Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1581 Outstanding contribution, definitely the first

Seeing the proud and smug looks of the Marquis of Linhuai and Duke Wei, everyone couldn't help but look at Chen Hong with red eyes, and their voices were surprisingly unanimous: Death of the eunuch, can the decree be announced faster?

Each of these rewards is so enviable. I can’t hold on any longer. I’ve broken my defense. Let’s finish it quickly.

Finally, Chen Hong held the imperial edict and turned his attention to Zhu Ping'an. Everyone knew that the highly anticipated moment had come, and they had to be jealous again, but they endured it, this was the finale, and it was over after reading it.

Under the attention of everyone, Chen Hong looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile and slowly read out: "Zhejiang's Prosecution and Prosecution Commission, Si Qianshi Zhu Pingan, is humble in his position and does not forget the country. He has the overall situation in mind. He is willing to be civilized and military. He is aware of the subtleties and has a keen sense of smell. He thoroughly understood the treacherous plot of the Japanese pirates and warned in advance that the Japanese pirates from Shangyu were attacking Yingtian. When the Japanese invaded Yingyao City, he personally led the Zhejiang Army to rescue Yingtian and pioneered the Japanese pirates in the city. Later, he worked tirelessly to annihilate the Japanese pirates outside the city on a starry night. This is a credit to his work. Outstanding, definitely the first. Zhu Ping'an was promoted to deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Provincial Envoy, specializing in group training, assisting in the suppression of Japanese invaders, and providing protection to hundreds of his descendants. He passed it down from generation to generation as a reward for his merits. I admire him for this."

Although everyone was mentally prepared for red eyes, when they heard Chen Hong read out the reward for Zhu Ping'an, everyone couldn't help but break their guard again, and their eyes were as red as rabbits.

Deputy envoy of Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Commission!

In the official system, there is no such thing as the Deputy Envoy of the Department of Prosecution and Prosecution of Zhejiang Province.

The post of "acting" deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Envoy Department was specially created for Zhu Ping'an.

How many people can have this kind of honor so far in this dynasty!!

The deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Provincial and Criminal Investigation Department is an official of the fourth rank. The deputy envoy with the additional word "dai" is an official position between the fourth rank and below. It is half a rank higher than the fourth rank and higher than the fourth rank. The quality is half a level lower.

However, the word "generation" is very particular. Dai means agency and temporary generation. According to the established rules, as long as no big mistakes are made, the word "generation" will be removed in a short time. There will be no obstacles in the way, and it will happen naturally.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an, the "acting" deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Commission, is actually the deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Commission.

However, considering Zhu Ping'an's lack of qualifications, the promotion from Qianshi to deputy envoy was a bit large and not enough to convince the public. Therefore, first promote the word "Dai" to Deputy Envoy for a while. After a while, the word "Dai" will be removed and he will become a real Deputy Envoy.

Not long after Zhu Ping'an was promoted from the seventh-rank magistrate to the post of Zhejiang Provincial Envoy and Inspector General, he suddenly jumped from the fifth-rank official to the fourth-rank deputy envoy. It is really enviable and jealous for such a young fourth-rank official. There has never been such a high-ranking official in the Ming Dynasty. Alas, as expected, there is no comparison between people.

What's more, the Holy Emperor also allowed his son to be a hundred households and pass it down from generation to generation. This is a hereditary hundred households.

Seal your wife as your shadow!

Isn't this what scholars pursue? They have already achieved it at a young age.

How can this reward not make people jealous?

"My minister, Zhu Ping'an, accepts the decree to express his gratitude. Long live my emperor. Long live my emperor. My minister, Zhu Ping'an, will do his best to organize team training, help annihilate Japanese pirates, eliminate Japanese troubles, and live up to the majestic grace of His Majesty."

In the eyes of everyone with envy and jealousy, Zhu Ping'an lifted up his official uniform and calmly knelt down to receive the order and thank him.

"Master Zhu, please get up quickly." Chen Hong smiled and gave Zhu Pingan a hand, then looked Zhu Pingan up and down, and praised, "Sure enough, seeing is better than hearing. Master Zhu is really young and promising. .”

"Thank you so much, father-in-law. My father-in-law praised me so much that I am ashamed of myself." Zhu Ping'an stood up and said modestly with his hands in hand.

"Lord Zhu, you are being humble." Chen Hong squinted his eyes and smiled, then looked at everyone, smiled and clasped his fists, "Haha, okay, the imperial edict on rewards and punishments for Japanese porcine plague has been read out by everyone. I'm tired of standing here for a long time. Thank you for your hard work." ”

"How dare you, how dare you, my father-in-law, you have worked so hard. You have read the imperial edict for such a long time without drinking a sip of water. You are really dedicated and a role model for us." All the officials clasped their fists and complimented.

