Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1532 Incredible results

Yan Song, Xu Jie, and Lu Ben looked at Emperor Jiajing, who was holding the 800 Li in the palace, and laughed out loud. Their six eyes looked at each other, and the panic in the three of them immediately came to their throats.

All three of them thought that it must be bad news that Ying Tian sent the third 800-mile expedited package, and that Ying Tian appointed that there was a big problem.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Holy One to laugh in anger!

"Hahahaha, good, very good!"

When the Holy Majesty heard this, it sounded like an old yin and yang who was angry to a certain extent!

Ying Tian, ​​who has a strong army and a deep city, has caused such a big problem, making the Holy One angry three times in one day, and this time he was so angry that he laughed instead, what a sin!

It seems that the anger of the Holy Majesty will not disappear within ten days and half a month.

A companion is like a tiger, for the next ten days and a half months, our life will definitely be difficult

Yan Song and the others couldn't help but resent Yingtian's bureaucratic group, what are the people in power in Yingtian doing!

Even a mere fifty-seven Japanese pirates couldn't be dealt with!

Just wait to be dealt with!

When Yan Song and the others complained endlessly, Emperor Jiajing smiled from ear to ear and hurriedly raised the 800 li in his hand to Yan Song and the others, and said with a smile, "Hehe, this 800 li plus Urgent, please circulate it and take a look."

Huang Jin, who was serving at the side, bowed and stepped forward, took the 800-mile rush with both hands, then walked backwards down the steps, and handed it over to Yan Song.

Look, look, the Holy One is still laughing until now, how angry he is!!!

How big of a problem did Ying Tian have?!! Could it be that the Japanese pirates broke down the house or even broke the city?!

In a hurry.

When Yan Song opened the 800-mile rush, Xu Jie and Lu Ben ignored the etiquette and rushed over immediately.

After just one glance, the three of them couldn't help but widen their eyes, and opened their mouths in disbelief!


This can't be fake!

But seeing the series of official seals on it and the fact that it was an eight-hundred-mile express job, they knew they couldn't fake it!

The content of this eight-hundred-mile expedited journey is true. No wonder His Majesty laughed so loudly that he can’t close his mouth even now.

The content of Babaili’s urgent content is recorded: Qiangu Zhu Pingan, the inspector of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, led a regiment to practice the Zhejiang army, first expelled the Japanese pirates from the city, and then attacked in the middle of the night, and wiped out all fifty-seven Japanese pirates. None of the fifty-seven Japanese pirates slipped through the net. Coefficient was captured and killed on the spot, and the body of the Japanese pirate was taken to Yingtian City to be offered as a prisoner.

Seeing Zhu Pingan's name and Zhu Pingan's achievements, Yan Song felt a little strange. His feelings for Zhu Ping'an are a bit complicated. In fact, he is very optimistic about Zhu Ping'an, and intends to take Zhu Ping'an under his family. However, this son's behavior is getting farther and farther away from them, especially when Zhu Ping'an actually helped Yang Jisheng revise his impeachment memorial. Fortunately, Yang Jisheng did not adopt it, otherwise he would have been in big trouble. Alas, he was not the same person after all. What a pity, what a pity.

Xu Jie couldn't help showing a smile, smiling from ear to ear like Emperor Jiajing. Zhu Ping'an was his disciple, and also a disciple he valued very much. They would also send people to send filial piety, even if Zhu Ping'an went to Jiangnan, the filial piety from Zhu Ping'an's house has not stopped, and Zhu Ping'an has made achievements, so he is naturally very happy. At this moment, I was already thinking about how to ask for a reward from the Holy One on behalf of Zhu Pingan.

Lu Ben couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief after watching the 800-mile rush, with a rather joyful expression on his face. This group of heinous and daring Japanese pirates was wiped out, and the mood of the Holy One improved. It's better. Xu Ge always has a good disciple. Not bad.

