Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1542 The war has not yet been successful, the soldiers still need to work hard

Hearing the excited shouts of long live the soldiers, Zhu Ping couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat on An's back. You guys are cheating, can you shout this casually? He quickly saluted in the direction of the capital and shouted, "Yes, all this depends on it." Your Majesty is wise, rewards and punishments are clear, thank you so much, Your Majesty, long live my emperor."

"Long live my emperor, long live my emperor" is a very appealing slogan. When I heard my own adults shouting that my emperor was long live, my emperor would be long live, and all the soldiers would also shout "Long live my emperor, long live my emperor."

Finally broke it back.

Zhu Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief and started sailing in the official world. This taboo should never be violated, otherwise it would be a fatal hazard.

After Zhu Pingan led a group of soldiers to shout long live, in front of everyone, he distributed all 1,711 taels of silver in units of troops, and everyone received about 2 taels of silver.

Hey Hey

The soldiers of the Zhejiang Army received the silver reward and couldn't help laughing while touching the heavy pieces of silver in their arms.

"Hehe, I just received one and a half taels of silver this month's military pay a few days ago. Today I received another two taels of silver. Plus last month's one and a half taels of military pay, excluding half a tael of silver for expenses, this is less than I have saved four and a half taels of silver in two months. Gee, I feel like I can save up a wife's book in another half a year. Hehe, then I will find a matchmaker who can speak well and tell me a woman with a big butt and good fertility. If I marry her, I will have a wife. We’re home, hey, he’s going to give birth to seven or eight more cubs, it’s going to be a joy just thinking about it.”

A soldier happily put the silver reward close to his body and hid it in his inner pocket. He touched the money saved in the inner pocket and thought that he would be able to find a matchmaker in half a year to tell him that he had a big ass and a mother-in-law. He couldn't help but salivate.

"Look at your worthless appearance! A Japanese pirate is worth 30 taels. Let's follow your master and fight as many times as you want and kill as many Japanese pirates as possible. It won't take half a year. In one month, the silver reward alone will be enough for you to marry a wife."

"Let me tell you, why are you saving money to marry your mother-in-law? You have to wait half a year. The kiln sister is not popular. It would be great if we take the money and go out to find the kiln sister. One tael of silver is enough for us to go several times. One trip can be replaced by another. , being a groom again is no better than being alone."

"Ha ha ha ha."

The soldiers nearby started laughing and joking.

For a time, the school grounds couldn’t be more joyful.

"Okay, now that the reward money has been paid out, it's time for our celebration banquet. If we don't open the meat, it will be cold. I won't talk nonsense. I'll take a sip of wine first. After a sip of wine, all the soldiers will open their bellies and enjoy it. Well. This time we were able to wipe out the Japanese pirates in Shangyu, all thanks to the sacrifice of our officers and men, and I respect you all!"

Zhu Pingan picked up half a bowl of wine, and while Langxeng spoke, he saluted all around, kicking off the celebration banquet.

"You are all well-led, sir. I respect you." All the soldiers picked up their wine bowls and greeted Zhu Ping'an in return.

The celebration banquet officially began.

Pork and mutton, the soldiers' mouths were full of oil, and they swayed their cheeks to gorge on the food.

The only regret is that there is a little less wine, but I haven’t drank for more than a month. Although there is only half a bowl of wine, it still satisfies my craving a lot.

After a celebration banquet, all the soldiers' faces were shiny with oil, and their belts were loosened greatly.

"Soldiers, have you eaten?" Zhu Pingan stood up and asked loudly after the celebration banquet.

"I've eaten."


All the soldiers went back to eat one after another, and someone among them burped, which made everyone laugh.

"Haha, just finish eating. I won't ask you if you've finished drinking. Haha, there's only half a bowl of wine, so it's definitely not finished."

Zhu Pingan joked with a smile.

"Hahaha, Lord Yingming only has half a bowl of wine. We really didn't drink well."

All the soldiers couldn't help laughing after hearing Zhu Pingan's joke.

"Sir, when can we also drink?" A soldier boldly asked loudly.

"Shut your stupid mouth! Why are you talking so much nonsense!" When the corps commander saw the soldier shouting, he was afraid that he would collide with Zhu Pingan, so he hurriedly cursed.

