Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1558: Zhu Shouren's Plan (Part 2)

You say, such a good girl, is it too much for me to give her two taels of silver every time...

Zhu Shouren's emotion was like a heavy hammer, hammer after hammer, hitting the soft hearts of Mr. Zhu, Mrs. Zhu, the third child, the fourth child, etc. It was also like a 3000cc tube A large amount of chicken blood was suddenly pressurized and poured into the blood vessels of everyone present...

"Isn't that too much?!! Zhu Shouren! How did you have the face to ask this sentence?!! Nima, are you trying to piss me off so I can separate the family!!!! Just like you, a lazy bear, separate the family I’ve starved to death hundreds of times already!!! If I don’t beat you to death today, you bastard! I’ll take your last name!”

Mr. Zhu was the first to react. With the momentum of lightning, and with the wind of killing relatives with righteousness, he almost used all his strength to swing the fire stick at Zhu Shouren!

"Father, you follow my brother's surname, isn't it still surnamed Zhu?" The fourth child, who was watching the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, was really a bystander, and as keen as Sherlock Holmes, he caught the loopholes in Mr. Zhu's words and let out a cry. Thought provoking soul torture.


After hearing what the fourth child said, Mr. Zhu felt a burst of irritability gushing out from his pubic region, and a surge of strength suddenly emerged from his whole body, and the fire stick in his hand forced out an afterimage.

Look at it, the fire stick is about to give Zhu Shouren an intimate contact at this critical moment!

An old hand grabbed the firestick! It was Mrs. Zhu!

"You still want to protect this traitor?!" Mr. Zhu exploded all of a sudden, and roared at Mrs. Zhu.

At the critical moment, she was still a mother, and Zhu Shouren, who was hiding behind Mrs. Zhu, breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, the fire stick is not strong, you change it to this."

The old lady Zhu shook her head, and as she spoke, she handed over a thick mallet for pounding clothes that she had received at some point.

Zhu Shouren.

"Father, mother, please forgive me, my son is wrong...it hurts"

"Don't slap your face, don't slap your face, Dad"

From the Zhu family's old house, Zhu Shouren's screams and begging for mercy were heard loudly and loudly.

"It's not a year or a festival, why is Zhu's old house killing pigs, what's the happy event?"

"Who knows what's going on? Maybe a daughter-in-law in the Zhu family's old house is pregnant. This old Zhu family is also blind. In the early years, the second family was divided by the top of the vat. It turned out to be good. The second family's Ping'an Lang was upbeat, and even In the exam, he finally won the top prize in high school, and the second son's family soared. The eldest son of the Zhu family who died in the Zhu family's old house is still an old boy. He has been in the exam for more than 20 years, and he has not even passed the exam middle."

People at the entrance of the village basking in the sun vaguely heard screams coming from the Zhu family's old house, thinking that the old Zhu's house was killing pigs, and they all speculated whether the old Zhu's house had some happy event again.

If it weren't for two scholars named Hu Wei and Xia Qiang who came to the old house to look for Zhu Shouren, Zhu Shouren doesn't know how long it would be.

At the junction of Xiahe Village and Shanghe Village, there is a memorial archway on the side near Xiahe Village, with three big characters "Zhuangyuanfang" written on it, and there is a pavilion in front of the Zhuangyuanfang, named Zhuangyuan Pavilion.

Zhuangyuanfang was built by the local county government after Zhu Ping'an was elected, and the old Zhengxiang in Xiahe village asked for orders.

The Zhuangyuan Pavilion was built by the local county government when Zhu Ping'an was promoted to a bachelor's degree from the Wupin Imperial Academy.

At this moment, with fluttering clothes, Zhu Shouren led two friends to visit Zhuangyuanfang and Zhuangyuan Pavilion.

"Brother Hu, Brother Xia, please"

Zhu Shouren's clothes fluttered, and he stretched out his hands gracefully, inviting the two to come and watch.

If it weren't for the bruises and bruises on his face, and the way he limps while walking, he would definitely be more graceful.

"Brother Zhu, the injury on your body doesn't matter, why don't you seek medical treatment first."

Hu Wei couldn't help but glanced at the wounds on Zhu Shouren's face and body, and asked with concern.

