Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1508 It’s not polite to come back but not to reciprocate

"The Japanese pirates are ambitious and sinful, and death is not worth pity! When the Japanese pirates attacked the city, they arrogantly and domineeringly presented the heads of our Ming soldiers as gifts. It was disrespectful to come and go, but whoever came here, took all the heads of these Japanese pirates." Cut it off and throw it to the Japanese pirates below the city in return. Don't let the Japanese slaves laugh at our country's etiquette country for not knowing etiquette! Let them remember it for a long time. The majesty of our country cannot be offended!"

Zhang Jing was so excited that he ordered the Japanese pirates' heads to be cut off and thrown to the Japanese pirates who were trying to blast the city gate to scare the Japanese pirates.

"Sir, how should we deal with these beggars and ruffians who eat inside and outside, forget their ancestors, and engage in fornication with Japanese pirates?"

The general pointed at the beggars and ruffians tied up by Wuhua Da, and asked Zhang Jing for instructions.

"Spare your life, spare your life."

"Master Qingtian, please spare your life, we will never dare to do it again."

"We are willing to perform meritorious deeds and make atonement for our sins. We are willing to kill Japanese pirates to atone for our sins. I beg Master Qingtian to save our lives."

The tied-up beggars and hooligans were in tears at this moment. They knelt on the ground and kowtowed as if they were pounding garlic. They kept begging for mercy. Some beggars and hooligans were so frightened that they peed their pants. There was no trace of their original kindness. The heroic spirit, the ugly face can be seen at a glance!

Zhang Jing glanced at the beggars and local ruffians with a murderous look. He hated these scum who were in league with the Japanese pirates. He ordered without hesitation: "These scum are in league with the Japanese pirates. They were seduced by small profits and willing to be used by the Japanese pirates. They have vain plans." The internal and external cooperation harms the capital and the people of my country! The crime is unpardonable! Take them to the top of the city and behead them all!"

"As you command!"

The soldiers responded and stepped forward like wolves and tigers, dragging the beggars and ruffians who kept begging for mercy to the top of the city.

Soon, the heads of the twenty-four Japanese pirate corpses were cut off by the Ming army with knives, dripping with blood.

Nabeshima Naoo and other Japanese pirates below the city were still pretending to attack the city gate, and the explosive jar was once again thrown under the wall.

There was a roar, the sound was like thunder, and the ground moved and the mountains shook!

"Xingxi, Sanbanlang, how are you? Panasonic and the others should have sneaked into the city gate cave to help defend the city gate by now, right?"

Nabeshima Naoshima watched with satisfaction as the wine jar exploded to pieces, and turned to ask Matsuura Sanbanro.

He really couldn't wait to conquer this giant city that ranked second in the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing this, Matsuura Sanbanro smiled slightly, nodded with confidence, and said with great certainty: "General Nabeshima, the Ming army is as weak and timid as a mouse. Just now, we have enlisted the people to defend the city. We They put so much pressure on them, threw three gunpowder jars, and there were so many gunpowder jars in the car to intimidate them. They must have been in panic all day long. Panasonic and the others took the initiative to ask for help to defend the city gate. The Ming army must have been sick and rushed to the hospital. I happily agreed, and Panasonic and the others must have sneaked into the city gate cave to help with the defense at this moment. Panasonic is famous for his cleverness, and he will definitely not disappoint us."

"Then what are you waiting for? Send a signal quickly and let Panasonic and the others seize the door. Cooperate with us inside and outside to capture this city!"

Naoshima Nabeshima received Matsuura Sanbanro's affirmative reply and said excitedly that he really couldn't wait any longer.

He can't wait to conquer this giant city, write the legend of Nabeshima Naoman, and gain glory for the Nabeshima family!

"Okay, as the sun sets in the west, the city gate must be dark at this moment, which is perfect for Panasonic and the others to take action. I will immediately send a signal to Panasonic and the others to seize the door, and also ask General Nabeshima to be prepared. If there is the sound of fighting inside the city gate, he will order all-out force Attack the city." Matsuura Sanbanro looked at the sky and nodded vigorously.

