Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1583 What kind of crazy logic are you talking about?

Zhang Jing's anger was expected by Zhu Pingan. After all, Zhang Jing's character is famous for his resolute character.

However, the angrier Zhang Jing is, the deeper his memory will be, and the better the effect will be.

So seeing Zhang Jing angry, Zhu Pingan was not only not nervous, but also a little excited.

"Mr. Zhang's words are serious. How can I make you happy, and how can I dare to amuse Mr. Zhang?" Zhu Pingan shook his head vigorously, looked at Zhang Jing who was obviously sullen and angry seriously, and explained seriously, "I'm here. The officer really congratulates and expresses his congratulations to you."

Come again!

You kid really thinks that I, Mr. Zhang, are a clay Bodhisattva. I can’t live without anger! Zhang Jing’s face is even longer!

"I have been dismissed from my post. Mr. Zhu, you come to congratulate me. Isn't this just amusement for me, Mr. Zhang?!"

Zhang Jing looked at Zhu Pingan with a cold face, his eyes seemed to be bursting with sparks, and his words were filled with uncontrollable anger.

"My lord, please calm down, there is nothing wrong with you, why don't you listen to my explanation." Zhu Ping'an said softly with a smile.

"Hmph, let's see how you can quibble." Zhang Jing snorted, and it was indeed okay. Everyone at the table was busy toasting Chen Hong and others. He was ignored like air. Listen to this kid's words. That’s okay too.

"Sir Zhang, do you still remember that more than a month ago, I went to the Ministry of War to visit you, and read the detailed files on the Japanese invasion at that time. Your Excellency asked me what I thought of the Japanese invasion today, and what was the top priority in my plan to eliminate the Japanese?"

Zhu Pingan put down his wine glass and asked softly.

After listening to Zhu Pingan's question, Zhang Jing couldn't help but be guided back to more than a month ago.

"Can your regiment see a battle now?"

"Back to your lord, the Zhejiang Army under Xiaguan's command has only been trained for more than half a month. It is only a rudimentary army and has not yet formed an army. Its combat effectiveness is limited and it is difficult to fight a battle. Despite this, Xiaguan guarantees with his wealth and life that the Zhejiang Army has the summons. I will definitely return, I will respond to any battle, and I will fight to the death to complete my mission!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Jing's face became even more unhappy. At that time, he thought that this boy was very frank, a honest, honest and responsible person. Now it seems, huh, I am blind! This boy has a good reputation, but he is not really a good person.

Zhang Jing snorted and continued his thoughts. Well, when he thought of it, he asked him again what was the first priority in his plan to destroy the Japanese?

I also asked Hu Zongwan this question, and Hu Zongwan’s answer was very pragmatic: deploy troops.

This guy's answer was different from Hu Zongxian's. He answered about unified command, haha. He also said that the only way to do that was to appoint a governor. He also said that the governor of Zhejiang was not enough. He wanted to appoint the governor of Jiangnan and give the governor military and financial powers.

Humph, at that time I thought this guy was too young, too whimsical, and too unreliable!

Now it seems that, as expected, this guy is really unreliable!

However, what does this matter have to do with today’s events? Is this guy trying to change the subject?!

"So what if you still remember? What does this have to do with you entertaining me?!" Zhang Jing said unhappily.

"Sir, the official replied at that time that the first priority in eradicating the Japanese pirates was unified command. To achieve unified command, it was necessary to establish a governor-general to oversee the military and financial affairs of the provinces south of the Yangtze River. Today, more than a hundred Japanese pirates landed from Shangyu and marched across Zhejiang, Zhejiang, and Jiangnan. Thousands of miles south of Zhili, countless cities were destroyed and countless families were destroyed. The local officials along the way were fighting on their own, and they were all disgraced and suffered heavy losses. In fact, fifty-seven Japanese pirates went to attack Peiyingtian with their weapons and weapons, which disgraced our Ming Dynasty! Holy Ming, Holy Ming. , having determined the rewards and punishments for officials in various places, we must have seen the problems of independent warfare, scattered troops, and inconsistent command in various places. Today, the Japanese invasion in the south of the Yangtze River is becoming increasingly serious. From Shandong in the north to Guangdong, Guangdong and Qiongzhou in the south, they are all within the scope of Japanese invasion. , has become a serious threat to our country, the Ming Dynasty. It is impossible to fight against the Japanese pirates by relying on one place. Since the Holy Spirit has seen the problem, how can he not solve the problem. Therefore, it is inevitable to add a governor of Jiangnan."

