Rise From the Humble

Chapter 163 Failed self-recommendation

Guard against day and night, it is difficult to guard against house thieves.

It turns out that a rat has entered the business empire of Rich Man Li. He was born at home. Moreover, the rat seems to have become a spirit. It has profound knowledge and even keeps the accounts watertight. Rich Man Li and his family have checked the accounting room at home for several days. Find out the problem. Check the accounts, and no problem will be found; if you don’t check, the rats will empty out the granary, especially if they didn’t find anything in this check, it will make them act unscrupulously in the future, and now they have started to hook up with other companies... No It’s strange that it’s tricky.

However, a fake is still a fake, no matter how watertight it is, it is still a fake account. As long as it is a false account, it will always be discovered if it is investigated.

As for the reason why the account books were not found out, it is nothing more than a matter of method, method and time. People have been carefully preparing the account books for so many years. How can you find out in a few days with only two accounting offices?

The current accounting method in the Ming Dynasty is probably the revenue and expenditure accounting method in the single-entry accounting method, or the three-legged account. Now that we are in the Jiajing period, it is probably already a triangular account. However, this is not a problem, I have learned these in my previous life.

When I was learning ancient accounting methods, I joked with my classmates that in an era when there were no dragons, I had learned the magic of slaying dragons... I didn't expect that what I had learned before would be put to use now.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth as he thought about the past. What a coincidence. He was thinking about whether he could recommend himself again, just to return the favor.

Before Zhu Pingan could recommend himself, the sinister girl Li Shu over there started shouting.

"Okay, Zhu Pingan, you're grinning. Are you gloating?"

The dark-hearted girl was complaining to the little maid when she suddenly saw Zhu Pingan curling up the corner of his mouth and smiling. The dark-hearted girl couldn't help it and pointed at Zhu Pingan with her slender finger. Boss, full of anger.

"What a white-eyed wolf, you are just like them!" The sinister girl Li Shu glared hard at Zhu Pingan, she was so angry that her outstretched fingers trembled with anger.

White-eyed wolf?

Why do you think of those forty taels of silver when you hear these three words?

Because of this, for the first time, Zhu Ping'an had no idea of ​​getting angry at the shady girl's unreasonable troubles.

"I'm not gloating, just because I think I can help." Zhu Pingan looked at the sinister girl and said calmly.

As soon as Zhu Ping'an finished speaking, the scheming girl over there, Yingying, immediately made a disdainful smile and made a strange voice.

"Can you help? How can you help? You think that you are great because you are admitted as a scholar. You are so self-righteous! You think that you can read the account book if you are literate. Who do you think you are? You are so loud for a toad! "

The sinister girl pursed her lips, sarcastically, and raised her nose and eyes.

Sure enough, he is as sinister, venomous, and arrogant as ever, making people want to beat him up.

This girl had nothing but contempt for her. At that time, this girl must have had her head pinched by the door before letting people give her money, otherwise she would not be able to figure it out.

As for the speculation that our young lady fell in love with a poor scholar, it’s all nonsense. In modern times, this girl’s money-worshiping level is definitely beyond that of the person who “would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle.” Manuo Eighteen Streets, this is a girl who changes into a new set of clothes every day, and she never looks the same. Even if she has her head pinched eighteen times, she will never make such a guess.

Just by listening to her left sentence of toad and right sentence of poor, one can know this girl's attitude towards her.

Besides, I have absolutely no interest in this kind of black-bellied and arrogant. So what if she is pretty, anyway, I have no interest in conquest, training, and the like.

That's why Zhu Ping'an thought about helping the Li family this time, and why she gave him money, she didn't have to think about it anymore.

"I also dabbled in the ledger a little bit, maybe I can..." Zhu Pingan said lightly.

All martial arts in the world are indestructible, except speed. The sinister girl has completely mastered the essence of it. Zhu Pingan was interrupted disdainfully only halfway through what he said.

"Let's read your book!" The dark-bellied girl rolled her eyes.

"This villain can talk big things." Baozi's servant girl Hua'er also pouted her mouth and whispered to the black-bellied girl.


The words of the two girls commenting on Zhu Ping'an in a low voice reached Zhu Ping'an's ears through the air, which made a certain young man who recommended himself to rest his mind.

Come on, I really think too much. Find more accounting offices, spend more time, be slow and careful, you can always find loopholes in the account books, and the fake ones will be fake after all. How can I use myself, really, hehe...

It's a big deal to treat her body in her own way, and she can find someone at random, and just find a reason to return the money to her.

After thinking about it, Zhu Ping'an felt relieved, put the book in his schoolbag and prepared to get up and leave.

"Hurry up, put all the ledgers in the study, and be careful not to break a single corner."

When Zhu Pingan was about to say goodbye and leave, the accountant, Uncle Wang, who used to be in charge of the study, shouted and ordered six young men to carry three large stacks of tied up account books into the study.


How come there are so many ledgers? How much business did Mr. Li do? This should only be about the ledgers of those problematic shopkeepers! No wonder rich man Li took the accountant at home to find out the problem. With so many account books, if you use the ancient method to check the accounts, at least you need to hire three times as many accountants.

"Uncle Wang, I borrowed a good book." Zhu Pingan patted his school bag and said.

"Oh, Mr. Xiao Zhu, I heard that your success in the exam this time shocked the whole town. Yes, good, I like you. You can just take the book. I trust you." Wang Accountant wiped With the sweat on his head, he praised Zhu Ping'an and waved his hand.

It seems that the accountant Wang was also tortured by writing the account book.

"Uncle Wang, please take your time. I won't disturb your business." Zhu Pingan put his schoolbag across his shoulders and cupped his hands.

"Go back and work hard. I'm very optimistic about you." When Uncle Wang instructed the boy to place the account books, he still didn't forget to tell Zhu Ping'an back.

"I would like to borrow your good words." Zhu Pingan smiled silly.

Hearing this, the sinister girl in the distance curled her lips in disdain, and a sentence escaped from her teeth, "One bottle is not enough, half a bottle is enough."

This girl must be sick. If she is modest, she will call herself hypocritical; if she is a little immodest, she will say that she is self-righteous and feels good about herself.

It's really time.

"Thanks for the reminder, girl."

A disapproving smile appeared on Zhu Ping'an's lips, he cupped his hands at the dark-faced girl from a distance, then said goodbye and left.

It's exactly like a generous elder facing a little guy who loses his temper.


The dark-hearted girl was offended by Zhu Ping'an's calm reaction. She pouted her lips and let out another cry of contempt.

Unfortunately, Zhu Ping'an had already walked away, and the angry girl stamped her foot again.

Soap almost ran to the feet of the third master. Thank you so much. There are only 686 votes so far, thank you so much.

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