Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1530 Plot to sacrifice the sea

Light snow fell from the sky again, like a handful of fine salt fluttering from the sky, and the newly cleaned ground was covered with a thin layer of white. The palace maids had no time to rest, so they started clearing the snow again to prevent the platform from being slippery. If they fell to the nobles in the palace, they would not be able to bear the consequences.

"Father, it's snowing and the steps are slippery. Please slow down." Zhao Wenhua supported Yan Song diligently and walked out of Wuyi Hall. His level of diligence and carefulness put even the servants cleaning beside him to shame.

"Yes." Yan Song nodded with satisfaction and was helped forward by Zhao Wenhua.

"Father, be careful. This step is made of white marble. It's okay on weekdays. It's slippery after snow. Please wait a moment." Zhao Wenhua said, taking off his fox fur cloak from his body, and without saying a word, he threw himself on it. On the white jade step, he stepped on it with his feet. After feeling that it was not slippery, he stood up and helped Yan Song again, saying, "It's not slippery now. Please walk slowly, foster father."

"Meicun is interested." After Yan Song walked through the steps, he patted Zhao Wenhua's hand and said with sincere satisfaction.

"Thank you very much for your adoptive father. This is what a child should do. The child is here today because of his foster father's care."

After hearing Yan Song's praise, Zhao Wenhua suddenly smiled like a child who was praised by an elder.

Yan Song was greatly relieved.


In the distance, Li Mo saw Zhao Wenhua taking off his cloak to pave the way for Yan Song, and spat out shamelessly.

"Oh, Li Shangshu, some people are born without spines and are willing to be like dogs. What can you do to them?"

Nie Bao slowly approached Li Mo, twitched his lips, and echoed, also feeling extremely shameless towards Zhao Wenhua's dog-licking behavior.

"Nie Shangshu, I don't know if I have time today. How about we discuss some matters concerning the court today?"

When Li Mo saw Nie Bao, his eyes couldn't help but light up slightly. He admired Nie Bao for daring to stand up to Yan Dang and couldn't help but softly invite him.

"Haha, Li Shangshu, Nie also has this intention. I heard that Li Shangshu has good tea in his collection. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to taste it today?" Nie Bao said with a smile.

"As long as Nie Shangshu doesn't mind, I'll make sure there's enough tea." Li Mo replied with a smile, stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, "Nie Shangshu, please."

"Li Shangshu, please.".

After Nie Bao extended his hand in courtesy, the two walked side by side outside Xiyuan, communicating in low voices all the way.

In the distance, Zhao Wenhua had already supported Yan Song and slowly walked out of Xiyuan.

"Meicun, the "Seven Things to Do with the Japanese" that you presented to the court today is really good and insightful, but it did not surprise me. It can be seen that the Holy Emperor is also very satisfied with your "Seven Things with the Japanese".

Yan Song mentioned Zhao Wenhua's "Seven Things to Fight the Japanese" and couldn't help but praise it softly with satisfaction.

"It's all thanks to the teachings of my adoptive father." Zhao Wenhua replied with a shy smile.

"Haha, Meicun, you don't need to be modest. I can see that you are working hard. Yes, keep working hard. The more capable you are, the happier I will be. I am getting older and I need someone to help me solve my problems."

Yan Song gently patted Zhao Wenhua's shoulder to encourage him, and said with a gentle smile.

"Thank you for your adoptive father's encouragement. I will definitely work hard to help my adoptive father solve his problems as soon as possible." Zhao Wenhua took the opportunity to express his loyalty, then sighed and said with regret, "Father, the only flaw is that during today's court discussion, The man surnamed Li and the man surnamed Nie criticized the policies 1, 4, and 6 in the book "Seven Things to Control the Japanese". If the child hadn't reacted faster and made preparations earlier, I might have been stumped by them."

