Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1571 Why are you here?

After receiving the notice from the Ministry of War, local officials in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Nanzhili who suffered from the Japanese invasion of Shangyu immediately arranged their work in the office, and rushed to Yingtian in a hurry or rode a dusty carriage all the way to Yingtian. After the Ministry of War reported, or It was placed in the guest room of the Ministry of War, or placed in the inn outside the Ministry of War, waiting for the arrival of the imperial envoy.

The officials in Yingtian City also put aside their work and waited for the imperial envoy to arrive at any time.

As a result, a group of officials saw no sign of the imperial envoy from sunrise in the morning to sunset in the evening, and no notification was received. When the curfew was about to go, three horses rode into Yingtian with their whips raised, and finally brought back the items that everyone had been waiting for. Looking forward to the latest news from the Imperial Envoy.

The imperial envoy has been tired of traveling and traveling all the way and is unbearable. He has to rest in Yangzhou for one night and then set off to Yingtian tomorrow. He is expected to arrive in Yingtian tomorrow afternoon.

Soon, the news was notified by the Ministry of War to all yamen, including the yamen of the Prosecution and Prosecution Commission.

After learning that the imperial envoy would not arrive until tomorrow afternoon, Zhang Zhengtai told Zhu Ping'an and others that they did not have to wait any longer and went back to their respective homes. They would shower and change clothes tomorrow morning and go to the Yamen of the Ministry of War together in the afternoon to await the imperial envoy's arrival.

After saying goodbye to Zhang Zhitai and others, Zhu Ping'an walked slowly towards the backyard of the Yamen, the yard that was originally allocated to him.

"Uncle~~My aunt is back~~The food is ready. I can eat it after I enter the house and wash my hands."

When Baozi's little girl saw Zhu Ping'an from a distance, she ran up to him, as happy as picking up gold.

If she had a tail at this moment, she could wag it.


The demon girl Ruonan on the side was in sharp contrast, and she snorted at Zhu Pingan as if she owed her hundreds of taels of silver.

"Uh?!" Zhu Ping'an was surprised when he saw Hua'er and the demon girl Ruonan, "Why are you here?"

I was really surprised. I didn't expect that Hua'er and Yaonan Ruonan would appear in the Yamen of the Procuratorate.

"What's the matter, nerd, we came here uninvited and hindered your pursuit of beauty and beauty?!" The enchantress Ruonan sneered and asked as if her eyes were not eyes and her nose was not a nose.

Looking for your sister, stealing your sister, in the mind of this witch, are all scholars such unsightly guys?

Zhu Ping'an twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly and teased: "Did you take some gunpowder? Or are relatives here?!"

"Bah, you shameless trapper!!!" The demon girl Ruonan spat at Zhu Ping'an with a red face.

"Hey, uncle, we are going to the Zhejiang Army barracks today to deliver chicken soup and cakes to you. Brother Dachui told us. If the man said that uncle, if you come to Yingtian, you will definitely come to the Yamen of the Procuratorate and the Procuratorate, so we came here. Yamen The guard on duty recognized us, and he was very proud of us. Before we said anything, he took the initiative to invite us in, so we came here to wait for our uncle. He must have been suffering in the military camp. Please take good care of yourself these days. Make delicious food for my uncle and serve him well."

Baozi's little maid Hua'er explained with a smile, as proud as a dog that had picked up a meat bone.

So that's it, Zhu Pingan understood.

"Also, uncle, your guess is really accurate. Ruo Nan is really the one who came today." Hua'er said with admiration. In the middle of her words, the demon Ruonan covered her mouth.

After the witch Ruonan covered Hua'er's mouth, she glared at Zhu Ping'an with a pervert look on her face.

Ahem, it turns out that relatives are really here, I just said casually, what a coincidence, Zhu Pingan was speechless.

"Uncle, we have cooked ginseng chicken soup, as well as prawns with hibiscus, cold deer liver, garlic abalone, splendid lion's head, bamboo shoots and bracken, steamed eggplant with sugar, mung bean sprouts in vinegar, and tofu stewed with white rice. Oh, yes. There are also freshly cooked mutton buns. Uncle, Ruonan’s stuffing is so delicious."

The little maid of Baozi, Hua'er, walked up to Zhu Ping'an with her fingers and told Zhu Ping'an the name of the prepared dish. Her baby-fat smiling face was filled with the expression of asking for credit and waiting for praise. In the end, she didn't forget to help the demon girl Ruo Nan to also ask for credit. .

Zhu Ping'an actually wanted to send Hua'er and the demon Ruonan away. He came here to wait for the imperial envoy and listen to the imperial edict, not to enjoy the vacation. It would be inappropriate for you to come and serve.

However, everyone had already arrived, and they had cooked such a sumptuous meal for themselves. Especially when he saw Hua'er's expectant eyes, Zhu Pingan couldn't say what he wanted to say to send them away.

That's all, it only takes a day or two. When the time comes for him to return to the military camp, Hua'er and the others will also return to Peach Blossom Collection.

"Wow, you have made so many delicious dishes. Just hearing the name makes me want to eat them. Hua'er has worked hard, and Ruonan and Miss Ruonan have worked hard too." Zhu Ping'an smiled and praised, expressing his gratitude to Hua'er and Ruonan.

Hearing this, Hua'er suddenly smiled and narrowed her eyes, as if she had received the highest reward in the world.

"I couldn't bear the hard work of watching the painting, so I helped. Don't be sentimental." The demon girl Ruonan snorted, turned around and walked into the yard, leaving Zhu Ping'an behind.

Why am I being so sentimental? You are obviously overthinking it, okay? Zhu Ping'an smiled silently.

"Uncle, come in quickly, the food won't taste good when it's cold," Hua'er urged in a sweet voice.

"Okay, let me try it to see how delicious it is, and see if your craftsmanship has improved, Hua'er." Zhu Pingan walked into the yard with a smile.

"My uncle, my craftsmanship has improved a lot now. I can't go to the camp to serve my uncle. I pester Ruonan every day in the yard to teach me how to cook. I cook at least a dozen dishes every day. What I can't eat is given to the neighbors. , the neighbors all praised my cooking as being a hundred times better than the restaurants in town."

Hua'er puffed up her chest with a proud look on her face. It was hard for Zhu Pingan not to notice. "See no evil, see no evil." Zhu Pingan silently recited twice and turned his head.


At this moment, a cold snort came from the demon girl Ruonan not far away. Zhu Pingan raised his head and looked at the girl Ruonan. The demon girl Ruonan glared at Zhu Pingan hard and snorted, "Bookworm, aren't you afraid of needle eyes?! "

Aren't you walking in front? Could it be that there are eyes behind you, or are you just staring at me?

Zhu Pingan was speechless.

After entering the house, Hua'er diligently brought a washbasin filled with warm water and put a towel on her shoulder to help Zhu Pingan clean his hands and wash his face.

"Hua'er, he's a big man, and he's not helpless, so why serve him like this?"

If the enchantress can't stand it if the man can't stand it, well, she's always been unable to stand it.

"This is what I should do." Hua'er said in a tone that took it for granted and felt that the demon Ruonan was meddling in other people's business.

The witch is like a man

"Uncle, try it quickly and see if it tastes good." After serving Zhu Pingan, he washed his hands and washed his face, Hua'er diligently served Zhu Pingan some food and waited for the certificate of praise.

"Well, it's delicious. Not bad. The craftsmanship has really improved." Zhu Pingan took a bite and gave it a thumbs up without hesitation.

Suddenly, Hua'er was extremely satisfied.

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