this group of Japanese pirates retreated from Yingtian and continued their march south because they had no hope of conquering Yingtian City after one of the informants in the city was luckily discovered.

This time, I warned the Duke of Wei and the Marquis of Linhuai in advance. After the Japanese pirates actually appeared under Yingtian City, they would definitely take his advice to heart. They would definitely be able to uncover the Japanese pirates' internal agents earlier than in history, and they would also bring the Japanese pirates to justice. All the Japanese pirates were caught in one fell swoop, instead of being lucky enough to find only one Japanese pirate spy like in history. This time the Japanese pirates were more disillusioned and more willing to retreat.

At this time, our Zhejiang Army can determine the outcome as soon as it appears and make great achievements in one fell swoop!

The inner city should be cut off, there were crossbows, muskets and cannons on the city, and reinforcements from the Ming army came outside.

After analyzing the situation, the Japanese pirates must have understood that there was no hope of capturing Yingtian, and that if they stayed in Yingtian, they would be in danger of being surrounded and annihilated by the Ming army, so they naturally retreated after hearing the news!

As soon as our Zhejiang army came on the scene, we repelled the Japanese pirates who besieged Yingtian. The greatest contribution to the defense of Yingtian fell on ourselves.

If we go out to rescue now, the Japanese pirates will definitely not retreat, but will attack our army. The Japanese pirates will not retreat until the internal Ying is found in the city. Then the great contribution of Yingtian's defense battle will fall on the city, not outside the city.

"Young Master has no plans left, so of course I will listen to him. Then wait a little longer, let the Japanese pirates be arrogant for a little longer, and let the people in the city keep their faces for a little longer." Liu Dadao had no doubts about Zhu Ping'an.

After finishing speaking, Liu Dadao muttered in a low voice, "I just want to express my grievance on behalf of the young master. I want to slap the faces of those officials who are blind and ignorant in Yingtian City as soon as possible! I will make them ashamed as soon as possible!"

"Haha, don't be afraid of being late for a good meal. Don't be in a hurry to lift the lid of the pot. The heat will not be enough and the flavor will not be strong. The same goes for being slapped in the face. Don't be anxious. The posture must be handsome and the movements must be steady. Otherwise, the beating will not be enough. We must minimize losses. , to pick the biggest fruit of the Yingtian Defense War, and of course, the face-slapping gesture at this time is also the most handsome."

Zhu Pingan squinted his eyes, smiled slightly, and said slowly.

"When the young master said this, I understood. Well, wait a little longer, and I must give Cheng Shang a hard slap on the face."

Liu Dadao nodded vigorously.

"Huh, there are 100,000 defenders in the city. Facing more than 50 Japanese pirates, they are only docile. They dare not go out of the city to fight, and they have to recruit ordinary people to defend the city. Our Zhejiang army has less than 1,000 people, and we face Ling Yingtian's 100,000 soldiers. The Japanese pirates whose army did not dare to go out to fight took the initiative to go out and drove the Japanese pirates away until their faces were swollen."

Liu Mu hummed.

"Yes, give them a bruise." Liu Dadao said excitedly.

"Have you arranged everything I asked you to arrange before?" Zhu Pingan asked the two of them.

"Don't worry, Sir, we have quietly arranged the arrangements for Guocun, Niucun, Zhangjiazhai, Erdaohe Village and Taichang Village."

Liu Mu and Liu Dadao replied.

"Okay." Zhu Pingan nodded with satisfaction and continued to look at Yingtian City, waiting for the opportunity.

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