Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1613 Bold guess

When Zhao Zhixian's brain was in a state of confusion, Zhu Ping'an spoke, "Mr. Zhao, how many people are engaged in the funeral industry in Yiwu County, including making coffins, setting points and graves, funerals, moving tombs, playing, playing and singing, etc. A detailed statistics must be made, please send someone to invite them all to the county government now, so that no one is left behind."

Although County Magistrate Zhao didn't understand Zhu Ping'an's purpose of asking about the funeral business, he still opened his mouth and answered: "Sir, there are eight coffin shops in Yiwu County, including three in the county and five in the towns below; There are many people who order graves, from all three religions and nine streams. This has been registered in the county government, and there are about 20 or 30 people. Most of the people who undertake funerals are from Yizhuang. There are five Yizhuangs in Yiwu County. In addition to Yizhuang, Zha Louzi shroud shops are also responsible for funeral arrangements. There are about a dozen Zhalouzi shroud shops in Yiwu County; there are about a dozen players who play, play, and sing, and most of them do both weddings and funerals."

It can be seen that Zhao Zhixian's work in Yiwu is still very solid, and he basically has a good idea of ​​all aspects of Yiwu.

Zhu Ping'an's evaluation of Zhao Zhixian was a little higher. There are really not many county magistrates who have achieved this level.

In the future, Zhao Zhixian’s achievements will definitely not be limited to county magistrates.

"Sir, these people are not a minority. Do they all need to be invited to the county government?" Zhao Zhixian asked uncertainly.

"Yes, don't leave any one behind." Zhu Pingan nodded heavily.

"Master Zhao, after inviting them to the county government, sent a clerk to inquire in detail and record whether they had undertaken funerals or tomb relocations in the two months before and after the incident last year. If they had undertaken funerals or tomb relocations during this period, It is necessary to record in detail who they hosted the event for, and to ask them specifically if there was anything suspicious or strange during the hosting process. No matter how outrageous, it must be recorded in detail, and finally ask them to sign and sign.”

Zhu Pingan continued.

"I obey." Magistrate Zhao nodded vigorously, then turned around and arranged for the officers to go to the county government office to retrieve the funeral industry files, compare the files, and invite all those engaged in the funeral industry to the government office.

After Zhao Zhixian arranged the matter, he couldn't restrain the doubts in his heart. He raised his hand and asked Zhu Pingan for advice, "Sir, I am a stupid official. I don't know what the purpose of asking people in the funeral industry is."

Chen Dacheng and others were also confused and didn't know what Zhu Pingan's intention was.

"Look for the victim's head." Zhu Pingan said in shock.

"Ah?" Zhao Zhixian was indeed shocked. The confusion in his mind became even more blurry, and there were more question marks.

"Master Zhao, I suspect that the victim in this case is not Chen Erlang's wife Zhang, but someone else."

Zhu Ping'an whispered in Zhao Zhixian's ear.

If the murderer was Chen Erlang, there was no need for Chen Erlang to cut off his wife's head and throw it away. Even if it was to vent his anger, it would be unreasonable to just throw away the head. On the contrary, if the murderer was not Chen Erlang, then why would he cut off his head and throw it away? The head was hidden. The murderer must have done it for a purpose. Collecting the head? This can basically be ruled out. If there is such a perverted collecting habit, there must be more than one case of victims whose heads were cut off in Yiwu County. However, Zhu Pingan also understood that there is only one case in Yiwu County where people were killed and their heads were cut off. ; Therefore, Zhu Pingan suspected that the murderer cut off the hidden head because he did not want everyone to see the victim’s head, and he did not want everyone to see the victim’s head. That was to cover up something. Following this line of thinking, Zhu Pingan had Made a bold guess.

Zhu Ping'an's first reaction was that the murderer might be trying to conceal the identity of the victim, and perhaps the victim was not Chen Erlang's wife Zhang at all. So if the victim is not Chen Erlang’s wife Zhang, who is it?

This question will be answered once the victim's head is found.

"Ah?! What?!"

Zhu Ping'an's words were more shocking than thunder. Zhao Zhixian almost jumped up in surprise.

"Shh, keep your voice low, don't make any noise, so as not to alert others." Zhu Pingan gently patted Zhao Zhixian on the shoulder.

"Yes, yes." Zhixian Zhao nodded repeatedly, but he couldn't help but whisper in Zhu Ping'an's ear, "But sir, there were no murders in Yiwu County in the two months before and after Chen Erlang's murder of his wife. Case."

"It is precisely because there is no homicide that I am more certain of my guess." Zhu Pingan said.

Hearing this, Zhixian Zhao was thoughtful and stunned for a long time. A light seemed to flash in his mind, and he seemed to understand something.

If the victim was someone else, it would make sense to cut off the head and hide it.

If the victim is someone else and no one reports the crime.

Then this real murder case was buried normally by the murderer in the form of a non-homicide case.

After all, if one person dies, paper cannot contain the fire. Only with a normal funeral can things calm down.

The body is at Chen Erlang's house, and there is only one head. How can the murderer be buried normally? It must be covered up. But no matter how hard you try to cover it up, it's impossible to cover everything. There will definitely be some strange things during the funeral.

Therefore, Mr. Zhu asked himself to send people to ask people in the funeral industry whether they had handled funerals, tomb relocations, etc. during a period of time when the crime occurred, and specifically asked whether there was anything suspicious or strange during the period.

"Sir, I seem to understand." Zhao Zhixian looked at Zhu Pingan.

"Just understand it and don't need to explain it in words, so as not to offend the enemy." Zhu Pingan nodded slightly.

"Yes." Zhao Zhixian nodded.

"Let's go back to the county office and wait for news." Zhu Ping'an said to Magistrate Zhao, "There are some questions that we need to ask them further."

When Zhu Ping'an and Zhao Zhixian left, Chen Dacheng also took several tribesmen with him to the county government office. His brother's case finally has hope again. How can he sit still at home? Firstly, he is worried and does not want to miss any details. Secondly, he also wants to contribute his strength to the case.

The Yiwu County Government Office was very efficient, and soon all the people engaged in the funeral industry in Yiwu County were invited to the County Government Office by the officials.

Zhao Zhixian checked and confirmed that all the people engaged in the funeral industry in Yiwu County were present and there were no omissions.

The clerks of the county government followed the instructions and asked them one by one whether they had handled funeral matters during the period of time when the crime occurred, and whether there were any suspicious or strange things during the period, and recorded them in detail.

Because there were many people engaged in the funeral industry and there were not enough clerks in the yamen, in order to improve the efficiency of case handling, Zhu Ping'an and Magistrate Zhao also went to inquire and record the records.

Zhao Zhixian ended up questioning five people, two of whom had been engaged in funeral matters during the incident. However, after careful recall, they all said that there was nothing suspicious or strange during the funeral process.

Magistrate Zhao noticed that none of the other scribes at the scene seemed to have recorded any suspicious or strange funeral matters.

Could it be that Mr. Zhu is going in the wrong direction?

Just when Zhao Zhixian was suspicious again, he saw a clerk standing up with a transcript and walking toward him with a somewhat excited expression.

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