Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1534 The secret medicine shows its power (2)

After learning that there were more than 30 similar serious cases in other military camps, Zhu Pingan had an idea in his mind.

After seeing off the doctor, Zhu Pingan inspected the military camp. After confirming that nothing was wrong, he took Liu Mu and five soldiers with him and left the camp with hundreds of packages of secret knife sore medicine.

At the first stop, Zhu Ping'an went to the temporary navy camp of Linhuai Marquis.

Linhuai Marquis' temporary navy camp is about five miles away from Zhu Ping'an's Zhejiang army's temporary camp.

According to the information obtained from chatting with the doctor, the Marquis of Linhuai's navy participated in the defense of the city. There were also three seriously injured patients on Ande Gate. One of them was so seriously injured that he was unconscious, so the doctor simply gave up. Healed: there are two more people, there are

One, like Black Three, could save his life but not his legs, and the other could not save his arm.

Linhuai Marquis's temporary camp was set up in a sloppy and disorderly manner. If there were thieves who stole the camp, they would be sure to steal it.

"Nephew, hehe, please come in quickly."

After the Marquis of Linhuai learned that Zhu Ping'an had arrived, he hurried out to greet him with a red face.

In this Yingtian defense battle, he and Wei Guogong were in the limelight. Although they were far inferior to Zhu Ping'an's great achievements in wiping out Japanese pirates, their performance far surpassed that of other Yingtian local officials.

He argued with Wei Guogong and insisted on identifying the suspects near the city gate. In one fell swoop, he captured and killed 24 Japanese pirates who had sneaked into the city in advance and 56 internal spies who were instigated by them to rebel.

In Ying Tian's battle report to the capital, he and Wei Guogong occupied a large space.

The credit is naturally not small.

All this is thanks to Zhu Pingan, who made a reasonable analysis three days ago. Twenty-four Japanese pirates sneaked into Yingtian City in advance, and they were strongly urged to treat everyone near the city gate. Wait for screening to prevent Japanese pirates from seizing the door. He and Duke Guo of Wei made great achievements in identifying and killing Japanese pirates and internal agents.

Because of this, when the Marquis of Linhuai learned that Zhu Pingan had arrived, he trotted out to greet him so enthusiastically.

"Uncle Lao welcomes you from a distance." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and came forward with a smile.

"My nephew, why are you so polite to me? It's cold and windy outside. Please don't freeze my nephew. Come in with me quickly."

The Marquis of Linhuai stepped forward and grabbed Zhu Ping'an's hand, and walked to the commander's tent with great enthusiasm. On the way, he ordered his soldiers to prepare wine and food.

Zhu Ping'an was not used to the ancient way of men holding hands to show their closeness. He took the opportunity of refusing food and drinks to withdraw his hand without leaving a trace, and explained his purpose to the Marquis of Linhuai, "Uncle, there is no need for food and drinks. I have to go to other camps later." Go around. I came here this time because I heard that there were several seriously injured patients in my uncle's camp. It happened that I got a secret medicine specially used to treat sword wounds and bruises when I was in Jingnan. Although it can't kill human flesh and white bones, it can The efficacy of the medicine is extraordinary, and I came here to offer it to my uncle to treat the seriously injured patients in your camp."

"Oh, secret medicine. My dear nephew, the doctors came to see the three seriously injured patients in my camp today. One of them was seriously injured, so the three doctors gave up after joint consultation. I have already sent someone to notify him. The family is here, let them prepare for the funeral and come to see each other for the last time; as for the two seriously injured patients, the doctor has already taken care of them. Although they will be missing arms and legs, their lives are saved. We understand the kindness of my nephew, secretly There is no need to waste medicine on them." Linhuai Marquis heard this and said without taking it seriously.

"Uncle, the effect of my secret medicine is extraordinary and may have miraculous effects." Zhu Pingan insisted.

"Well, since my nephew insists, that's all they will do anyway, so there's no harm in giving it a try."

The Marquis of Linhuai still didn't take it seriously. Seeing that Zhu Ping'an insisted, he casually agreed.

Zhu Ping'an ordered the soldiers to give medicine to three seriously injured patients. The method of use was simple and easy to operate. Half was applied externally and half was taken internally. For the seriously injured and unconscious person, he opened his mouth and poured it in.

