Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1608 Stubborn Chen Dacheng

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for commending me and others from Yiwu. I am not worthy of it. Lord Zhu, please forgive me for speaking frankly. The officers and soldiers of the Guard Station are weak and cowardly, and their military discipline is corrupt. Does that mean that the Zhejiang Army is capable of fighting and has strict military discipline?"

Chen Dacheng listened to Zhu Pingan's praise for the people of Yiwu. Although he was touched by it, he was not forgotten by Zhu Pingan's few words of praise. After thanking Zhu Pingan with a fist, he asked a question very straightforwardly.

In his opinion, apart from their different names, what is the difference between Zhu Ping'an's Zhejiang army and the officers and soldiers of the guard station.

"I wonder if Patriarch Chen knows about the incident of Japanese pirates attacking Yingtian in Shangyu?" Zhu Ping'an asked without answering.

"I've heard a little bit." Chen Dacheng nodded slightly.

"Since Patriarch Chen has heard a little bit about it, he knows that the Japanese pirates from Shangyu who harassed Yingtian were annihilated by our Zhejiang army."

Zhu Pingan asked further.

"This commoner also knows, but wasn't it true that the Japanese pirates were drugged by adults in advance? After the Japanese pirates were drugged, anyone who can attack them can annihilate them. This does not mean that the Zhejiang army is good at fighting." Chen Dacheng said disapprovingly. .

"It's not like all the Japanese pirates were deceived. There are still Japanese pirates who are still capable of fighting back. We also annihilated the Japanese pirates after fighting for a while." Liu Dadao couldn't understand Chen Dacheng's attitude and said angrily.

"Haha, the common people have also heard about it. There are nine Japanese pirates who are resisting. You Zhejiang army of more than 800 people are fighting against nine Japanese pirates. Does it mean that you are good at fighting and capable of fighting?" Chen Dacheng sneered.

Liu Dadao opened his mouth, but was speechless. What he said seemed to make sense.

"It seems that Patriarch Chen has a deep understanding of the war situation at that time. Then Patriarch Chen should know that at that time, the Japanese pirates from Shangyu first defeated the Jiangning camp, burned, killed and looted Jiangning Town. Yingtian sent Jiang and Zhejiang patrol censor Hu Zongxian to lead 1,300 elite soldiers. They sniped at the Japanese pirates from Shangyu in the Cherry Orchard, but were defeated by the Japanese pirates and lost more than half of their troops. Taking advantage of the power of the cherry orchard's victory, the Japanese pirates from Shangyu invaded Yingtian City. The 40,000 defenders stood on the sidelines and watched, no one dared to go out of the city to fight. It was our 800 Zhejiang army who raised flags and beat drums. They were not afraid of death and rushed towards the Japanese pirates, causing them to retreat in fear. This cannot explain the relationship between our Zhejiang army and the guards. Are officers and soldiers different? Doesn’t it mean that our Zhejiang army is capable of fighting?!"

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Well," Chen Dacheng paused for a few seconds before nodding. "This does show to some extent that the Zhejiang army is different from the officers and soldiers of the guards. At least they dare to charge at the Japanese pirates."

Chen Dacheng shook his head slightly again, "However, the fact that the two armies are not in close combat is not enough to prove that the Zhejiang army is able to fight and is good at fighting. In addition, how to prove that your army's strict military discipline is different from the corrupt military discipline of the guards?"

"Dadao, you guys will memorize our army's military discipline for Patriarch Chen. First memorize the "Four Iron Laws, Eighteen Cuts"."

Zhu Pingan said to Liu Dadao and others.

"The Four Iron Rules: follow the command in all actions; do not take a stitch from the masses; all seizures must be returned to the public; do not demolish houses to death from freezing, do not plunder to death from starvation. Beheading at the 18th level: When the general is ordered, three drums are used, and those who fail to do so are beheaded. "If the drum fails to advance, the gold does not stop, the flag cannot be raised, and the flag cannot be lowered, he will be beheaded; if he pretends to be sick before the battle, he will be beheaded." Liu Dadao and others have long engraved the four iron rules of beheading into their bones. Just open your mouth and speak very smoothly.

