Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1579 Sure enough, a generous reward

Chen Hong reached out and picked up another imperial edict from the tray held by the eunuch behind him, looked at everyone with a smile, and said in an envious tone:

"After the thunder, there is rain and dew. Next, the Zajia family read out the imperial edict of rewards. Although the overall performance was not good when dealing with the Japanese pirates in Shangyu, some people still performed well and made contributions. The emperor's kindness is great, and the emperor especially emphasized that for those who have meritorious service, People are not stingy with rewards, so I ordered the cabinet, the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Household Affairs and other departments to draw up a generous reward. It is really rich, and even the miscellaneous family members are jealous after seeing it."

Everyone present is basically relatively calm, because rewards and other things have nothing to do with us.

They know their own affairs best, so they are thankful that they were not punished this time.

However, there are exceptions.

The Marquis of Linhuai and the Duke of Wei were very excited when they heard that Chen Hong was going to read out the imperial edict of rewards.

Apart from the nephew, we have made the greatest contribution in uncovering the Japanese pirates who sneaked into the city in advance and the internal agents who tried to cooperate with the outsiders.

Hehe, I don’t know how the Holy Spirit will reward us. Chen Hong said that he was jealous of the generous rewards. Hehe, I get excited just thinking about it.

Suddenly, the two of them looked at Chen Hong with burning eyes, like two perverts.

Compared to them, Zhu Pingan was much calmer.

At such a young age, he is unfazed by favors and humiliations, and has the demeanor of a general. No wonder he can make Master Yan so fearful.

Chen Hong glanced at it and sighed in his heart. It's a pity, hateful, and annoying that such a talent is mixed up with Feng Bao!

Thinking of Feng Bao, Chen Hong looked at Zhu Pingan and couldn't help but feel resentful. It was Zhu Pingan who gave Feng Bao the idea to turn his brand around, which made Feng Bao a favorite among the empresses in the harem and won the favor of many empresses. Relying on and favoring him, he also caught the eye of the Holy One, who also gave him a very useful evaluation. You know, in the entire Xiyuan, there are only a handful of eunuchs who have been evaluated by the Holy One, let alone a very useful evaluation. Got it!

Last month, I was ordered to go out to the palace to buy pearls. I worked hard, racked my brains, and used all my means to finally complete the task. I made great achievements and was only verbally praised by the Holy Emperor.

As for Feng Bao, Feng Bao didn't do anything in the palace. He became the tenth boss of the clerk's office just by relying on the invisible benefits of flipping brands. Are you angry? Although he ranks tenth among the bosses, he is still one of the bosses.

The clerk's room is the Hanlin Academy of the outer court!

Those eunuchs who were promoted to ceremonial supervisors basically served from the clerk's office. Feng Bao, this little thief, is already ahead of him!

And this idea of ​​flipping the brand was all given to Feng Bao by Zhu Pingan, you say it is hateful or not!

If Zhu Ping'an hadn't given Feng Bao this idea, Feng Bao would have been burned to death by the anger of the ladies in the harem. I can also use Feng Bao as a stepping stone to be promoted to the inner study!

Let me settle this account with you slowly!

Chen Hong was slandering in his heart, but with a congratulatory smile on his face, he slowly unfolded the reward edict and read out in a male duck voice:

"According to God's destiny, the emperor ordered: Cai Yaozuo, the canon of Jingde County, carried the coffin and went to war, vowing to destroy the Japanese pirates. After the first battle, his troops were defeated, Cai Yaozuo refused to retreat, and 80 people from his clan also followed him to fight to the death. In the end, Cai Yaozuo was killed several times. The sword was killed on the battlefield, and all eighty of his clansmen were also killed. Although they failed to succeed, in the battle, Cai Yaozuo and his clansmen killed three Japanese pirates and seriously injured five Japanese pirates, which greatly boosted the morale of our army and greatly dampened the arrogance of the Japanese pirates. In the past, when the sage kings ruled the world, they must have the power to maintain peace in Guizhou and Li. They did not specialize in literature but not martial arts. Now it is also time to use martial arts. The family of Cai Yaozuo will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold, and his son will be rewarded with a hundred taels of hereditary gifts. , in order to reward his loyalty and bravery. Eighty people from Cai Yaozuo's clan died in the battle, and all of them were rewarded to his sons, small flag officers, who were also hereditary. They were also rewarded with a hundred taels of silver each. I hope you will not fall short of your late father's ambitions and be loyal to yourselves. , Benevolence is used to care for everyone, wisdom is used to detect subtleties, guard against evil and insults, and when opportunities are available, if you can do this, you will be honored and honored by your predecessors, your descendants will be blessed, and your wealth will be prosperous forever, so respect them and do not perish!"