After using the medicine, Zhu Pingan left more than ten packets of medicine for them, asking them to take it once in the morning and evening for three days.

Then, Zhu Ping'an ignored the Marquis of Linhuai's enthusiasm to stay and went to the next location - Wei Guogong's Zhenwu Camp.

Marquis Linhuai accompanied him enthusiastically.

When they arrived at Zhenwu Camp, Zhu Pingan explained his intention. Wei Guogong didn't take the seriously ill and injured people in the camp very seriously. They were just a few big soldiers. There was also the precedent of Linhuai Marquis, so he accepted Zhu Pingan readily. Because of his kindness, he asked Zhu Pingan to give medicine to several seriously ill and injured patients in the camp.

After the goal was achieved, Zhu Pingan declined Wei Guogong's enthusiastic invitation to stay, and said goodbye to Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis. Zhu Pingan led Liu Mu and his soldiers to visit the next camp with more wounded soldiers.

Although he was not familiar with the general, when Zhu Pingan revealed his identity, the general accepted Zhu Pingan's kindness.

After all, Zhu Ping'an is now the hero of the popular Yingtian Guards War in destroying the Japanese. A few big soldiers are nothing, not to mention they are already like that, so what's the harm.

Next, at the last stop, Zhu Pingan decided to visit Hu Zongxian.

Yesterday morning, Hu Zongxian led more than a thousand soldiers to ambush the Japanese pirates. They were killed by the Japanese pirates and countless soldiers were injured. Among the elite soldiers he led out, except for half who were killed by the Japanese pirates, almost all the rest were injured.

At present, these soldiers are still under the control of Hu Zongxian, temporarily forming a battalion of their own, and have not yet returned to their respective barracks.

In terms of the number of wounded soldiers, he has the most here.

Seeing Hu Zongxian, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help being surprised.

Without him, Hu Zongxian was too haggard and decadent, completely devoid of energy, and his body still exuded a strong smell of alcohol. Probably because he drank too much and was completely drunk. At this time, it was extremely difficult to stand, and he staggered even more when he walked, as if he couldn't open his eyes.

Got it.

"Haha, Brother Zihou, Brother Yu, Brother Yu has not had time to congratulate Brother Xian for his great contribution to destroying the Japanese. Unlike Brother Yu, hehe, he failed to go out to destroy the Japanese but was destroyed by the Japanese. There were more than a thousand elites and only half of the wounded soldiers were left. Alas, Ashamed, really ashamed." Hu Zongxian staggered forward, put his arm around Zhu Pingan's neck, and said half self-deprecating and half envious.

"The Japanese pirates were attacking, and no one in the city dared to leave the city to destroy the Japanese. Only Mr. Hu stepped forward. His courage surpassed that of the whole city. Victory and defeat are commonplace for military strategists. Which of the famous generals in history has not After suffering a defeat, failure is the mother of success. You just stand up from where you fell. Why should Mr. Hu drink to drown his sorrows? As the saying goes, a jade cannot be made into a weapon if it is not polished. I believe Mr. Hu will definitely learn from this experience.

I have benefited a lot. The little prestige I lost this time can be recovered from the Japanese pirates ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times in the future. "

Zhu Ping'an shook his head slightly, stretched out his hand to support Hu Zongxian, and encouraged and comforted him with a serious look on his face.

Failure is the mother of success!

You can just get up from where you fell, so there is no need to drink to drown your sorrows!

Zhu Ping'an's words were like a wake-up call, causing the drunken Hu Zongxian to be stunned and stay in place. A few seconds later, Hu Zongxian solemnly bowed to Zhu Ping'an and said, "Thank you Zihou for waking up the dreamer with one word. It's Brother Yu who's in trouble. Just get up from where you fell. I will definitely repay yesterday's shame a thousand times." Ask the Japanese pirates for repayment!"

"I believe Mr. Hu will be able to do it." Zhu Pingan nodded vigorously.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Zhu Pingan explained his intention, and Hu Zongxian naturally would not refuse.

As a result, more than a dozen seriously injured patients in Hu Zongxian's camp took secret knife sore medicine internally and externally.

Zhu Ping'an left fifty packets of secret medicine for sores, declined Hu Zongxian's enthusiastic invitation to stay, and said goodbye and returned to camp.

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