Zhu Pingan explained confidently.

"This is your wishful thinking." Zhang Jing shook his head, "Governor of Jiangnan, how can you take such a powerful position and take it upon yourself to do so?"

Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and continued, "Sir, this is not Xiaguan's wishful thinking. Xiaguan's master Xu Jie exchanged letters with Xiaguan a few days ago. When Master Xu asked the Taoist Saint about the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River in the letter, Master Xu had It is recommended to the Holy One to establish an additional governor-general to supervise the military affairs of the six provinces including Southern Zhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Guangdong and Guangxi, and the Annex, delegate power to mobilize troops and raise pay, act expediently, and coordinate command and control in a unified manner."

"Haha, Mr. Xu Ge is very courageous." Zhang Jing couldn't help being startled when he heard this and commented.

"Haha, the Holy Majesty also said that Master Xu was courageous, but the Holy Majesty also said that Master Xu was not courageous enough, and the structure was not big enough. The Holy Majesty also placed Huguang under the Governor-General, and granted the Governor-General the power to make emergency decisions, whether to deploy troops or fight. Everyone can do things cheaply." Zhu Ping'an continued.

"Ah?" Zhang Jing was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that the Holy Emperor not only agreed to establish the governor of Jiangnan, but also expanded the jurisdiction of the governor of Jiangnan. Your Majesty, you are truly a hero.

However, thinking that he had been dismissed, Zhang Jing couldn't help but shook his head, laughed at himself and said, "Even if a governor is established, so what, what does it have to do with me, I am just a dismissed person."

"Sir, in terms of familiarity and understanding of the Japanese wars in various places in the south of the Yangtze River, and the familiarity and understanding of the military affairs of the various provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, who can be as good as my lord, who is the minister of the Ministry of War in Yingtian? Moreover, my lord once oversaw the military affairs of Guangdong and Guangxi, and put down the rebellion of the Yao people. He started a rebellion, and then planned to pacify the Annan Kingdom, and then put down the rebellion of Chief Si Enjiu and the people of Qiongzhou. He is familiar with military affairs, has rich experience, and has outstanding military exploits. If there is a governor of Jiangnan, the first choice must be your Excellency."

Zhu Pingan clasped his fingers and analyzed Zhang Jing's advantages one by one, and finally concluded with a look on his face.

Hearing Zhu Ping'an's analysis and his countless achievements, Zhang Jing's dead eyes couldn't help but a ripple, but soon fell into silence again, and he sighed lonelyly, "So what if I'm familiar with Japanese pirates and local military affairs?" ?So what if I had some trivial achievements? Mr. Zhu, don’t underestimate the heroes of the world. There are many people who are qualified to serve as the governor of Jiangnan. I, Mr. Zhang, am just a dismissed person now, and I am the least likely to be qualified to be the governor of Jiangnan. It’s me, Zhang.”

It was somewhat surprising that Zhu Ping'an knew himself so well, and that his past and achievements were as precious as those in his family.

However, it doesn’t matter if he is familiar with it, or if the analysis seems to be well-founded, he has already been dismissed.

Although I have the heart to do my job, I have been fired. What's the use of having the heart again? It's better to go home and spend more time with my old wife.

"It is precisely because your Excellency has been dismissed that the lower official is more certain that the Governor of Jiangnan is your Excellency!" Zhu Pingan said with determination.

It is precisely because I was dismissed that I am more certain that the Governor of Jiangnan is me?!

Zhang Jing couldn't help but be startled when he heard this. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, "What kind of genius logic are you talking about!"

I'm not sure who can serve as the governor of Jiangnan, but I'm sure it won't be me, Zhang!

How can I serve as the governor of Jiangnan if I dismiss him?

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