"I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to take it." Chen Hong smiled and waved his hand.

"Father-in-law, we have prepared a banquet to welcome the father-in-law. Please don't refuse."

Duke Guo of Wei came forward and said.

Since Zhang Jing had been dismissed at this time, and Eunuch He was an eunuch with an inappropriate status and could not represent a group of foreign ministers, Wei Guogong temporarily became Ying Yao's spokesperson and invited Chen Hong.

"Isn't this bad?" Chen Hong pretended to decline.

"Well, this is all our thoughts. My father-in-law has come from afar and is full of travels. Please allow us to show our kindness as landlords and cleanse the dust for your father-in-law and all the angels. Please don't refuse, otherwise we will still return. Why do you have the honor to go to the capital?" Wei Guogong invited him again and again with enthusiasm.

"That's right, it's just a little thought from us. Please don't refuse, father-in-law."

"You angels have come a long way and are covered in dust. If we don't even care about a meal, wouldn't we be stabbed in the back?"

"Please, father-in-law, please give us a chance to fulfill our friendship as landlords."

All the officials opened their mouths to invite.

"Uh, okay. But now that the finances are tight for the Northern and Southern invaders, don't be extravagant and wasteful on the banquet. Just a simple meal is enough." Chen Hong accepted it with graciousness and emphasized simplicity.

"Of course, it's natural. Don't worry, father-in-law. It's just plain food, ordinary home-cooked food."

A number of officials assured him again and again.

"Okay then, let's just disturb you adults."

"Don't bother me, don't bother me, please, my father-in-law, please, all the angels." Wei Guogong and others stretched out their hands to greet Chen Hong and other eunuch guards.

"Excuse me, sirs," Chen Hong and others extended their hands in greeting as well.

Then, Wei Guogong and others surrounded Chen Hong and other eunuchs and a group of factory guards and walked outside Chaotian Palace.

Chaotian Palace is a royal dojo, and it is not appropriate to place the banquet in Chaotian Palace, so it was arranged in a restaurant not far from Chaotian Palace. This restaurant has an official background and had already prepared for this banquet three days ago. The restaurant was heavily guarded by the guards, and all diners were turned away except for this banquet.

"Eunuch, my lords, I have some important matters to deal with at the Yamen of Xiaguan. Please forgive me for being with you. I am resigning."

As soon as they left Chaotian Palace, they heard a strong voice from the crowd, with a tone that sounded like an announcement.

Follow the sound and look.

Then I saw a person who looked like Beacon Hill, standing at the door, bowing to everyone and saluting, with a solemn look on his face, solitary and not in a group.

It was Hai Rui.

"Magistrate Hai County, if you have any important matters, you have to rush it. It won't be too late to go back and deal with it after I have given the angels a cleansing."

Wei Guogong frowned and persuaded. He didn't know Hai Rui and only remembered Hai Rui's name after someone reminded him. I was secretly annoyed, why is this guy so ignorant and has no expression at all. Unless the occasion is wrong, you must make him look good.

"I'm really sorry. It's a matter of governing the people, so I don't dare to delay. Please forgive me for being rude, and I will resign."

Hai Rui shook his head, bowed again, and then, regardless of whether Wei Guogong and others agreed or not, or everyone's reaction, he turned around, waved his sleeves, and left without looking back, leaving everyone with a back like Beacon Mountain.

Duke Guo of Wei was stunned.

"Haha, Haizhi County really prays for the people, which is admirable." Chen Hong covered his mouth with a handkerchief and praised with a smile.

"Wei Guogong, gentlemen, it's just the right time for Hai Rui to leave. With him here, we can't even enjoy this banquet. He is a self-righteous person, just like the stones in the pit, smelly and hard, and he is used to ruining the scenery. That’s fine.”

Someone who knew Hai Rui said with disgust.

"That's right, what he is best at is pretending to be aloof and pretentious. It would be best if he left. In our house, not many colleagues are willing to talk to him."

Immediately, several people agreed.

"Ahem, since there is something going on in Haizhi County, let him leave as soon as possible. Let's take care of the father-in-law and wash away the dust."

Wei Guogong coughed and said to smooth things over.



Everyone continued to surround Chen Hong and others.

Sure enough, Hai Rui

Zhu Ping'an looked at Hai Rui's retreating back and sighed, then he was dragged away by the Marquis of Linhuai.

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