Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1545 I seem to be hallucinating

"Asshole!" When Zhu Ping'an heard the cries and curses of the woman in the yard, his face instantly turned livid, he cursed, turned to Qian Jingang who was following him and ordered, "Captain Qian, there are soldiers from your unit inside, you Go forward and shout, order Liu Gouzi, Han Laosan, and Zhang Tiedan to come out immediately and capture them without mercy!"

"Yes!" Qian Jingang answered with a blushing face.

Qian Jingang is the team leader of Liu Gouzi, Han Laosan and Zhang Tiedan. The three of them, Han Laosan, sneaked out of the camp and committed such wrongdoings. As their team leader, Qian Jingang had an unshirkable responsibility.

These three bastards, Han Laosan, are really deliberate and have been planning for a long time! After dinner last night, when the entire army returned to the camp to rest, these three bastards mysteriously took out three jars of wine from under the bed. I don’t know how they got into the barracks. There were also three roast chickens wrapped in lotus leaves. Please, please. Ying eats meat and drinks, and enthusiastically persuades himself and others to drink. At that time, I praised Han Laosan and the three of them for being able to cause trouble. Who would have thought that these three bastards were holding back their bad intentions and deliberately got themselves and others drunk so that they could sneak out of the camp.

Because Han Laosan and the others sneaked out of the camp and caused trouble, Qian Jiangang estimated that he, the corps leader, had done his job.

Therefore, Qian Jingang was holding back his anger and wanted to cut Liu Gouzi and the others into pieces!

After listening to Zhu Ping'an's order, Qian Jinjiang naturally accepted the order immediately. Firstly, he wanted to make a meritorious service and save his position as corps commander; secondly, he wanted to call Han Laosan and the others out and give him a severe lesson. ! Let’s see if they dare next time!

"Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi, Zhang Tiedan, you three bastards, get out of here right now!"

Qian Kingang took two steps forward, took a deep breath, and cursed at the top of his voice toward the yard.

"Ah?! Mom, am I hallucinating? Why did I hear Captain Qian's voice?!"

In the room, Zhang Tiedan suddenly shivered when he heard Qian Jingang's voice. He climbed up naked from the crying woman and said nervously to Han Laosan and Liu Gouzi next to him.

"Did you hear it too?! I thought I was hallucinating?!" Liu Gouzi suddenly got up from another woman who was resisting fiercely and yelling, and said with a horrified look on his face.

"What auditory hallucinations? What are you talking about?!" Han Laosan was snoring in bed and woke up at this moment. He had just finished venting his anger on the two crying women. He was lucky. He won the guessing game against Liu Gouzi and Zhang Tiedan, took the lead, and took the lead in enjoying a woman.

In the second round, he was also the first, and another woman was replaced. Because the second woman resisted fiercely, he put in a lot of energy, but it was also very satisfying. After he was satisfied, he let the woman go and lay down to sleep. .

At this moment, I just woke up.

"We seem to hear Captain Qian's voice outside?" Liu Gouzi and Zhang Tiedan said to Han Laosan.

"That's nonsense. You guys usually get scolded by Captain Qian a lot when you stay in bed in the camp. How could there be Captain Qian's voice outside? You two must have taken off so happily. You even have auditory hallucinations. You are really worthless. !”

Han Laosan laughed and cursed.

"Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi, Zhang Tiedan, you three bastards, did you hear that? Get out of here and don't let me say it a third time!" Qian Jinggang's angry roar came in from outside again. .

"Wocao! I heard it again!" Zhang Tiedan's face changed drastically.

"I heard it too!" Liu Gouzi was also trembling with fright.

"No! It's not an auditory hallucination. It's really Commander Qian's voice. Commander Qian is really here! We're so busy sleeping with women that we've forgotten the time. Damn it, when did it get light?! You guys! Are you blind?! Didn’t I tell you to squeeze the time?! I asked you to call me in advance so that we could sneak out of the barracks before midnight! Needless to say, we must have missed midnight, Captain Qian We are here!"