"Haha, that's a good question. When can I let you drink to your heart's content?! I'm telling you that when all the Japanese pirates in China are wiped out and expelled, I will let you have a good drink! The officer will do what he says!"

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, praised the soldier who asked the bold question, and then made a loud promise to everyone.

"Sir, when will all the Japanese pirates be wiped out?"

"Japanese pirates have been around since Taizu's formation, a hundred or two hundred years ago. Can our generation wipe them all out?!"

"The Japanese pirates are so ferocious, and there are many traitors from Ming Dynasty who have settled down to join. I heard that some Japanese pirates have a group of 60, 70,000 or 70,000 people. Our Zhejiang army only has about 800 people, which is not enough to put a hole in people's teeth." of."

A group of soldiers were not very confident in the eradication of Japanese pirates, and some were not optimistic about the goal of eradicating Japanese pirates. Firstly, it is because the Japanese pirates are intensifying and invading the south of the Yangtze River. The entire Jiangnan is on fire. News of Japanese pirates landing, burning, killing and looting comes almost every day. The number of Japanese pirates is also increasing, at least more than 100,000. Secondly, Because they had seen how ferocious the Japanese pirates were, they were all drugged by peacock tail drugs, and were ambushed, causing them nineteen deaths and fifty-one injuries.

"Can the Japanese pirates be wiped out and expelled in our generation?" Zhu Ping'an repeated softly, and then twitched the corner of his mouth with a chuckle. Langxess replied firmly, "Yes! Of course we can! Although the Japanese pirates continue to It has been going on for hundreds of years. However, before our dynasty, the scale of Japanese pirates was far from what it is now. After the Ming Dynasty implemented the maritime ban, Japanese pirates only appeared sporadically. On average, there were only one or two cases every ten years, and the number was small. But Now that the Japanese country is in the Warring States Period, it has become a mess. In order to solve the financial difficulties, the princes from all over the Japanese country supported the ronin and others to cross the sea to plunder the Ming Dynasty. The defeated wandering warriors also participated in the plunder for their livelihood, so now the Japanese invasion is becoming more and more serious. Serious, serious threat to the rule of our Ming Dynasty. It is no longer a small problem, but a serious problem. The imperial court has made up its mind to wipe out all the Japanese pirates! Our country, the Ming Dynasty, is rich in resources and has outstanding people. The population, land and wealth are hundreds of times greater than that of the Japanese! There are more than 100,000 Japanese pirates, it doesn’t matter. Our Ming Dynasty has millions of soldiers and horses! But there are tens of millions of fighting men! There are only more than 100,000 Japanese pirates, what’s the point! The reason why the Japanese pirates were not wiped out completely in the previous hundred years, It is because after the promulgation of the maritime ban policy, the Japanese pirates only appeared together for more than ten years, which is not worth the trouble! But now, the Japanese pirates have become a serious problem, and our court has made up its mind to wipe out the Japanese pirates! The court has made up its mind, the war machine is being launched, and it is only time for the Japanese pirates to be wiped out It’s just a question! I believe that within a few years, the Japanese pirates will be wiped out and expelled!"

"That's right, sir! How can the Japanese pirates be compared to my Ming Dynasty? I am determined to deal with them and I will certainly be able to deal with them!"

After listening to Zhu Pingan's words, the soldiers regained their confidence.

"Of course, the Japanese pirates cannot be underestimated! In the battle the day before yesterday, we all saw the fierce fighting power of the Japanese pirates! If we had not planned in advance and caused them to recruit the peacock tail, it would be difficult for us to win! Now, There are still hundreds of thousands of such Japanese pirates, so we must not be happy too early! The war has not yet been successful, and the soldiers still need to work hard! Today’s celebration banquet is not the end, but the beginning. There will be more wars in the future. If our Zhejiang army wants to win one after another Victory instead of one disastrous defeat after another requires more efforts! After today’s celebration banquet, you all have a good rest for the afternoon, and we will officially start training tomorrow!”

Zhu Ping'an looked around, said to the soldiers with a serious face, and announced the order to officially start training tomorrow.

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