Huang Jin saw that Emperor Jiajing was in a good mood, and the opportunity was not to be missed. He took the opportunity and bowed and whispered: "Your Majesty, you haven't eaten today. For the sake of the common people in the world, you should also take care of the dragon body. The servant asked the imperial meal Bring some food into the room, you can use some of it."

"Well, I saw Zhu Ping'an just now, and I couldn't help but think of the poem he made back then about which is better to eat, sweet and sour fish or spicy fin." Emperor Jiajing nodded slightly, and couldn't help showing a smile when he mentioned Zhu Ping'an.

"Hehe, what the Holy Majesty said is that the servants still remember the poem written by Master Xiaozhu. There are also dramas such as 'The old man left the Yellow Crane Tower to the west, and he went all the way to buy fish heads!', 'Your return date is not yet In one period, poems such as "braised chicken with eggplant and oil", "once it was difficult to find water in the sea, fish-flavored shredded pork with chicken drumsticks", etc. Mr. Xiao Zhu said that these were "food bodies" poems. Saying this, the servant is a little greedy. If the royal kitchen is arranged, the servant can try the dishes to satisfy his hunger."

Huang Jin agreed, grinning from ear to ear, and recited a few lines of the food-related poems Zhu Ping'an had submitted.

"Well, food and poetry, haha, it's quite good for dinner. Since Huang Ban is also greedy, let's make arrangements for the imperial dining room."

Emperor Jiajing smiled and nodded.

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty. I will make arrangements right away."

When Huang Jin heard that Emperor Jiajing agreed to serve the meal, he was overjoyed and trotted to the imperial dining room to make arrangements.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao Zhu. Your Majesty, it's finally time to have dinner. Where is Mr. Xiao Zhu, the Za family owes you another favor."

Huang Jin was in an extremely good mood. He ran towards the imperial dining room as fast as the wind while muttering to himself.

It seems that I have to ask Mr. Xiao Zhu for some more food poems that day, trying to get the Holy Master to eat more.

"Chef Wang, hurry up, put all the Zhu Weijia dishes that the miscellaneous family ordered you to prepare in advance into food cages, and send someone to deliver meals to the Holy Majesty immediately, and prepare an extra meal. The Majesty may reward Yan Ge, Xu Ge, Lu Ge Lao’s royal meal. Also, prepare a few extra cups of nourishing rock sugar bird’s nest.”

As soon as he entered the imperial dining room, the imperial chefs were not allowed to salute, so Huang Jin kept giving orders to urge the food to be delivered.

The so-called Zhu's delicacies refer to the delicacies mentioned in Zhu Ping'an's food-related poems.

Every time Emperor Jiajing had a poor appetite or didn't eat for some reason, Huang Jin would instruct the imperial kitchen in advance to prepare Zhu Ping'an's food. He would then find various opportunities to persuade Emperor Jiajing to eat, with great success.

After many times, Huang Jin and the imperial kitchen developed a tacit understanding and referred to these delicacies as Zhuwei delicacies. Now, as long as you mention Zhuwei, the imperial dining room will know what kind of dish it is.

"It is ordered that all places where the Japanese pirates travel through Shangyu must report in detail the situation of dealing with Japanese pirates. Any concealment, false reporting, or omission of reports must not be made, otherwise they will be severely punished. At the same time, all governments and chief ministers through which Japanese pirates travel are ordered to , censors, criminal prosecutors, etc. should report in detail the response to Japanese pirates in various places within the territory, and there should also be no concealment, false reporting, or omission of reports.

After that, you will lead the Ministry of Civil Affairs and other departments to evaluate the merits and demerits of the governors, subordinate officials of various state governments along the way, and officials involved in the Japanese war based on the reported information. Those who have made meritorious deeds, such as Zhu Pingan and other officials, will be generously rewarded; those who have made mistakes will be severely punished. After the reward and punishment regulations are drawn up, they will be submitted to me for inspection. "

After Huang Jin led the messengers from Yutengfang into the palace, he happened to hear Emperor Jiajing's instructions to Yan Song and others.

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