Han Laosan noticed the glimmer of dawn outside the window and immediately realized that something was wrong. He cursed Liu Gouzi and Zhang Tiedan. Gulu jumped off the bed and hurriedly grabbed his clothes and put them on.

"Dian Mao?! Oh my God! How could I forget this! No wonder they say women are a disaster!"

Liu Gouzi's head buzzed for a moment, as if he had been struck by lightning, and he jumped out of bed belatedly.

The same goes for Zhang Tiedan.

The three of them hurriedly put on their clothes.

"I'll fight you!" A woman with disheveled hair got up from the bed, picked up an awl from the table, and stabbed Han Laosan into it.

Last night, it was Han Laosan who bullied her the most, punching and kicking her, forcing her to the bed, and doing dirty things!

However, Han Laosan was a bandit and had been practicing every day for the past two months. He quickly grabbed the hand of the attacking woman, knocked the awl in her hand, and then slammed the woman onto the bed.

"Get the hell out of here, as long as it lasts! It's not like I won't give you any money, No, this piece of silver is enough!"

Han Laosan cursed, took out a broken piece of silver, and threw it on the woman.

"Go away! Who cares about your shabby money! Wuwuwu. I curse you to die badly!"

The woman picked up the silver without looking at it, threw it at Han Laosan's head in disgust, and gnashed her teeth and cursed angrily.

"Damn, you crazy woman!" Mr. Han couldn't help but cursed when he saw this.

"Don't pull me down. Han Laosan, please leave it alone. Let's go out quickly. Captain Qian is scolding us again outside!"

Liu Gouzi hurriedly put on his clothes and trotted out the door.

Zhang Tiedan also followed suit, hurriedly putting on clothes and running out the door. However, because he was too anxious and nervous, and because of the poor lighting in the room, he didn't notice that he was wearing women's clothes.

Han Laosan picked up the silver and walked out cursing.


The door opened.

Liu Gouzi and Zhang Tiedan went out first, and while putting on their clothes, they smiled and said, "Warrior Qian, why are you here?"

"Chief Qian" and Han Laosan followed him out.

The three had just left the house, and after taking a look, they found that not only their corporal leader Qian Jingang, but also Zhu Ping'an and others were outside the door.

Suddenly, Liu Gouzi, Zhang Tiedan and Han Laosan stopped talking, and the smiles on their faces turned into panic, and they stammered, "Ah, sir, you are here too."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" two women ran out of the house with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes.

The women and children of Zhuangjia Village hurried forward with cups, wrapped them up, and pulled them aside to comfort them.

"Get them for me!"

With a livid face, Zhu Pingan pointed at Liu Gouzi, Zhang Tiedan and Han Laosan, and ordered coldly.

Immediately, the three of Liu Gouzi were tied up by Wuhuada.

"Come here, summon all the soldiers in the battalion and invite the folks from eight villages in ten miles. Today, I will put Liu Gouzi, Han Laosan and Zhang Tiedan on trial in public! The location is set to be on the river beach in front!" Zhu Pingan's face was expressionless. He ordered with an expression on his face.

"You bastards! You three bastards got me drunk last night just to sneak out of the camp and do such wrong things!" Qian Jiangang stepped forward and kicked Liu Gouzi and the other three of them hard. He scolded them a lot, and then gave them a hard look, "You bastard, hurry up and admit your mistake to the adults!"

"My lord, we were wrong, and we dare not do it again."

"We don't dare sneak out of the camp anymore."

Han Laosan reacted the fastest and fell to his knees first, followed by Liu Gouzi and Zhang Tiedan, kowtowing to Zhu Pingan again and again to admit his mistake.

Zhu Pingan was unmoved, and said blankly: "Everyone must be responsible for their actions, and if they do something wrong, they will be punished!"

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