Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1527 Bold Xu Jie

After Yan Song spoke, Xu Jie naturally became the second assistant.

Xu Jie also praised Yan Song's three difficult strategies in his heart. Yan Song's performance at this moment was completely different from the performance in the official palace just now. However, Xu Jie was not surprised by this. Every time he encountered this kind of At critical moments, Yan Song would ask the elder Yan Shifan to urgently draft a plan, and this time was definitely no exception. These "Ten Difficulties and Three Strategies" must have been written by Yan Shifan. Xu Jie knew that many of the suggestions were from Yan Shifan as soon as he heard them. Idea, he was too familiar with Yan Shifan.

I have to admit that Yan Song has a good son. If it weren't for Yan Shifan, he would have been unable to secure his position as the chief minister of the cabinet. Now with Yan Shifan's quick wit that surpasses ordinary people, and Yan Song using his decades of experience to grasp the general direction, his big ship is still sailing steadily in the officialdom.

For a while, there was no sign of capsizing.

But there is no rush. No matter how experienced Yan Song is, he is getting older day by day. Although Yan Shifan has the quickest wits of ordinary people, he also has more problems than ordinary people. The hidden dangers of the big ship they are steering together are also increasing day by day. Although there are no signs of capsizing now, as the hidden dangers increase, one day, their big ship will capsize in the waves of Xuanhai! Xu Jie firmly believes in this, and he secretly works tirelessly for this. .

"Huating, what do you have in mind?" Emperor Jiajing asked by name before Xu Jie took the initiative to speak.

"Going back to your Majesty, Lord Yan's 'Ten Difficulties and Three Strategies' hit the nail on the head. With Lord Yan in front of me, my suggestions pale in comparison. I dare not call them superior." Xu Jie said humbly.

Yan Song glanced at Xu Jie with satisfaction. Yes, the old boy Xu Jie's performance was getting better and better.

The more I look at it, the more pleasing it is to my eyes.

Although it is not as easy to use as Wenhua and Ranqing, it can be used with a little peace of mind.

In contrast to Yan Song, Li Mo, the Minister of Civil Affairs on one side, secretly sneered at Xu Jie after hearing what Xu Jie said.


Unexpectedly, Xu Jiejing became Yan Laoer's licking dog! What a shame for our generation of literati. I am ashamed to be associated with Yan Song, and even more ashamed to be associated with you!

I am really blind. When Xu Jie and Zhang Fujing, who was a cabinet scholar at the time, argued about the standards of Confucius sacrifice, Zhang Fujing cursed Xu Jie for wanting to betray me, but Xu Jie said calmly, "Betrayal is born of attachment. I am not attached to you." , why betrayed?" As a result, he was demoted to the position of official in Yanping Prefecture. At that time, I looked highly at Xu Jie, thinking that he had the character of a scholar. I never expected that I was blind after all. How could Xu Jie have the character of a scholar? It was really disappointing.

It seems that only our generation can shoulder the important task of bringing order to the chaos, confronting Yan Laogou's gangsters, and returning the court to a clean and bright moon.

Li Mo silently made up his mind, and then moved his steps silently, getting further away from Yan Song and Xu Jie

"If you have any suggestions, just say so. As for the geometric shape, everyone will be able to tell."

Emperor Jiajing urged expressionlessly.

"Yes, yes, what the Holy One said is absolutely true. Just now, Master Yan's three policies stated that the reinforcement of warships, sentry seaport, Huangpu, Wusong Taihu and other places, and the recruitment of wolf soldiers, native soldiers, etc. can both control the Japanese overseas and destroy them. The Japanese were on the road. I was also inspired by Master Yan's three strategies. I thought that by adding more warships, sentry sea mouth and inner lake, recruiting wolf soldiers and training more soldiers and horses at the guard station, there would be a large number of troops and horses along the Jiangnan coast, and the division The current official system in the south of the Yangtze River is difficult to coordinate and command in a unified manner. When fighting against Japanese invaders, the command may be chaotic and constrained, making it difficult to exert full strength. Nowadays, the Japanese invasion in Jiangnan is becoming more and more serious, and Japanese pirates are so rampant that they attack Yingtian. Therefore, I I boldly propose to set up a governor-general to supervise the military affairs of the six provinces of Nanzhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Fujian, and delegate power to them to mobilize troops and raise wages, so that they can do it cheaply." Xu Jie said slowly, cupping his hands.

"A governor-general?! Or a governor-general of six provinces?!"

"Those six provinces are half of the country, and they are still the richest half. They can command troops and raise salaries. The governors of the six provinces have too much authority, and they are almost equivalent to the uncrowned king of the six provinces.

Many officials at the court meeting couldn't help but take a breath, shocked by Xu Jie's suggestion.

Xu Jie's suggestion was not bold at all. Po Tian was even bolder at that time. Xu Jie is crazy. Isn't he violating the taboo of the Holy Emperor by making this suggestion?! The governors of these six provinces can mobilize troops and raise salaries. Although it is greatly beneficial to the unified deployment of troops in Jiangnan to exterminate the Japanese pirates, the six provinces With such great power as the governor, wouldn't these six provinces become a small kingdom?! If the governors of the six provinces have any different intentions, wouldn't it be too dangerous? It might lead to another civil strife. The governor of the six provinces himself had no objections, but what about the arrogant and powerful generals under his command?! How did Zhao Kuangyin and Chen Qiao mutiny and wear the yellow robe? This is all a lesson learned from the past.

Of course, there have been too many people with military power in the past dynasties, and not all of them have problems. It’s just that it’s hard to say that a few people have problems. No one can predict the future, but once something goes wrong, it’s a big problem. The one who suffered the most damage was the imperial court and the Holy One.

Yan Song couldn't help being surprised after hearing Xu Jie's suggestion. Xu Jie's suggestion was too bold.

However, if it is accepted by the Holy One...

Yan Song couldn't help but feel excited and warm. He saw a huge opportunity.

Governor of the six provinces.

This position is so important that you must hold it in your own hands and place it under your control.

I am worried that there is no one in the army. If I master this position, there will be someone available in the army.

In this way, if he has a certain weight in the DPRK and the military, his position will be more stable.

Maoqing, Wenhua.

Who should be in this position? Well, in addition to loyalty, they must also have real military skills. After all, Japanese pirates are not vegetarians. To sit in this position, you must be able to wipe out Japanese invaders. At least we have to control the Japanese invasion. Well, I have to think carefully about who is more suitable for this position.

"Governor-General?" Emperor Jiajing listened to Xu Jie's suggestion and repeated it softly.

Xu Jie bowed to His Highness. He seemed calm, but in fact he was very nervous. Cold sweat broke out on his back. He naturally knew how bold his suggestion was.

However, based on his understanding of Emperor Jiajing, this suggestion is very likely to be adopted.

Shengshang Qiangang is dictatorial. Although he is suspicious and jealous, he is confident and confident. Especially when facing major events, he has the style of a hero.

Once his suggestion is adopted, he, as the person who proposed setting up the governor of six provinces, will definitely have a significant mark on Jiangnan's credit for eradicating the Japanese. In the future, I will rest on my credit book and earn credit.

As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger.

At this moment, Yan Song and other ministers were also highly concentrated, waiting for Emperor Jiajing's attitude.

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