"Haha, this is a good thing. Originally I was worried about how to deal with them, but now they have become the boss. Of the seven things you mentioned, the first and sixth things are the most favored by the Holy One. Li Mo is conceited and arrogant. However, he is against sacrificing the sea, haha, don’t you see what happens to those who oppose the Holy Spirit’s cultivation?! He is asking for His Majesty’s disgust. At least half of the favor he has in His Majesty’s heart is consumed. When all is gone, it’s time for him to call his last breath.”

Yan Song laughed sinisterly, the folds on his face were dizzy, and his squinted old eyes were shining with light.

"And Nie Bao, huh, the Holy One has appointed the governor of Jiangnan, who oversees the military and military pay of seven provinces including Shandong, Southern Zhili, Huguang, Guangdong and Guangxi, Zhejiang, and Fujian. He holds nearly half of the military power. Haha, how can we make people feel at ease? The Holy One has great power and unshakable authority, so he will not ignore this hidden danger. It is inevitable to send ministers to inspect the military situation in the south of the Yangtze River. Nie Bao is the Minister of the Ministry of War, but he cannot understand the profound meaning of the Holy One. Haha, he is the first Minister of the Ministry of War. Well, just wait and see, Meicun, it could take a few days or a few months, Nie Bao will have to pack up and get out."

Yan Song said confidently, firmly predicting that Nie Bao, the Minister of War, would do it.

What Li Mo violated was Zang Fu's practice of Xuanxuan, but what Nie Bao committed was Emperor Jiajing's taboo - authority! What was the purpose of Emperor Jiajing's practice of Xuanxuan? Is it not to be able to control the power of the country forever!

"Ah? Foster father, is it true or not? My article on Seven Things to Conquer Japanese Countries Can Have Such Unexpected Effects?"

Zhao Wenhua looked in disbelief, with surprise and joy on his face.

"Haha, this is also an unexpected surprise. Who would have thought that they would jump into the pit on their own and be able to stop them?!"

Yan Song chuckled.

"We can't stop them. Of course we can't stop them. We have to find a few rocks and hit them hard on their heads, causing them to bleed."

Zhao Wenhua also smiled like a fox.

The two looked at each other and laughed for a long time.

"Father, there is one more thing I want to ask of my adoptive father." Zhao Wenhua said with a flattering smile as he sent Yan Song to the sedan chair.

"Haha, let me guess, is it the first thing in your "Seven Things to Fight the Japanese", sacrificing the sea." Yan Song looked at Zhao Wenhua with a smile, and his pair of dim old eyes sparkled with light, as if his eyes could see through.

It was obvious at a glance that the adopted father was truly an adopted father! Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but opened his mouth in surprise, and quickly smiled in a flattering manner, "Hey, the adoptive father is worthy of being the adopted father. He can see through the child's thoughts at a glance. He is indeed a wise son, Mo Ruofu. I also ask the adopted father to say more kind words in front of the Holy One. The child wants to Go to the south of the Yangtze River to worship the sea. The child is quite familiar with fasting and offering sacrifices, so he will definitely be qualified for this important task. He can share the worries of the saint and not embarrass his adoptive father."

"Haha, Ji Hai is easy to talk about. You have the right conditions. I am still a bit thin in front of the Holy Master. It is not difficult for you to win the job of Ji Hai." Yan Song nodded slightly, then looked at Zhao Wenhua meaningfully, "If you If you want to shoulder the responsibility of inspecting the military situation in Jiangnan, you need to make more plans."

"Hey, I can't hide anything from my adoptive father." Zhao Wenhua shrank his neck and chuckled,

"The child is not for himself. We lack manpower in the army, and we may not be able to win the Governor of Jiangnan. However, if we can win the mission of inspecting the military situation in Jiangnan, he will be no worse than the Governor of Jiangnan."

Hearing this, Yan Song squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Well, you are indeed attentive. Yes, this mission of inspecting the military situation in Jiangnan is indeed extraordinary, and it must be in our hands."

"My foster father is wise." Zhao Wenhua quickly flattered him.

"Go back to my house and call Mao Qing and the others. We will make careful plans." Yan Song ordered softly.

"Yes." Zhao Wenhua was overjoyed.

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