"That's right, brother Zhu, it's important to treat the wound first." Xia Qiang also said.

"A little injury is nothing to worry about. Hey, living alone in a high place is extremely cold. My whole family is dirty and I am alone. All my relatives are drunk and I am sober. My family doesn't understand my desire to study, and they insist on forcing me to abandon my education and go into business. , Abandoning literature to become a farmer, although I, Zhu Shouren, am not as good as the ancient and modern sages, but I also have a firm heart to study. How could I agree to the unreasonable demands of my family, so I caused this kind of hurt and ugliness. I laughed."

Zhu Shouren sighed, the image of a lonely scholar who was not understood by his family was full of success. He concealed the truth about being violently beaten for spending money with prostitutes. Instead, his family forced him to give up his studies and start a business.

This is also when the two friends arrived at the Zhu family's old house, Mr. Zhu and others felt that the family's ugliness should not be publicized. After Zhu Shouren.

It was also because of this that Zhu Shouren had this opportunity to turn black and white.

"Brother Zhu's desire to study, I really admire you." Hu Wei and Xia Qiang couldn't help admiring them.

"Where is it? It's just normal." Zhu Shouren grinned indifferently, and the wound on his face was pulled by the smile, and he couldn't help but ouch in pain, which was quite funny.

"Let's not talk about this, two friends, let's look at the couplet in Zhuangyuanfang, 'Those who have aspirations, things will come true, and the boat will be broken, and the hundred and two Qinguan will eventually belong to Chu; "Wu", this is written by my nephew himself. It was originally written by nephew Wu Ren Shang to persuade him to learn. Later, it was copied by others, and after a lot of twists and turns, it was carved here. "

Zhu Shouren guided Hu Wei and Xia Qiang to watch the couplet.

"What a literary talent! Nephew Ling deserves to be the number one scholar. This couplet is really the best choice to encourage learning. It can be said that there is no one before or after. This couplet tells people that they must have perseverance and perseverance in doing things. A person with aspirations , a painstaking person will eventually succeed."

After reading it, Hu Wei expressed his admiration for the couplet and praised it a lot.

"Hey, isn't that what Brother Zhu is talking about? Brother Zhu insists on studying, and he would rather be beaten than change his infatuation. Isn't he just a person with ambition, isn't he just a hardworking person? From this point of view, Brother Zhu will be able to accomplish everything." " Xia Qiang sighed and said to Zhu Shouren with a smile.

"Hehe, brother Xia is absurd. In fact, I'm ashamed to say that my nephew was safe at the time. I was taught by me. In order to encourage him to study hard, I often set an example and told him many anecdotes about sages and celebrities. My family's virtuous What my nephew likes the most is the two stories I told about Xiang Yu’s failure and Gou Jian’s self-destruction. , with a sigh of reminiscing about the past, without blushing, he shared some of the merits of the couplet.

"Oh, I didn't expect there to be such a story behind this couplet. Behind Mr. Zhu's high school champion, there is brother Zhu's sweat and cultivation. Brother Zhu is a great talent..." Hu Wei complimented repeatedly.

"Brother Zhu and Lord Zhu are really uncles and nephews." Hearing this, Xia Qiang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning." Zhu Shouren waved his hands pretending to be modest, and raised his head high. Everyone could see the pride on his face.

"I don't know why Brother Zhu invited us to have a party?" Hu Wei asked as if suddenly remembering.

"Ahem, I got news a few days ago that my nephew Ping'an has made great contributions to the fight against the Japanese, and he will definitely be promoted in the near future. The so-called reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. I have been studying hard in the county for so many years. It's time to travel thousands of miles. Therefore, I want to invite two friends to go to Yingtian together. Firstly, to celebrate the safe promotion of my nephew, and secondly, to introduce two friends to get acquainted with my nephew safely. A domestic slave, now he has been promoted to a seventh-rank military officer because of his meritorious service. The two friends are talented, and their talents are thousands of times better than those few domestic slaves. What will those domestic slaves do? How can they shoulder important responsibilities? There are only two friends Only such a great sage can help my nephew Ping'an and help my nephew Ping'an achieve an immortal deed."

Zhu Shouren coughed, looked at Hu Wei and Xia Qiang sincerely, and extended an invitation.

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