Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1665 Hua’an Questions and Answers (Part 1)

After Zhang Jing walked away, the atmosphere of the reception ceremony plummeted, and the remaining officials were also a little distracted. They wanted to flatter and flatter Zhao Wenhua, but they were also worried that they would be liquidated by Zhang Jing if they stayed.

However, if he followed Zhang Jing directly, he would offend Zhao Wenhua again. Zhang Jing had the capital to go. He was the governor of Jiangnan. He held a high position and had a large number of troops. He was deeply trusted by the emperor, but they did not.

Neither leaving nor staying; neither daring to leave nor daring to stay.

As a result, all the officials were fidgeting in their seats as if they had hemorrhoids on their buttocks, feeling tormented in their hearts.

In the end, Zhao Wenhua was considerate and stood up to thank all the officials for helping him clean up the dust and ended the banquet early.

Everyone bowed their hands and thanked them and dispersed. Zhao Wenhua said goodbye to all the officials, big and small, at the door, which greatly moved all the officials, especially the middle and lower-level officials.

In the end, the banquet was over and everyone dispersed, except for Zhu Ping'an.

There was no other way. Before the reception banquet started, Zhao Wenhua stopped Zhu Pingan in public and asked Zhu Pingan to stay and taste tea after the banquet. Zhu Pingan couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

"Zihou, let's go, follow me to the study and try the tea I brought from the capital." After Zhao Wenhua saw everyone off at the door, he patted Zhu Pingan on the shoulder and said with a smile on his face.

Zhu Pingan followed him all the way to the study.

"Come on, have a taste."

After a dazzling series of tea art operations, Zhao Wenhua poured a cup of tea with his own hands, handed it to Zhu Pingan, and motioned for Zhu Pingan to taste it.

"Thank you teacher."

Zhu Pingan thanked him and took the tea cup with both hands. The tea in the cup was green tea. The soup was bright green and exuded a refreshing tea aroma.

Zhu Ping'an is actually not good at tea tasting, but he has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running around, so it's okay to comment on it.

Zhu Pingan took a sip lightly, closed his eyes and pretended to reflect for a moment, then opened his eyes and commented, "The soup is green and bright, the mouth is pure and refreshing, the fragrance is refreshing, and the aftertaste is long. It is really a good tea. The students are in for a treat."

"Good tea, haha. This is half a catty of tea given to me by my adoptive father before I left Beijing. It is the world-famous usnea tea. The usnea tea given to me by my adoptive father is even more precious among the rare usnea teas. Brother Lou asked his adoptive father for help many times, but his adoptive father only gave him two taels." Zhao Wenhua laughed and said with a proud look on his face.

There is a difference between closeness and distance. No matter what, he is still his biological son. You are just your godson, so there is nothing to be proud of.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but secretly curse in his heart.

"Does Zihou know about Usnea tea?" Zhao Wenhua asked.

"Students are ignorant and ignorant, so please ask the teacher for advice." Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly and said with cupped hands.

Whether in modern times or in ancient times, Zhu Ping'an was not from a high background, and he did not have high requirements for tea. It does not matter whether it is new tea, old tea, or even green tea or black tea. Brewing a pot of tea can quench thirst, refresh you, and relieve tiredness. .

After living with Li Shu, the quality of the tea I enjoyed improved. All I drank was good tea and new tea. Now when you taste tea, it can be divided into new tea, old tea, good tea and ordinary tea. If you want to go further, I can't do it.

As for the usnea tea mentioned by Zhao Wenhua, Zhu Pingan had never heard of it and really didn't pay attention to it.

"This Usnea tea is produced in Usnea Mountain. There are poems that say: There are not many famous mountains in Huijun, but only Usnea has a good situation. The mountains are surrounded by colorful lights, and the pines and cypresses are often surrounded by white clouds. Usnea Mountain is uniquely endowed by nature, and good mountains are good for pregnancy. Tea, this is Usnea tea. In fact, Usnea tea has only become famous in recent years. It was hard to buy for a while. The reason why it is famous is because of Monk Dafang. This Monk Dafang lives and practices in Usnea Mountain, and he likes to make tea. Tea, tea making is exquisite. Thousands of years of studying Buddhist scriptures, enlightenment, and tea making skills have been improved again. The usnea tea fried by himself has the best taste in the world. It has been spread through the mouths of people who worship Buddha, and it has quickly gained fame. One or two Usnea tea is worth one or two gold. Although it is expensive, the supply exceeds the demand and people still want it. The hustle and bustle in the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. In the end, the generous monk could not stand the temptation and returned to the secular world to fry and sell tea. , I heard that now I am very wealthy, I have married three wives and four concubines, I have many servants, and I have become one of the most wealthy families in Hui County."

Zhao Wenhua smiled and briefly told Zhu Pingan the origin of usnea tea.


This Usnea tea, in current terms, was the most popular internet celebrity tea in the Ming Dynasty.

A monk returns to secular life to sell tea, which is like a Buddha jumping over the wall. It has the ability to spread the topic. Everyone wants to try the taste of the tea that even the eminent monks can't stand the temptation to sell, so it spreads all of a sudden and becomes an Internet celebrity tea.

Zhu Pingan suddenly understood.

"However, although Monk Dafang made a fortune, his reputation was despised by others. Especially among Buddhists, they denounced him as a scum of Buddhism and expelled him from Buddhism. Many temples have the words "Monk Dafang and dogs are not allowed to enter." "The admonition. There are rumors in the world that Monk Dafang had six impure roots when he was in the temple, harassed women from good families who worshiped the Buddha, became rich and unkind after returning to secular life, bullied men and women, forced girls into prostitution, etc. His reputation was ruined. Although Monk Dafang was rich, But it can’t stop everyone in the world from talking.”

Zhao Wenhua looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile and said slowly.

Did Zhao Wenhua mean something? Zhu Ping'an noticed in his heart and vaguely guessed Zhao Wenhua's intention.

"So, Zihou, three people become tigers, many people speak for gold, and accumulate and destroy bones. This man's words are terrible. If this generous monk had been in the imperial court, he would have been impeached to death." Zhao Wenhua said with emotion.

"Zihou, as you see, I have been slandered by others. What can I do?" Zhao Wenhua looked at Zhu Ping'an and asked slowly.

"Real gold is not afraid of fire, and an upright body is not afraid of slanted shadows. You can prove your innocence." Zhu Pingan replied.

"Okay, a true gold is not afraid of fire, and a person who is upright is not afraid of slanting shadows." Hearing this, Zhao Wenhua clapped his hands for a while, then looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile, and asked leisurely, "Zihou is learned and talented, you should know that Yue Fei The case of Yue Wumu being killed by Qin Hui on Fengbo Ting on trumped-up charges. Let me ask Zihou, is Yue Wumu real gold? Is Yue Wumu upright? When Qin Hui instigated his comrade Wan Qixi to report to Song Gaozong to fabricate Yue Fei's resistance During the Jin Dynasty, how could Yue Wumu prove his innocence when there were many unfounded "crimes" such as supporting troops and abandoning positions? When Qin Hui bribed Zhang Jun, Wang Gui, and Wang Jun to falsely accuse Yue Fei's son, Yue Yun wrote to Zhang Xian, trying to How could Yue Wumu prove his innocence when he jointly launched a mutiny? When the old Han Shizhong complained about Yue Wumu and questioned Qin Hui, but Qin Hui replied that there was no reason for it, how could Yue Wumu prove his innocence? "

How did Yue Fei prove his innocence?

Can't prove it.

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