When Chen Dacheng saw this, he opened his mouth in surprise. First, he was surprised that the military discipline of the Zhejiang Army was so strict. Second, he was surprised that Liu Dadao and others could recite it all smoothly. It can be seen that this "Four Iron Rules, Eighteen Cuts" is very popular in Zhejiang. The army implemented it very thoroughly.

"Our Zhejiang Army also implements the law of joint sitting. First, the superior officers sit jointly for the lower-level officers. If the lower-level officer is greedy and afraid of death and escapes from the battle, then the superior officer will be guilty of the same crime as him; secondly, the subordinate officers sit jointly for the superior officers. If the lower-level officer escapes, resulting in If the superior officer is killed in battle, then all the first-level officers under the officer will be executed; the soldiers will also sit together for the officer, and if the soldier escapes and the corps leader is killed, then all the soldiers in the army will be executed; thirdly, if soldiers and soldiers are jointly guaranteed, if one person escapes, the entire army will be executed. be punished!"

When Chen Dacheng opened his mouth in surprise and had not yet recovered, Zhu Ping'an further introduced the Zhejiang Army's continuous sitting method.

As a result, Chen Dacheng's mouth opened even wider

There is nothing to say about the military discipline of the Zhejiang Army. The military discipline of the Zhejiang Army can no longer be described as "strict", it is simply "harsh".

"Clan Chief Chen, is our Zhejiang Army's military discipline strict?" Zhu Pingan asked with a smile.

"Military discipline sounds very strict, but I don't know how to enforce it. Just like the government, what they say is better than what they do."

Chen Dacheng is still stubborn.

"Then you take someone with us to the Zhejiang Army barracks to have a look on the spot and see how our military discipline is enforced?"

Liu Dadao raised his eyebrows and asked.

Chen Dacheng shook his head and said calmly: "What can I say if I go and see it? What I saw in your military camp must be what you want me to see, and what I see may not be true."

When Liu Dadao heard this, he said angrily: "Our Zhejiang Army is open and honest, so we don't publish those frivolous things! Ten days ago, three of our Zhejiang Army, Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi, and Zhang Tiedan, left the camp privately. After sleeping with two widows in Bianjia Village, we adults held a public trial on the spot in Bianjia Village, invited people from ten miles and eight villages to conduct a public trial on the spot, and beheaded three of them on the spot. The punishment was official! All the people in nearby ten miles and eight villages saw it with our own eyes. Yes, if you are willing to inquire, you will definitely find out. This incident can prove that our Zhejiang Army not only has strict military disciplines, but also enforces them even more strictly!"

After listening to Liu Dadao's words, Chen Dacheng was startled for a moment and looked at the villagers watching the excitement in and outside the yard.

A villager scratched his head and whispered, "My daughter-in-law's aunt's family happens to be from Bianjia Village. My little boy was a full moon the day before yesterday. Her aunt and her family came to our house to have full moon wine. Her uncle seemed to be talking about a lot of things at the wine table. It seems that this matter was mentioned, but it was not very clear. It was said that there was a military camp where three soldiers sneaked out of the camp and forced two young widows from their village to sleep. Then there was a young official in the military camp. A public trial was held in their village, and the heads of the three soldiers were chopped off on the spot. It was so bloody that it was terrifying. Her uncle had nightmares for several days."

"My uncle is a businessman. He travels all over the country. A few days ago, soldiers from our Yiwu Guard Station came into the village and raped civilian women. In the end, it was a secret and nothing was done. My uncle also mentioned this matter with righteous indignation, saying that people should be punished. There is a military camp over there that raped three civilian girls who were soldiers, and all of them had their heads chopped off. We are fine now."

Another villager followed.

There is no smoke without fire, and there is no smoke without fire. More than one person has heard of this, which shows that it is true.

After hearing this, Chen Dacheng couldn't help but look directly at Zhu Ping'an.

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