Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1620: Win people’s hearts

As soon as Li Shu finished speaking, she heard heavy and rapid footsteps coming from outside, as well as Wang Xiaoer's voice "Master Ou, slow down, wait for me", and several people outside the sedan. An old woman shouted loudly, "You brave black guy, stop there, don't rush into the lady."

Hearing the commotion outside, Li Shu said regretfully, "It looks like it's OK."

Now that it's done, why is it a pity for the young lady? Is it a pity that she couldn't be knocked unconscious and kidnapped?

Qin'er couldn't help but stick out her tongue when she thought of this.

The next second, I heard Ou Zhige's thunderous voice coming from outside the sedan, and he asked eagerly: "Your Excellency, if I read correctly, the two pages of paper you gave me are from "Fire Dragon" written by Master Jiao Yu. At the end of the second page of the fragment of the Sutra, there is a thing called "Explosive Cannon". The "Zhentian Lei" I studied is based on Master Jiao Yu's "Explosive Cannon". Your subordinates said that you Is it true that there is a complete copy of this book? After all, Master Jiao Yu's "Fire Dragon Sutra" has been lost for hundreds of years. I have collected only fragments of it for several years. I was inspired by it to study "Zhentian Lei" and other things. If I could It will definitely be of great help to my research to get a glimpse of the complete text. Unfortunately, the two pages you gave me are about the key points, but there is no following. Your Excellency, do you really have the complete version of Master Jiao Yu's "Fire Dragon Sutra"? You didn’t lie to me, did you?”

"The explosive cannon is made of pig iron, fasted, filled with medicine and pestle, put into a small bamboo tube, threaded a fire wire inside, and a long wire through the fire trough on the outside. Select the route that the invaders must take, and bury dozens of them in the pit. The medicine trough is connected to the steel wheel and covered with soil. , so that the thief does not know, he starts the engine and vibrates, the iron pieces are flying, and the flames are soaring into the sky." Li Shu's ups and downs voice sounded in the sedan.

This content, this content. Ou Zhige's eyes suddenly widened, and his breathing became rapid with excitement.

This content was exactly what was on the second page. Ou Zhige recognized it as soon as he heard it. His face flushed with excitement, and he felt as if he was hearing fairy music. The sound stopped.

"What's down there?" Ou Zhige asked, scratching his head and scratching his head.

"What, are you still doubting whether I have the complete copy?" Li Shu's voice came from inside the sedan.

"Don't dare, don't dare. If you are willing to lend me the complete copy of Master Jiao Yu's "Fire Dragon Sutra", I am willing to send you for five years, no, ten years, for free, as long as you give me three Just study freely at any time."

Ou Zhige couldn't wait to say that he was willing to sell himself for ten years in order to watch the famous "Fire Dragon Book", but he still didn't want to pay back a penny.

"No." Li Shu's voice came from inside the sedan.


Qin'er's voice and Ou Zhige's voice sounded at the same time. Qin'er and Ou Zhige were both surprised by Li Shu's rejection.

Qin'er unexpectedly looked at her young lady and asked with her eyes, "Miss, aren't we recruiting Ou Zhige for my uncle? He has agreed to sell himself for ten years, why did he refuse? Qin'er couldn't understand it."

Ou Zhige was also surprised. He thought about it, scratched his head, and said again, "That's right. The Fire Dragon Sutra was written by Master Jiao Yu who spent his whole life. Ten years is indeed too little, so twenty years Well, as long as you are willing to lend me a copy of the "Fire Dragon Sutra", I am willing to take no money and serve you for twenty years."

Twenty years, young lady, please agree quickly. Qin'er looked at her young lady excitedly.


Li Shu's voice sounded again.


Qin'er and Ou Zhige's unexpected voices sounded again at the same time.

Miss, he wanted to sell himself for twenty years, why did he refuse? Qin'er couldn't understand it.

After Ou Zhige's accident, he closed his eyes, made up his mind, and said firmly: "As long as you are willing to read the complete "Fire Dragon Sutra" for me, I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life. As long as you give me three hours a day, No, just two hours of free study is enough, at least one hour, no more."

"No." Li Shu's voice sounded again.

Qin'er is puzzled.

Ou Zhige's mouth opened wide in disbelief, with a look of sorrow on his face. He had been selling himself for the rest of his life, and he didn't get a penny. As long as he could study for an hour every day, why was he still rejected?

"Alas, it seems that I have no chance to meet Master Jiao Yu in this life. I don't have the honor to read Master Jiao Yu's "Fire Dragon Sutra", so I have become the lackey of Master Jiao Yu." Ou Zhige let out a long sigh, his heart was bleeding, and regret was like a black hole, completely swallowing him up. Swallowed, it seems that it will be difficult to get over the regret of missing the "Fire Dragon Sutra" in this life.

"I mean, you can't take any money. Am I such a stingy person?" Li Shu said leisurely, "I have already said it. I will give you two thousand taels of silver every year, and you can't take less than a penny."


Ou Zhige unexpectedly opened his mouth wide due to the twists and turns.

"As long as you agree to serve in the Zhejiang Army, not only can you watch "The Fire Dragon Sutra" at will, but you will also be given two thousand taels of silver every year."

Li Shu said leisurely.

"Thank you, noble man. Thank you very much, noble man. It's just that you don't need any money. Just show me the Fire Dragon Sutra."

Ou Zhige said excitedly.

"Then you refused?" Li Shu said leisurely.

"No, no, no, don't refuse, don't refuse." Ou Zhige shook his head like a rattle and said repeatedly, "I'm just a noble person. You really don't need so much silver. Just give me ten taels of silver every year to support your family."

"Just don't refuse. I said I'll give you two thousand taels of silver every year, so it won't be a penny less. As for how you want to spend it, that's your business, whether it's to support your family or do research, it's up to you. . Wang Xiaoer leaves it to you. Draw up a contract for him. After he signs it, have someone send him two thousand taels of silver notes and the Fire Dragon Sutra." Li Shu ordered calmly, impatient with this place. smelling the smell, he waved his hand and motioned to get up the sedan and leave.

"Thank you, noble man. Thank you, noble man." Ou Zhige excitedly thanked the sedan chair again and again.

This noble man is truly trustworthy, honest and generous. Not only did he give himself the "Fire Dragon Sutra" to watch, he also insisted on keeping his word and gave himself two thousand taels of silver every year. If you treat me with sincerity, I will repay you with all my efforts. I will swear to serve you to the death, and I will serve the Zhejiang Army till my death.

With these two thousand taels of silver, I can upgrade my blacksmith furnace and buy a large number of iron ingots, copper ingots, saltpeter, sulfur and other items for research.

Ou Zhige made up his mind.

"Miss, the blacksmith is willing to take nothing from you, why do you still need to give him two thousand taels of silver?"

Halfway through the walk, Qin'er couldn't help but ask.

"Back then, Liu Bei threw Adou in front of Changbanpo and scolded him in anger, 'You're such a little boy, you've ruined one of my generals!', which made Zhao Yun follow him in a heartless manner. With only two thousand taels of silver, I can buy a person's heart. Compared to Liu Bei, it's hundreds of times cheaper. Besides, the blacksmith is a crazy guy. If I give him two thousand taels of silver, I guess he can use it all to buy iron ingots, copper ingots, saltpeter and other things for research. In fact, he can help me. I saved two thousand taels of silver to buy something for him." Li Shu narrowed her eyes and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qin'er couldn't help but open her mouth. Then she opened the curtains and looked back. She saw Ou Zhige excitedly thanking the sedan.

It seems that he is the kind of Tiehanhan that my uncle said, someone who helps people pay for the money after being sold.

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