Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1618 What a blessing

"Dacheng, you are the pride of our Yiwu. When you go to the Zhejiang Army, you must lead our Yiwu men to win glory for our Yiwu."

"Erdan, you must listen to the adults. If the adults ask you to go east, you don't dare to go west. If the adults ask you to beat the dogs, you don't dare to chase the chickens."

"Heiniu, my son, you have a lot of strength. If you kill more Japanese pirates, dad will build you a big house and marry a stepmother with a big butt and good fertility."

In the early morning of the next day, all 1,200 recruits arrived at the venue on time, preparing to leave for the Taohuaji Campus, the base camp of the Zhejiang Army. Their parents, relatives, and aunts and uncles all came to see them off. Yin Yin taught them to behave well and not to discredit Yiwu. .

But then, why do you want to live in a big house and marry a stepmother? ! Zhu Pingan shook his head in confusion.

"Master Zhu, have a nice journey." Zhao Zhixian stood at the gate of the city and said goodbye.

"By the good words of Magistrate Zhao." Zhu Ping'an returned the gift with his hand, then waved his right hand to everyone and ordered, "Let's go."

"Let's go. Everyone pay attention to the queue. They are not allowed to whisper to each other, look around or run." Liu Dadao and other veterans of the Zhejiang Army temporarily acted as instructors for the new recruits. They practiced along the way and rushed to the Taohuaji Campus.

While Zhu Ping'an led 1,200 Zhejiang Army recruits to Taohuaji Campus, Li Shu and his party arrived in Yangzhou on a building boat.

With Qin'er's support, Li Shu slowly got off the boat with her belly full. After stepping on the ground, she held the handkerchief in her delicate hands and covered her mouth. She couldn't help but let out a few retching sounds. In fact, Li Shu had already had morning sickness, but riding on the boat and going up and down with the waves still made her unable to help but have morning sickness again.

"Miss, hurry up and squeeze a sour plum." Qin'er opened a delicate food box, pinched out a sour plum and handed it to Li Shu.

Li Shu held a sour plum in her cherry mouth, and the sweet and sour taste gradually suppressed her overwhelming morning sickness.

"Miss, we've been in a hurry these past two days, but we're okay. Miss, how can she bear it with her big belly? This is also close to Yingtian. Miss, let's not hurry up and rest in Yangzhou for two days before rushing on."

Qin'er couldn't bear that the young lady was working so hard even though she was pregnant, so she hurriedly persuaded Li Shu to rest in Yangzhou for two days.

"I guess the two little guys are anxious to see Brother Zhu. It's not too late to settle down and have a good rest when they get there."

Li Shu smiled slightly, gently touched her pregnant belly with her slender hand, and said softly, rejecting Qin'er's suggestion.

"I think the young lady wants to see my uncle." Qin'er, who has an unusual relationship with Li Shu, said jokingly.

"Your little hooves are so bold that you dare to make fun of me, young lady." Li Shu couldn't help but squealed with a blushing face, then she bent a finger of her little hand and lightly played Qin'er's forehead.

"Ouch." Qin'er pretended to be in pain, making Li Shu giggle.

"Miss, to be honest, even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about the two young gentlemen. It's been a hard journey these past two days, and the two young gentlemen can't bear the burden, so the young lady suffered from morning sickness. For the sake of the two young gentlemen, For the young master’s sake, miss, let’s rest in Yangzhou for two days before continuing on our way.”

Qin'er persuaded seriously. In order to persuade Li Shu, Qin'er moved out the two unborn young masters and Zhu Ping'an, "Also, Miss. My uncle would definitely not be willing to let the young lady travel so hard. If he knew that the young lady was traveling all the way, It’s been so hard, I don’t know how distressed I am.”

Qin'er's words moved Li Shu. Li Shu stretched out her slender hand and gently touched her belly, feeling the baby's fetal movements.

Gulu, Gulu.

The baby's fetal movements are somewhat frequent. According to Uncle Zhang's teachings, this indicates that the baby is feeling uncomfortable.

As Qin'er said, it was indeed the hard work of rushing for the past two days that made the baby feel uncomfortable.

Li Shu, Li Shu, you have held back for so many months, are there still two days left? You must not rush to see Brother Zhu just because you want to see Brother Zhu, and let the baby have something happen. I reunited with Brother Zhu with my baby. I wanted to give Brother Zhu a surprise, but I couldn't bring him shock and regret.

Thinking of this, Li Shu nodded and said calmly, "Okay, let's rest in Yangzhou for two days before heading on the road."

"Miss is wise." Qin'er smiled brightly and gave her a rainbow fart at the right time.

If you have the money to clear the way, a restaurant with an elegant environment was quickly booked to entertain only Li Shu and his party.

The top-notch room in the restaurant was cleaned up. Qin'er helped Li Shu sit on the bed and stuffed a pillow behind her back to lean on. A little girl came in with a basin of hot water at a suitable temperature and sprinkled rose petals on Li Shu's bed. Soak your feet to relieve fatigue.

Qin'er sat on the edge of the bed and gently massaged Li Shu's calves. Because she was pregnant with twins, Li Shu's calves were a little swollen.

Li Hot Water soaked her feet and massaged her little hands. Most of the fatigue caused by the rush was gone. Li Shu closed her eyes comfortably and said, "Well, it feels good."

"Miss, these two young gentlemen are really lucky to be reborn in the belly of a mother who loves them so much."

Qin'er gently massaged her while talking quietly.

"Giggles, I think it's better to say that I'm blessed than they are blessed to have two sons at once." Li Shu chuckled, her eyes curled into crescent moons, full of happiness.

Qin'er thought of meeting her father-in-law the day before yesterday, and then continued with Li Shu's words, "Miss is blessed, and the two young gentlemen are even more blessed. The father-in-law whom she met the day before yesterday specially announced the good news to the young lady. Not only did the uncle rise to the fourth rank, On behalf of the deputy envoy, the emperor's kindness has been great, and he has also returned the kindness to the young masters. Tsk, tsk, the two young masters have not been born yet, and they are already members of the official family. This is not a great blessing."

"It's not two, it's one. This imperial edict from the Holy One can only benefit one household out of a hundred." Li Shu corrected with a smile.

"Oh, the emperor is so stingy." Qin'er pursed her lips and muttered when she heard this.

"What do you know, you girl? You are still stingy. The civil servant Yinzi's military position is a high-level award, and there are not many civil servants who have won this honor. Although the number of civil servants and Yinzi's military positions in this dynasty is more than in previous years, there are still only a few civil servants who have won this honor. It's the elder Ge and the governor, there are only a handful of people like Brother Zhu."

Li Shu smiled and shook her head.

"My uncle is so powerful. Hehe, now I can protect a young master. When my uncle makes great achievements, he will definitely be able to protect another young master. By then, the two young masters will be impartial and both will be officials."

Qin'er said confidently.

"Gee, you think it's easy to achieve meritorious service, just do it right away." Li Shu couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle.

"It's not easy for others, but it's easy for my uncle. My uncle is amazing." Qin'er was full of confidence in Zhu Pingan.

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