Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1598 Deciding to recruit troops

Early the next morning, Zhu Ping'an went to Zhang Jing to implement the promise made at yesterday's wine table and issued an approval document authorizing the Zhejiang Army to recruit 1,200 troops.

Zhu Pingan was very excited when he got the approval.

This is also thanks to the fact that the Zhejiang Army is a militia training group, not a regular army, so it can get permission to recruit troops so smoothly. Otherwise, there is no need to think about it at all. Zhang Jing has no rights, and the court will not allow it in a short time.

The foundation of the Ming Dynasty's military system was the garrison military system. Recruiting soldiers broke the Ming Dynasty's military system and became an enemy of the entire Ming Dynasty's old official positions. It was equivalent to stealing food from the six bureaus and other government offices, and was bound to encounter heavy opposition.

Historically, Qi Jiguang went through 81 difficulties in recruiting troops. It took several years from application to approval before he finally got the approval.

If there is no interference, according to the historical process, it will take at least two or three years before Qi Jiguang gets permission to recruit troops.

"Sir, I'm going to recruit troops right now." Zhu Ping'an got the approval and said goodbye to Zhang Jing anxiously.

Being able to recruit troops two or three years in advance is a great benefit to the fight against Japan. The earlier we recruit troops, the earlier we can put 2,000 new troops into the anti-Japanese battlefield, the earlier we can change the anti-Japanese situation. End Japanese invasion.

Time waits for no one, time is precious and cannot be wasted.

"Zihou, with this approval, you can go to any military camp or garrison to select existing veterans. You don't have to recruit new soldiers. If you go to recruit new soldiers, you have to start training from scratch, which will take a lot of time. If you choose The existing veterans have experienced training and have a certain foundation. If you train again, you will get twice the result with half the effort and save you a lot of time." Zhang Jing couldn't help but remind him when he saw Zhu Pingan was anxious to recruit troops.

How could Zhu Ping'an not know about Zhang Jing's reminder? Zhang Jing is now the governor-general of Jiangnan and the governor-general of military affairs in seven provinces. Naturally, his approval documents can be used in any guard post or military camp. However, Zhu Ping'an really has no interest in the guardsmen at all. The guardsmen at the end of this year have poor combat effectiveness, poor organizational discipline, disobey orders, and are afraid to stand in battle. If he calls them into the Zhejiang Army, the Zhejiang Army will be led astray.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an rejected Zhang Jing's kindness without hesitation, "Thank you sir, but I still want to go down and recruit new soldiers."

"Oh, Zihou, why do you sacrifice the near for the far?" Zhang Jing asked.

"Sir, I think military training is the same as educating students in a private school. Children who have just entered the school are like a blank piece of paper. As long as the rules are promulgated and a little education is imposed, they can develop good study habits and character; on the contrary, those who have just entered the school are like a blank sheet of paper. Old students who have been hanging out in the school for many years are like a piece of paper full of scribblings. Even if you keep an eye on them and supervise them all the time, it will not help and you will not be able to cultivate their good learning relationship and character. The same goes for military training. Recruiting new soldiers, although it takes a lot of time to train, can promulgate military laws and train them to follow orders and prohibitions; selecting veterans, although it seems to save training time, but they have already been stereotyped, and no matter how much training they are, they cannot train them to follow orders and prohibitions. Therefore, the official thought We have to go down and recruit recruits with a blank slate,"

Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and explained.

"Well, that sounds reasonable." Zhang Jing nodded slightly and asked curiously, "Zihou, where are you going to recruit soldiers?"

Where to recruit soldiers? !

Zhu Ping'an blurted out without thinking: "Yiwu".

Yiwu, yes, it is Yiwu!

Historically, Qi Jiguang recruited the famous Qi Jiajun from Yiwu. With successful experience, Zhu Pingan would not ignore it.

Qi Jiguang also went through some twists and turns when recruiting troops. Initially, Qi Jiguang recruited and trained a "new army" with Lishui and Shaoxing troops as the main force. This new army fought several small battles in Taizhou and other places and achieved victory. Qi Jiguang was very satisfied and proud of this. However, when Qi Jiguang was proud, the new army encountered a big battle. A tough battle, and then the Zhejiang army showed its true colors, retreated steadily, and fled in all directions.

Qi Jiguang was puzzled as to why this new army would be defeated. It shouldn't be. This new army has all the factors to win: (1) Excellent generals: This battle was personally commanded by me on the front line. There was no problem with my command. On the contrary, my command was very good and I captured the Japanese pirates. Weaknesses; (2) Superior troop strength: Our new army has more than 3,000 men, while the Japanese pirates on the opposite side only have a thousand, so we have a strength advantage; (3) Excellent equipment: Our new army is fully equipped, with both armor and firearms rates. Not low, and the weapons are all made of highly refined steel, which is much better than that of Japanese pirates; (4) Well-trained: Our side has been training intensively and rigorously for more than four months, and it can be said that we are well-trained

With so many advantages, why did they still lose the first battle and flee in all directions? After thinking for a long time, Qi Jiguang finally figured out that it was a problem of the source of troops.

Lishui soldiers fight fiercely, but they like to negotiate terms, and those who want to win are fierce. If they are unfavorable or have no benefit, or feel that they cannot fight, then they are just a mob and will never work hard; Shaoxing soldiers are not afraid of hard work and have no complaints, but they are unreliable on the battlefield. , if the enemy retreats on the battlefield, they will pursue them; but if the enemy attacks, they will retreat. A simple summary is that if the enemy runs, they will fight. If the enemy does not run, then they will run.

The soil and water support a person, and the soil and water support a soldier. This is the nature that has been cultivated by local water and soil for thousands of years, and it is difficult to change through training.

After this setback, Qi Jiguang has been worrying about finding the best place to source troops. Later, Qi Jiguang passed through Yiwu on a business trip and saw a gunfight in Yiwu. He found that the volunteer people were tough, brave and aggressive, and had organizational discipline. , I was immediately overjoyed and shouted that this was the source of my troops given by God.

Therefore, Qi Jiguang recruited soldiers on a voluntary basis and formed the strongest army in the world - the Qi Family Army.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an didn't even think twice and directly drew on Qi Jiguang's experience to recruit soldiers in Yiwu.

"Oh, why did Zihou choose to go to Yiwu to recruit troops?" Zhang Jing asked curiously.

"Ping An heard that Yiwu has too much land in the mountains and is barren, so it is not suitable for growing food. The local food output is the lowest. Local people make a living by mining. Mining often causes competition for mineral resources. In order to survive, this happens every year. In many cases of grabbing mineral resources, miners from both sides often fight with weapons, which can last for several days or as long as several months. There are many participants, killing and injuring countless people. Therefore, the locals in Yiwu are brave, tough and fearless. In addition, Because the local people in Yiwu make a living by mining, there are requirements for organizational discipline in the mines. The local people in Yiwu have good organizational discipline and are good candidates to serve as soldiers. The official thinks that the Yiwu people, with a little training, can become a capable army. An army that fights, fights bravely, and is good at fighting.”

Zhu Pingan handed over his hand and explained in detail.

"Haha, Zihou knows Yiwu in such detail. It seems that Zihou has already chosen a recruiting place." Zhang Jing smiled slightly and nodded, "Then go, I will wait and see."

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