After the two agreed, Nabeshima Naoshima couldn't wait to loudly give orders to the Japanese pirates, asking them to prepare for an all-out attack on the city. When he gave the order, everyone had to charge forward with him.

Matsuura Sanbanro took out a chirping rocket from his sleeve, pointed it diagonally at the top of the city wall, and lit it with a fire stick. Suddenly, the rocket made a long and piercing chirping sound, flew diagonally to the top of the city, and then made a "bang" sound in the sky. Explosion.

The sound of the dynamite was definitely long and harsh enough, and the final explosion in the sky was definitely loud enough.

People in and outside the city must have heard it.

Matsuura Sanbanro was not worried that Akito would know that this was a sign of internal and external coordination, because he fired the rocket diagonally at the city wall. People who didn't know better thought he was using rockets to attack the top of the city. However, due to lack of accuracy, the rockets flew diagonally into the sky. .

However, after the buzzer sounded, there was no movement in the city. There were no expected shouts of killing and no expected sounds of fighting. Inside the city gate, nothing unusual happened as usual.

Naoshima Nabeshima looked at Matsuura Sanbanro with a confused look on his face, and Matsuura Sanbanro was also slightly surprised.

Could it be that the fighting was too loud and Panasonic and the others didn't hear it? !

Or could it be that the explosions caused by the continuous throwing of gunpowder jars affected Panasonic and the others' judgment? !

"General Nabeshima, please be patient. Maybe the fighting was too loud and Panasonic and the others didn't hear it. Wait until I send another signal."

Matsuura Sanbanro remained as calm as usual. As he spoke, he took out a whistle rocket from his sleeve again, pointed it at the city wall diagonally again, and lit it with a fire stick.

The piercing sound of dysprosium and the roar of thunder.

The sound effect of this rocket is even more successful than the previous one.


After the beeping, there was still no movement at the city gate.

"Hahahaha, the Japanese pirates below the city, are your two thunder rockets sending signals to them?!"

Yu Dayou appeared from the city wall, laughed loudly, and shouted loudly to Nabeshima Naoo, Matsuura Sanbanro and other Japanese pirates below the city.

"Nani?!" Nabeshima Naoshima couldn't help but be startled.

When Matsuura Sanbanro heard this, his expression couldn't help but change, and an ominous premonition suddenly came to his mind.

"Japanese pirates below the city, listen, you prepared gifts for us when you came. It is not polite to come and go. How can I, the heaven above, a country of etiquette, not give you gifts in return? Well, this is the gift we give you in return. Take a good look, hahahaha.”

Yu Dayou laughed loudly and threw a Japanese pirate head in his hand towards the Japanese pirates.

"Hahahaha, you have to watch these return gifts carefully." The Ming army on the city wall laughed loudly, followed Yu Dayou, and threw the heads in their hands towards Nabeshima Naoman and Matsuura Sanban Lang waited for the Japanese pirates.



The heads flew like dumplings to Nabeshima Naoo and other Japanese pirates below the castle.

Especially the head thrown by Yu Dayou flew straight towards Nabeshima Naoto like a cannonball.

Naoshima Naoshima took a step back, stretched out his right hand like a poisonous snake, and quickly and accurately caught the "hidden weapon" flying from the city wall.

Taking a quick look, he found that the hidden weapon was also looking at him.


Upon seeing it, Nabeshima couldn't help but curse, because the hidden weapon in his hand was not a hidden weapon, but the head of Matsushita, whom he had high hopes for. At this time, Matsushita's dead eyes were staring at him.

Suddenly there was a sound of Japanese curses under the city, and the Japanese pirates also discovered that the Ming army on the city responded with the heads of their companions!

"Bagaya road!"

Matsuura Sanbanrou's eyes were about to burst, and his eyes were filled with blood. He looked up at the city wall, almost wanting to bite people!

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