After Chen Hong read out this paragraph, a child of about ten years old in the audience, under the guidance of Jingde County officials, stepped forward and knelt down, and said in a crying voice, "Cai Ting, son of Cai Yaozuo, received the decree to express his gratitude. Long live our emperor." Long live long live.”

"My condolences to Mr. Cai. As the saying goes, a tiger father has no dog son. Mr. Cai will definitely inherit your deceased father's legacy and become a pillar of our Ming Dynasty." Chen Hong nodded slightly and encouraged him softly.

"Thank you, father-in-law. I will try my best not to embarrass my late father."

Under the guidance of the Jingde County official in a low voice, Cai Ting repeated his thanks to Chen Hong and then left.

After hearing the reward for Cai Yaozuo and the eighty people of his clan who died in the battle, everyone present couldn't help but feel excited.

The reward given by the imperial court to Cai Yaozuo and the eighty people of his clan who died in the battle was really generous. Cai Yaozuo's son was rewarded with a hereditary grant to one hundred households. This was the actual grant to one hundred households, and it was hereditary. Such a generous reward could only be given to Taizu after the founding of the country and Chengzu. A number of rewards were given during the Jingnan period, but such generous rewards were rarely seen after that. The reward given to Cai Yaozuo this time was really enviable. Eighty people from the same clan were all rewarded with small flag officers. A total of eighty small flag officers were rewarded. Don’t underestimate the small flag officers. This was also a seventh-grade military attache. Eighty seventh-grade military attachés were rewarded at one time. .

According to the normal rewards, they killed three Japanese pirates and severely injured five Japanese pirates, which was not enough to reward 100 hereditary households and 80 small flag officers. Killing one Japanese pirate and replacing one small flag officer would be the limit.

This is really a big deal, and it is indeed a generous reward.

However, even though they were jealous, they couldn't be jealous because Cai Yaozuo and the others had sacrificed their lives to get it.

After hearing the generous rewards from Cai Yaozuo and others, the Marquis of Linhuai and Wei Guogong were even more excited and looked forward to their rewards.

"Miao Yin and other coalition forces failed to suppress the Japanese pirates and were chased by the Japanese pirates. They passed through Fugui Market Town in Ningguo Prefecture. The residents of Fugui Market Town spontaneously stood on the roofs and threw stones, lime, bricks and tiles to block the Japanese pirates, allowing Miao Yin and other coalition forces to escape the pursuit of the Japanese pirates. Kill and smash the two Japanese pirates to death to show the determination of the army and the people to fight against the Japanese. The emperor's grace is so great that from today on, all residents of Fugui Market Town will be exempted from all taxes such as land tax, corvee labor, and miscellaneous labor for ten years."

Chen Hong then slowly read out.

"I accept the decree to express my gratitude to the residents of Fugui Market Town. The emperor's grace is so great. Long live my emperor."

Officials from the Ningguo Mansion came forward to receive the order and thank him.

Exempting all residents of Fugui Market Town from all taxes such as land tax, corvées, and handymen for ten years is indeed another big deal.

Another super generous reward.

The Marquis of Linhuai and the Duke of Wei suddenly became more excited and more looking forward to it. It seems that we should also be rewarded generously.

According to the chronological order, it is our turn now. The two of them looked at Chen Hong with fiery eyes.

The look in his eyes was nothing less than perverted.

I don’t know, after seeing this scene, I would probably think that there is something wrong with the orientation of the two of them.

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